Assassin Skill Translation:
Assassin's Basic Skills
Kindly check skill cool down & damage yourself in-game as I don't want this post to be too long.
Some of the skill names (with exclamation mark) are really hard to translate so don't take them too serious. :p
NOTE #1: Choke = Destroyer skill, Grab = Force Master skill, Seize = Kungfu Master skill.
NOTE #2: You can 'Shadow Bind' a target when you cast Shadow Shuriken on a target with slow debuff. (NOTE: There are 2 types of slow debuff, you can only Shadow Bind target with this debuff:
, NOT this
: )
NOTE #3: Assassin has 50% increased dodge rate & critical damage while staying stealth.
Skill Description: Your basic attack. Slashes single target. Recover 1 energy orb for first 2 hits and 2 energy orbs for 3rd hit.. Cast Condition: None
Skill Description: Step on a target. Recover 2 energy orbs. Cast Condition: Knocked down enemy
Skill Description: Attack target on air twice. Consume 1 energy orb. Cast Condition: Floating enemy
Skill Description: Catches a target on air and dive to ground, dealing massive damage. Consume 3 energy orbs. Cast Condition: Floating enemy
Skill Description: Stab from behind and stun your target for 2 seconds. Consume 3 energy orbs. Cast Condition: Stealth
Skill Description: 1 second cast time while out of stealth mode. Cast instantly while in stealth mode. Consume 3 energy orbs. Cast Condition: None
Skill Description: Stun your target for 2 seconds and perform a back flip afterward. Target attacked by this skill cannot cast blocking skills for next 6 seconds.
Skill Description: Move to the back of your target and remain invisible for 6 seconds. Recover 4 energy orbs. Cast Condition: Sprinting / gliding on air (Right click to go to the back of your target)
Skill Description: Bind your target for 4 seconds. Any form of attack on your target will remove the web binding. Cast Condition: Floating OR knocked down enemy
Skill Description: Bind your target's movement for 3 seconds from a distance.
Cast Condition: Stunned OR weakened enemy 5m away from you
Level Shuriken to Tier 2 Level 2 to learn this skill
Skill Description: Move behind a target with 'Shadow Bind' debuff and weaken him for 2 seconds.
Skill Description: Move behind a target and weaken him for 3 seconds.
Skill Description: Recover from knocked down, weakened or paralyzed.
Skill Description: Snap a stunned target's neck and absorb 10% damage dealt as HP. Consume 1 energy orb.
Cast Condition: Stunned enemy
Skill Description: Jump up and deal damage to an area below you. Consume 3 energy.
Skill Description: Recover from knocked down or paralyzed, goes into stealth mode. Nearby enemies loses sight and hearing for 2 seconds. Recover 3 energy orbs.
Skill Description: Swap position with your target.
Skill Description: Kick your target into the air.
Not available yet. Requires level 38.
Skill Description: Slows an enemy for 12 seconds. Goes invisible for 6 seconds if you cast this skill to break your target's guard. Consume 2 energy orbs.
Skill Description: Knocks back your target.
Cast Condition: Stealth
Skill Description: Sneak up to your target. Recover 1 energy orb.
Goes into stealth mode if you sneak behind your target. Recover 4 energy orbs.
Skill Description: Deal damage to enemy choking or seizing you.
Skill Description: Paralyze your target for 30 seconds. Any attack on paralyzed target will wake him up immediately.
Skill Description: Deal damage to surrounding enemies. Enemy hit by shuriken will get slowed by 30% for 8 seconds. You will get knocked down again for 1 second if you were attacked while casting this.
Cast Condition: Knocked down
Skill Description: Goes into counterattack stance for 1.5 second. Recover 3 energy orbs and goes invisible behind your attacker for 6 seconds upon successful counter.
Skill Description: Goes into counterattack stance for 2 seconds. Goes behind your attacker and stun him for 1 second upon successful counter. Cast Condition: Knocked down
Skill Description: Attempt to break free from choked or seized while dealing damage at the same time.
Skill Description: Plant a timed dynamite on target, explodes after 7 seconds. Consume 1 energy orb.
Cast Condition: Stealth
Skill Description: Deal 2 hits damage to target and stack a layer of poison. Consume 1 energy orb.
Cast Condition: None
Skill Description: Deals 2 hits damage to enemies at frontal area. Each successful hit stacks a layer of poison. Consume 1 energy orb.
Skill Description: Stun targets in a fan shaped area for 2 seconds. Consume 3 energy orbs.
Cast Condition: Stealth
Skill Description: Plants a land mine which last 20 seconds on field. Press 'Z' again to trigger the land mine. Enemies within explosion radius will get knocked down for 3 seconds. Consume 4 energy orbs.
Cast Condition: None
Skill Description: Deal damage to a target from a distance. Recover 1 energy orb.
Skill Description: Place 'Shadow Bind' on target for 10 seconds, slowing his movement speed by 30%.
Skill Description: Deal damage to target bound with 'Silver String', extend knock down duration by 3 seconds.
Cast Condition: Target bound with 'Silver String'.
Skill Description: Rush to your target and deal 5 consecutive attacks. Consume 3 energy orbs.
Skill Description: Deal high damage to target bound with 'Silver String'.
Level Lotus Dance to Tier 4 Level 4 to learn.
Skill Description: Move behind your target, deal damage and slow him for 9 seconds. Perform a back flip afterward.
Cast Condition: Stealth
Skill Description: Pull a target bound with 'Silver String' to yourself.
Skill Description: Place a Purple Lotus on ground. Pressing 'V' again will warp you back to Purple Lotus.
Cast Condition: None
Skill Description: Move behind your target. Resist all damage within 0.5 second. Goes into stealth mode and recover 4 energy orbs upon resisting an attack. (MUST resist an attack to go invisible)
Cast Condition: None
Not available yet. Requires level 46.
Skill Description: Leap 8 meters in front of you. Recover 1 energy orb.
Cast Condition: None
Skill Mastery
You can start assigning skill points to strengthen your skills after finishing 八部奇才 main quest around level 15. Plan which tier and level to take carefully as it will alter your gameplay by A LOT!
NOTE #1: I will only translate added / removed effect for each tier / level only. Please use in game skill tree as reference! (Highlighted green = New effect, Crossed out text = Removed effect)
NOTE #2: All level 5 skills are not available yet.
NOTE #3: You can reset your skill points any time, any where.
Tier 1 Level 1
New Effect: Increased damage.
Tier 1 Level 2
New Effect: Stack a layer of poison for every successful hit.
Tier 1 Level 2-2
New Effect: Stack a layer of bleeding effect for every successful hit.
Tier 1 Level 3
New Effect: Deal additional damage to stunned OR weakened target.
Tier 1 Level 4
New Effect: Recover energy orb even if your attack was blocked / countered.
Tier 1 Level 5
New Effect: Dealing critical damage with Mist Slash allow you to instant cast next 'Heart Thrust' with no energy orbs consumed.
Tier 2 Level 2
New Effect: Absorb 5% damage dealt as HP.
Removed Effect: Stack a layer of poison for every successful hit.
Tier 2 Level 3
New Effect: Increased 10% dodge rate when attacking with Mist Slash.
Tier 2 Level 4
New Effect: Recover 1% total HP when you dodged an attack while attacking with Mist Slash.
Tier 2 Level 5
New Effect: Lowers cooldown of 'Flash Dodge' by 1 second every time you dodged an attack while attacking with Mist Slash.
Tier 1 Level 1
New Effect: Consumed energy orbs from 3 > 2.
Tier 1 Level 2
New Effect: Ignore defense. CD from 9 seconds > 18 seconds.
Tier 1 Level 3
New Effect: Able to counter attack enemy in counter stance. (e.g. An assassin casting Decoy)
Tier 1 Level 4
New Effect: Recover 3 energy orbs upon successful counter attack.
Tier 1 Level 5
New Effect: Reduce cooldown of Back Stab by 1 second every time you hit target from behind.
Tier 2 Level 2
New Effect: Consume 2 energy orbs > Recover 3 energy orbs.
Removed Effect: Stun.
Tier 2 Level 3
New Effect: CD from 9 seconds > 6 seconds.
Tier 2 Level 4
New Effect: Increased damage.
Tier 2 Level 5
New Effect: Recover 3 energy orbs every 3 seconds for 9 seconds after dealing critical damage with Back Stab.
Tier 3 Level 3
New Effect: Recover 3 energy orbs > Consume 2 energy orbs. Damage increased. Single target > All frontal enemies take damage.
Tier 3 Level 4
New Effect: Consume 3 energy orbs. Dealing critical damage with this skill recovers used (3) energy orbs.
Tier 3 Level 5
New Effect: Goes into stealth mode for 6 seconds & able to cast for second time after dealing critical damage.
Tier 1 Level 1
New Effect: Attacking target with 5x poison debuff allows you to go stealth for 6 seconds. (Attacking in stealth mode resets stealth duration back to 6 seconds)
Tier 1 Level 2
New Effect: Increased damage.
Tier 1 Level 3
New Effect: Deal additional damage to target with 5x poison debuff.
Tier 1 Level 4
New Effect: Every 4th consecutive casting doesn't consume energy orbs. (Bonus last 5 seconds)
Tier 1 Level 5
New Effect: Dealing critical damage with this skill recovers used (3) energy orbs.
Tier 2 Level 3
New Effect: Replaces Heart Thrust with Frag Bombs. Deal damage to frontal area. Every hit stacks a layer of bleeding debuff.
Removed Effect: Stealth. Unable to cast under stealth mode.
Tier 2 Level 4
New Effect: Dealing critical damage reduces energy consumed of next casting by 2.
Tier 2 Level 5
New Effect: Deal additional damage to target with 5 layers bleeding debuff.
Tier 3 Level 2
New Effect: Absorb 10% of damage dealt as HP.
Tier 3 Level 3
New Effect: Recover 1% total HP for every successful hit behind target. Successfully reset stealth duration recover an additional 1% total HP.
Tier 3 Level 4
New Effect: Absorb additional 10% of damage dealt as HP when attacking target with 5 layers poison debuff.
Tier 3 Level 5
New Effect: Double absorbed HP when attacking behind target.
Tier 1 Level 1
New Effect: Consumed energy orbs from 3 > 2.
Tier 1 Level 2
New Effect: Recover 1 energy orb for every enemy hit.
Tier 1 Level 4
New Effect: Deal additional damage to enemy with slow debuff.
Tier 1 Level 5
New Effect: Able to cast 2nd Dragon Kick with faster casting animation.
Tier 2 Level 2
New Effect: Increased damage
Removed Effect: Area damage > Single target.
Tier 2 Level 3
New Effect: Deal additional damage to target with 5x poison debuff.
Tier 2 Level 5
New Effect: Dealing critical damage will recover 10 energy orbs over 5 seconds.
Tier 3 Level 3
New Effect: Deal additional damage to seized target. CD increased from instant > 36 seconds.
Tier 3 Level 4
New Effect: Dealing critical damage recovers used (2) energy.
Tier 3 Level 5
New Effect: Able to cast for second time ignoring CD after dealing critical damage. Target doesn't need to be knocked down.
Tier 1 Level 1
New Effect: Increased energy recovered from 3 > 5.
Tier 1 Level 2
New Effect: Able to recover from stunned or weakened.
Tier 1 Level 3
New Effect: Able to recover from seized, choked or grabbed.
Tier 1 Level 4
New Effect: Resist all attacks for 1 second at the end of Flash Dodge animation.
Tier 1 Level 5
New Effect: Resist stun or weaken status for 5 seconds.
Tier 1 Level 1
New Effect: CD reduced from 9 seconds > 6 seconds.
Tier 1 Level 2
New Effect: Gain 99% dodge rate for 1st attack received and increase dodge rate by 10% for 8 seconds if failed to go into stealth mode.
Tier 1 Level 3
New Effect: Recover 1 energy orb whenever you dodge an attack with dodge buff on.
Tier 1 Level 4
New Effect: Recover 5% total HP if successfully going into stealth mode.
Tier 1 Level 5
New Effect: Resist all attacks for 2 seconds if successfully going into stealth mode.
Tier 2 Level 2
New Effect: Replaces Sneak with 'Assault'. Deals damage and stun target for 1 second. CD increased from 6 seconds > 30 seconds. (Still able to go into stealth mode if attack from behind target)
Tier 2 Level 3
New Effect: Resist all attacks while rushing to your target.
Tier 2 Level 4
New Effect: Slow target for 6 seconds if successfully attack from behind target.
Tier 2 Level 5
New Effect: Goes into stealth mode for 6 seconds when attacking target with slow debuff. Doesn't matter which direction you rushing from.
Tier 3 Level 3
New Effect: CD reduced from 30 seconds > 9 seconds.
Removed Effect: Stun
Tier 3 Level 4
New Effect: Deals double damage to target with slow debuff.
Tier 3 Level 5
New Effect: Goes into stealth mode for 6 seconds if you deal critical damage with Assault.
Tier 1 Level 1
New Effect: Energy consumed reduced from 3 > 2.
Tier 1 Level 3
New Effect: Knock down target for 3 seconds.
Removed Effect: 30 seconds paralysis.
Tier 1 Level 4
New Effect: Weaken target for 3 seconds.
Removed Effect: 3 seconds knock down.
Tier 1 Level 5
New Effect: Move behind enemy. Casting ranged increased from 3m > 16m.
Tier 2 Level 2
New Effect: Knock down enemies in front of you for 3 seconds.
Removed Effect: 30 seconds paralysis.
Tier 2 Level 4
New Effect: Slow enemies for 6 seconds
Tier 2 Level 5
New Effect: Pierce through guards.
Tier 1 Level 1
New Effect: Increase energy orbs recovered from 3 > 4.
Tier 1 Level 3
New Effect: Forms a barrier which can absorb damage equivalent to 5% of your total HP if failed to counter attack.
Tier 1 Level 4
New Effect: Recovers 2% of total HP in 5 seconds.
Tier 1 Level 5
New Effect: Resist all attacks for 2 seconds upon successful counter attack.
Tier 2 Level 3
New Effect: All party members gains a buff which protects them from debuff.
Tier 2 Level 4
New Effect: Party member in stealth who successfully resist a debuff will recover 5% total HP over 10 seconds.
Tier 2 Level 5
New Effect: Party member in stealth are able to resist 1 attack after the buff ends.
Tier 3 Level 3
New Effect: Counter attacked enemy will lose 20% energy. Counter stance duration reduced from 1.5 second > 1 second.
Tier 3 Level 4
New Effect: Enemy counter attacked in 0.5 second will get weaken for 2 seconds. CD increased from 8 seconds > 12 seconds.
Tier 3 Level 5
New Effect: Counter attacked enemy will lose sight and hearing for 2 seconds.
Tier 1 Level 1
New Effect: Increased damage.
Tier 1 Level 2
New Effect: Able to cast 3 consecutive times on stunned, weakened, choked and grabbed target.
Tier 1 Level 3
New Effect: Able to cast 4 consecutive times on stunned, weakened, choked and grabbed target. CD increased from 45 seconds > 60 seconds.
Tier 1 Level 3-2
New Effect: Able to cast 5 consecutive times on stunned, weakened, choked and grabbed target.
Tier 1 Level 4
New Effect: Deal additional damage to stunned, weakened, choked and grabbed target.
Tier 1 Level 5
New Effect: Doesn't break out of stealth mode.
Tier 2 Level 2
New Effect: Energy orbs consumed increased from 1 > 2. Deal damage to frontal area instead of single target. CD decreased from 45 seconds > 36 seconds.
Tier 2 Level 3
New Effect: Deal additional damage to enemy with slow debuff.
Tier 2 Level 4
New Effect: Dealing critical damage slow enemy by 6 seconds.
Tier 2 Level 5
New Effect: Able to cast second time after dealing critical damage.
Tier 3 Level 3
New Effect: Slow enemies for 6 seconds. CD Decreased from 36 seconds > 30 seconds. Removed Effect: Stack a layer of poison on target.
Tier 3 Level 4
New Effect: Knock down enemies for 3 seconds.
Tier 3 Level 5
New Effect: Increased area of effect.
Tier 1 Level 1
New Effect: Deals 5 hits damage.
Tier 1 Level 2
New Effect: Increased damage.
Tier 1 Level 3
New Effect: Increase critical rate by 3% for 5 seconds.
Tier 1 Level 4
New Effect: Stack 2 layer of poison on critical hit. Increase critical rate by 5% for 5 seconds.
Tier 1 Level 5
New Effect: Able to instant cast 'Heart Thrust' without consuming energy orbs upon critical hit.
Tier 2 Level 3
New Effect: Replaces Poison Breath with 'Poison Moth'. Maximum of 5 targets, deal 4 times damage over 8 seconds. Enemies with Poison Moth debuff are unable to guard for 8 seconds.
Tier 2 Level 4
New Effect: Target with Poison Moth debuff will get slowed down by 5% for 6 seconds every time he receives a hit.
Tier 2 Level 5
New Effect: Target with Poison Moth debuff loses 10% energy while caster recovers 1 energy orb for every hit the target receives.
Tier 1 Level 1
New Effect: Enemies within explosion radius get slowed by 30% for 8 seconds.
NOTE: You cannot Shadow Bind with this slow debuff!
Tier 1 Level 2
New Effect: Enemies with poison debuff gets weakened instead of knocked down for 3 seconds.
Tier 1 Level 3
New Effect: Stunned or weakened enemies floats.
Tier 1 Level 5
New Effect: Enemies within explosion radius lose sight & hearing for 5 seconds.
Tier 2 Level 2
New Effect: Replaces Land Mine with 'Grenade'. Able to throw grenade at enemies from a distance. CD increased from 1 second > 18 seconds.
Removed Effect: Knock down and slow removed.
Tier 2 Level 3
New Effect: CD decreased from 18 seconds > 9 seconds.
Tier 2 Level 5
New Effect: Forms a poisonous circle on ground upon impact. Enemies within circle will take damage over time. Stacks a layer of poison.
Tier 3 Level 3
New Effect: Deal additional damage to floating target. CD increased from 18 seconds > 36 seconds.
Tier 3 Level 5
New Effect: Deal additional damage to knocked down or seized enemies.
Tier 4 Level 2
New Effect: Replaces Land Mine with 'Smoke Screen'. Resist all ranged attacks for 10 seconds. CD increased from 1 second > 18 seconds. Does not consume energy orb.
Tier 4 Level 3
New Effect: Recover 1% total HP and 1 energy orb for every resisted ranged attack.
Tier 4 Level 4
New Effect: Forms a healing area within Smoke Screen. Players within healing area recover 10% total HP over 10 seconds. CD increased from 18 seconds > 24 seconds.
Tier 4 Level 5
New Effect: Goes stealth for 2 second after resisting a ranged attack. CD increased from 24 seconds > 30 seconds. (Other classes can stealth too!)
Tier 1 Level 1
New Effect: Recovered energy orbs increased from 1 > 2.
Tier 1 Level 2
New Effect: Stacks 1 layer of poison & bleed for every successful hit. Consume 1 energy orb instead when attacking under stealth mode.
Tier 1 Level 4
New Effect: Stacks 2 layer of poison for every critical hit.
Tier 1 Level 5
New Effect: Shoot shurikens at 5 enemies instead of 1.
Tier 2 Level 2
New Effect: Adds two new skills: 'Shadow Shuriken' & 'Shadow Step'. Check basic skills above for details.
Tier 2 Level 4
New Effect: Goes stealth for 2 seconds after casting 'Shadow Step'.
Tier 2 Level 5
New Effect: Shadow Step stuns target for 2 seconds.
Tier 3 Level 4 New Effect: Recover 5 energy orbs for attacking target with 'Shadow Bind'.
Tier 3 Level 5
New Effect: Target hit by Shadow Step loses all energy.
Tier 1 Level 1
New Effect: Resist all attacks while casting Lotus Dance.
Tier 1 Level 2
New Effect: Absorb 20% damage dealt as HP.
Tier 1 Level 3
New Effect: Recover 2% total HP for every resisted hit.
Tier 1 Level 4
New Effect: Resist all attacks for 1 second after finish casting Lotus Dance.
Tier 1 Level 5
New Effect: Absorb 50% damage dealt as HP.
Tier 2 Level 3
New Effect: Increased damage.
Tier 2 Level 4
New Effect: Every successful hit applies a layer of poison.
Tier 2 Level 5
New Effect: Able to cast Lotus Dance for another time if all 5 hits landed on target.
Tier 3 Level 3
New Effect: Replaces Lotus Dance with 'Lotus Kick'. Moves behind a target and stun for 1 second.
Tier 3 Level 4
New Effect: Stun duration increased from 1 second > 2 seconds.
Tier 3 Level 5
New Effect: Recover 5 energy orbs instead of consuming 3 energy orbs.
Tier 4 Level 4
New Effect: Replaces Lotus Kick with 'Shadowless Step'. Check basic skill above for detail.
Tier 4 Level 5
New Effect: Stun enemies within area for 2 seconds.
Tier 1 Level 1
New Effect: Recovers 1% total HP and 3 energy orbs after warping back to Purple Lotus.
Tier 1 Level 2
New Effect: Resist all attacks while warping back to Purple Lotus. Resist all attacks for 1 second after warped back to Purple Lotus.
Tier 1 Level 3
New Effect: Able to warp back to Purple Lotus under stunned or weakened status.
Tier 1 Level 4
New Effect: Skill CD starts at 45 seconds instead of 60 seconds if players warps back to Purple Lotus without stunned or weakened status.
Tier 1 Level 5
New Effect: Able to warp back to Purple Lotus under any status.
Tier 2 Level 3
New Effect: Warps near death or reviving party members to Purple Lotus.
Removed Effect: Caster won't warp to Purple Lotus.
Tier 2 Level 4
New Effect: Purple Lotus stays on field for extended 10 seconds.
Tier 2 Level 5
New Effect: Near death or reviving party members resist all attacks for 20 seconds after warped back to Purple Lotus. Reduces revive time by 6 seconds.
Tier 3 Level 3
New Effect: Replaces Purple Mist Lotus with 'Red Mist Lotus'. Warps poisoned enemies to Red Lotus.
Tier 3 Level 4
New Effect: Warped poisoned enemies get weakened for 3 seconds.
Tier 3 Level 5
New Effect: Re-applies 5 layers of poison on warped poisoned enemies.
Tier 4 Level 5
New Effect: Replaces Red Mist Lotus with 'Yellow Mist Lotus'. Warps enemies within 8m to yourself. Warped enemies get weakened for 3 seconds. Applies 5 layer of poison on warped enemies.
Tier 1 Level 1
New Effect: Increase move speed by 30% for 6 seconds.
Tier 1 Level 3
New Effect: Resist all attacks while leaping forward.
Tier 1 Level 4
New Effect: Recovers 2% total HP for each resisted attack.
Tier 1 Level 5
New Effect: Able to leap forward twice in a row.
Tier 2 Level 5
New Effect: Goes into stealth mode for 3 seconds after resisting an attack.
Tier 3 Level 3
New Effect: Replaces Hollow Step with 'Lightning Step'. Deal damage while landing. Increases move speed by 20% for 6 seconds. CD increased from 24 seconds > 30 seconds. (Need confirmation)
Removed Effect: Does not recover energy orb.
Tier 3 Level 4
New Effect: Recover 2 energy orb on critical hit. Attacked enemies lose 10% energy.
Tier 3 Level 5
New Effect: Attacked enemies get weakened for 2 seconds.
Skill Build Recommendation
Before we start, I'd like to remind you that Assassin truly do better while soloing (Without all the knockdowns, float, AOE skills and such). We can stay stealth at 95% of the time and stab bosses to death without them noticing what hits them.
This doesn't mean they are worthless in a group as Assassin can still deal considerable damage vs single target. Poison & bleed debuff can neutralize bosses' IMBA HP regeneration too.
As for PVP, the main factor would be how well can you pilot your character. Thus, I won't further comment on 'Is Assassin good for PVP?'. (Truth is, I'm pretty bad at it :P)
PvE Core Build
Most Assassins will use this as basic setup before allocating skill points to other skills.
Mist Slash Tier 1 Level 2-2: Every hit applies a layer of poison & bleed debuff.
Special Note: Did you notice Mist Slash has a slight pause after 3 hits? Do throw a Shuriken as '4th hit', it will chain into your new 'normal attacks' perfectly. (Mist Slash - Mist Slash - Mist Slash - Shuriken - Repeat)
Heart Thrust Tier 1 Level 4: This will be your main single target DPS skill, also known as 'Infinite butt stab'. Every 4th hit doesn't consume energy. (To be explained below)
Shuriken Tier 1 Level 1: Recovers 2 energy instead of 1.
Lotus Dance Tier 1 Level 1: Gives you ~2.5 seconds of invincible frame. Save this to dodge damaging skills.
The 'Infamous' Infinite Butt Stabbing
Step 1 - Stack 5 layers of poison (Either engage with Tier 1 Level 2 Blow Poison from ranged or just normal attack)
Step 2 - Get ready to counter target's skill (2 - Decoy or Q - Side Step) OR just Heart Thrust to enter stealth
Step 3 - Hold right click to Heart Thrust 4 times
Step 4 - Hold 'X' to Shuriken till you gain 9 energies (Heart Thrust once in the middle if your stealth timer running out)
Step 5 - Hold right click to Heart Thrust 4 times again
Step 6 - Normal attack to refresh poison debuff timer back to 15 seconds.
Step 7 - Ready to counter skill or Heart Thrust again and repeat from step 3!
You will need to put points skills on three skills to achieve this method.
Mist Slash Tier 1 Level 2-2: Every hit applies a layer of poison & bleed debuff.
Heart Thrust Tier 1 Level 4: This will be your main single target DPS skill, also known as 'Infinite butt stab'. Every 4th hit doesn't consume energy.
Shuriken Tier 1 Level 1: Recovers 2 energy instead of 1.
Final PvE Build For Level 45
This is the build i use 90% of the time, changes will be made for special occasions though.
Mist Slash Tier 1 Level 2-2: Every hit applies a layer of poison & bleed debuff.
Back Stab Tier 2 Level 4: CD reduced to 6 seconds. Allows you to deal high damage and recover 3 energies instantly. Doesn't need 2 energies to break out of stealth anymore. Switch back to stun if you need it.
Flash Dodge Tier 1 Level 3/4: Able to recover from all status, also gives you 1 extra second invincibility if you decided to level this to 4.
Sneak Tier 1 Level 2: CD reduced to 6 seconds, you can now Sneak again as soon as your stealth duration ends. Also, increased dodge chance may save you from getting revealed during stealth.
Shadow Slash Tier 3 Level 4: AoE knockdown when clearing tons of mobs, useful in Spider / Monkey. You may want to skill this to Tier 1 instead when there's KFM in your party, otherwise you won't be able to do much when they seize the boss.
Special Note: If there's a Destroyer / LBM choking or lifting your target, spam Heart Thrust instead! Basically you will only use 1 energy every time you thrust as you recover 2 energy per hit on choked target.
Blow Poison Tier 1 Level 2: Able to stack 5 layers of poison away from target. Engaging target with this is a good idea too since they may get knocked down before you get to stack poison using normal attacks.
Land Mine => Grenade Tier 2 Level 3: For clearing group of mobs. This is the skill you will switch around most often. Switch back to Land Mine if your party needs it for knock down during Combination Strike. Switch to Smoke Screen if you need it to dodge ranged attacks for 10 seconds.
Shuriken Tier 1 Level 1: Recovers 2 energy instead of 1.
Lotus Dance Tier 2 Level 4: Allows you to stack 5 layers of poison safely. Useful for getting yourself out of sticky situation too.
Misc - Purple Lotus Tier 2 Level 3: You may want to allocate skill point here when doing Pohwaran. Warp near death party members to your Purple Lotus, allowing them to revive safely.
PvP Build
Credits: Special thanks to v2seraph for the skills translation, skill build recommendation and builds for assassins on Blade and Soul.