And so this is a guide to leveling in this level cap and how to spice it up abit. Hope you all have a nice read.
For those who are, TL;DR. i would highlight the important parts in red for those who just wants to know tips to leveling fast.
High-lighted Blue for those parts who people are trying to have fun leveling!
Lets get started shall we!
1st Guide:
All right guys so 1st i would like to talk about Grinding.
Grinding is the act of doing the same thing constantly to level. In the end its very tiresome and boring. For people who have stamina to just grind, this would be i guess the best option for you.
The best grinding spot would be Golden Meadow.
Most of you would know this by now. But here i give you a layout (crude) of the exp gained in the end dungeon bonus exp.
With FTG Solo Run: 220k exp.
Without FTG Solo Run: 120k exp.
With FTG Teamed 2/3/4: 120k,100k,80k exp.
Without FTG Teamed 2/3/4: 100k, 80k, 60k exp.
So with this i would recommend this way of just doing mindless grinding.
Daily FTG Runs : 4.
With Weekly : 9/10.
These FTG runs (if you are geared enough), Solo them. they will give you more benefit than with a party because the shared exp is a very big factor. If you cant then just run in a party.
After solo-ing you can decide to do it in a team or just solo it yourself.
The next important part, Time to EXP.
Most decently geared people would run 2m30s to 3m. the exp gain would be around 2% to 3% depending on level and bonus EXP gain from guild/ftg/conbined skills.
Likely you can run about 15 runs minimum in the dungeon in an hour so thats about 50% exp.
2 hours for 1 level. Slower than the previous cap. So this is just for grinding and in the end tiresome.
Important notes for those who are grinding :
Guild Costume | Guild EXP Bonus | Combined Skills .
Try to get all of them to make your runs better. Lets say from 60-70. Total you can save roughly 20-30 runs of dungeons if you have all of them. you can have lesser stress than usual.
2nd Guide(Obviously a hybrid of both!) :
Okay i actually will enjoy writing this part of the guide because its the non-boring part of leveling.
Most of you should know about Side Quest and their exp rewards by now.
But some of you dont know about how much the EXP is. Its a whooping 500-600k EXP/Side Quest.
Better yet, Main Quest(Story Quest) gives 600k-700k/Quest.
Obviously these quest are from the new map and not from from SH.
Although you can take some daily quest from our dear Blacksmith MERLIN which gives about 110k-120k exp per quest. at Lv 65 the amount of quest doubles up.
Also dont forget the SH side quest for lv 50-60 dungeons. Each gives about 300-400k each. If you have NEVER touched them b4, i recommend doing that from lv 60-65. Because there is a little special something for lv 66.
So this is how i would do it :
Lv 60 - 65 : Do all SH quest and pass them up.
Lv 60 - 65 (If there is no more SH Quest) : Go to Golden Meadow and grind a few runs.
Lv 66 - 70 : Do all New Quest from the new map including Merlin's DQ.
Now for something special. Press your Quest Log after doing all of Merlin's DQ.
You should notice something in your Remote Quest, " Oh Look, 4 Remote Quest what do i do with them? take them all uhhuh, what am i to do with them. Okay talk to this NPC. WHATTTT FREE 550K EXP!?? AND ALL 4 OF THEM!!!??? JUST BY TALKING!!??"
Yes i really mean it. Free Exp just from talking to NPCs, thats about free 15-20% or so. Then some of them asked you to go into some maps to complete a 2nd part of the remote quest. to get a few more exp. Aint that great?
Also something extra, when you are level 66, go to Disappearing Half Moon Desert. There is a side quest about a journal there. Take it and complete it.
Important Note :
If you are really bored of grinding, and want to give yourself some buffering between dungeons, i recommend reading the side quest story and what the npcs have to say, some of them are interesting, (To me i like the romance story between the elves >w<) just to make it less boring.
3rd Guide :
I got this information from a friend, he is a great friend and fellow greenwoodian >w<.
Credits to him for this information [ Astraekhir ]
Okay. Some of you dont know this but Memoria gives 2 Million Exp for a 2 man run.
2 Million Raw Exp.
Some of you would not be able to clear it 2 man. and its very gear dependent. So thats why this is a special section just for those geared peeps. If you feel you dont have good enough gear then skip this section, or if you dont have a consenting partner to running Memoria.
Okay, im going to quote him here :
[ usually 15 - 30 minutes,depends on gears and party setup.
I can say clear Memo I and II duo should be easy,depends on gear and party setup.Memo III still can be cleared duo but definitely need a geared member with at least 1 healer(that could DPS a bit),Memo IV needs at least 3 man. ]
[ Memo I usually 15 - 30 minutes.]
[ Memo II 20 - 40 minutes]
[ Memo III 20 - 40 minutes]
[ Memo IV 30 - 1 hour.]
[ Though the gears and party composition would affect the clearing time of memo greatly,example 2 full FD players cleared memo I in 10 minutes while non FD with average gears took 20 - 45 minutes.]
Memoria I With 4 Peeps. 1 Mil Exp With FTG. Credits to Astraekhir for the picture.
So this is for peeps who can do memoria fast for a straight 10%-15% exp.
Special Thanks to Loli Hunter Astraehkir. If you appreciate this information give him a like or hug him with your loli characters ^~^/ !
Special Tips Section:
Okay this would be where i put my tips.
Well, i'll just list them down then explain them.
1. Play Music from a Radio or a Shuffled Playlist of music you LIKE of around 200 to 1000 songs.
2. Dont aim too high.
3. Set Quota and a motivation.
4. Give yourself a buffer rest of 30-60 mins.
1: Playing music soothes the mind and makes leveling more relaxing. Also i recommend a radio, because you have no choice but to dont touch it because you cant change the song currently playing, changing songs make you distracted and making yourself do something else like tabbing out to change the song makes you lose focus. Focus makes it more easier for the mind to do the same thing repeatably. Therefore the 2nd option Shuffled Playlist of music you LIKE. If you dont like a song then you will change it. same theory.
2: If you intend to aim lv 70 in a single day. i'm sorry, but i'm just gonna put it out for you, its stressful and im going to quote my friend here now : "NO70NOSLP" - iBarrett.
3: I recommend setting a quota like lv to 63 by today. level once every 2 hours. Makes it easier. Secondly, a motivation, lets say, you race against your friend under the rule of reaching this level first, then loser pays 1k gold, or something like that. Makes you motivated, overall better experience.
4: A Rest period is very useful. lets say every 1 level you give yourself a rest of 30-60 minutes. Go stand up stretch watch some drama/anime/youtube whichever you enjoy. Although you might be like, "this contradicts what you said in point 3! makes me slow down against my race!". Well your choice, but honestly a buffer period makes my run faster the next few times because im not so tired after leveling that way. Also if you won already you can relax for awhile and you still can win whatever you bet. Not so baddddd.
Credits: Special thanks to SNSD_AjumNy for making this very informative guide. If anyone deserves credits, it should be him.
Credits: Special thanks to SNSD_AjumNy for making this very informative guide. If anyone deserves credits, it should be him.