Advance Might Increasing!!
Pet is very important in battle but it is also a good way for you to get your Might up, try to max out level your pet as soon as you level up also Evolve your pet to increase more Might point !!!!! very important (as level 40 4x level 40 evolve +5 pet can give you 40k Might easy)
Well as you already know socket your item with rune gonna make you stronger but what rune to use and which is the best ? In this topic i will not talk about the Rune Quality but i will make it easy by colour of Rune, Green, Blue, Purple, and Orange ( Green is lowest and Orange is Highest)
Why? here is the reason all rune have 3 option:
Option 1: automatic unlock
Option 2: Green Rune Unlock as Fortify +50, Blue as +60, Purple +70, and Orange unlock at +80
Option 3: Green Rune Unlock as Refine +3, Blue +4, Purple +5, and Orange +6
(please understand that Rune can be upgrade level, quality stay the same and can't be fortify or refine. So, how to get Fortify+ and Refine + to unlock option 2 or option 3?? The answer is the Refine and Fortify can be done on Item and rune will end able option2, and 3 when you socket ur Rune into that item)
For now as level 40- Refine +5 is almost impossible cuz you will need 2nd item the same to destroy when +5 and +70 Fortify is expensive so that mean Option 2 and Option 3 of Purple Rune is Disable!!! For this reason you should use all Blue Rune. Blue Rune is stronger than Purple rune when all 3 option is unlock!!!!! Also when you upgrade your rune all 3 Option will increase as well compare to Purple Rune only Option 1 is getting the bonus
Blue Rune Level 30
Option 1 + level 30 upgrade Bonus
Option 2 + level 30 upgrade Bonus
Option 3 + level 30 upgrade bonus
Purple Rune Level 30
Option 1 + level 30 upgrade Bonus
Option 2 + level 30 upgrade Bonus (disable)
Option 3 + level 30 upgrade Bonus (disable)
Set Rune
Some of high level rune have set if you find 2, 3 or 4 you will also enable another 1,2, and 3 more bonus option ( plz look at the bottom of rune too see if your rune have this bonus)
1 Item socket will level 30 Blue Rune quality 10 can give you 12k hp bonus this will increase ur Might a lot.
How to get the most of it ? 16% item bonus, 24% item bonus what it mean? Well as you ready know some item wearing it together will help unlock sub option under Soulnexus this option can be 14%, 16% or 24% item bonus here is the explanation
Item A and Item B unlock Soulnexus 16% item hp bonus
--- If item A and B both is wearing on your character ( item A will get 16% of Item A Hp Bonus, And Item B also get 16% of item B HP as Bonus) ( Example Item A total hp after Refine +4 and Fortify +65 = 5000 then Item A will Get another 16% of 5000hp, same as item B)
If item A is wearing and Item B is in the belt the only item A get bonus option
So that you need to Refine your item and fortify ur item to make the bonus become bigger
Item Refine +0 and fortify +0 only around 300hp bonus +16% is not much.
How to get the most of it ? 16% item bonus, 24% item bonus what it mean? Well as you ready know some item wearing it together will help unlock sub option under Soulnexus this option can be 14%, 16% or 24% item bonus here is the explanation
Item A and Item B unlock Soulnexus 16% item hp bonus
--- If item A and B both is wearing on your character ( item A will get 16% of Item A Hp Bonus, And Item B also get 16% of item B HP as Bonus) ( Example Item A total hp after Refine +4 and Fortify +65 = 5000 then Item A will Get another 16% of 5000hp, same as item B)
If item A is wearing and Item B is in the belt the only item A get bonus option
So that you need to Refine your item and fortify ur item to make the bonus become bigger
Item Refine +0 and fortify +0 only around 300hp bonus +16% is not much.