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Clash of Clans Guide: The Barch Attack Strategy (TH 10) to Reaching Champions League

This is an attacking strategy guide in Clash of Clans to help you out in reaching the Champions League. This guide mainly focuses on how to attack Town Hall Level 10 bases, which is the hardest base to attack in the game in our opinion. And lastly, this attack strategy mainly uses Archers and Barbarians to attack TH 10 bases.

Note: This is a guide so we suggest not to follow it blindly.

credits: This Clash of Clans Guide: The Barch Attack Strategy to Reaching Champions League is brought to us by King James III

Barching to Champions League 101

Lvl 6 Barbs and archers
Minimum 220 camp space
lvl 5 lightning spells
Minimum level 15 heroes.

Why does barch work?

Many base designers are mostly worried about protecting the center of their base. To do this they put their strongest defenses in the core and leave point defenses to cover the outside. These defenses only target one at a time and are left vulnerable to multiple targets overpowering them.

The basics:
The aim is to get 50%. To do this to a th10 you need to destroy 39 buildings.
Typical army comp is 75barbs, 165 arch. Bring 5 lightning spells and both heroes.
Search for bases that offer 27+ cups. (9 for one star)

Selecting a base:
This is the most critical part of barch and the most difficult.

Some count 39 buildings that they think they can destroy. I prefer to look for specific types of buildings:

Mines, collectors, drills, builder huts, hero altars, army camps, and barracks. All of these can commonly be found outside walls and easily accessed. If all of these buildings are outside or most are outside and a few directly behind a wall, then locate their key defenses...
(Note: builder huts and hero altars can be lightninged if in the center if in a pinch)

The 4 main types of defenses to watch out for are multi-target infernos, xbows, wizard towers, and mortars.

If discos are near the outside, this is an instant skip. Discos fry barch faster than you can deploy it.

Xbows are the second most devastating. If two of 3 are near the outside if the base and cover several building you need to get, skip.

Mortars and wizard towers are less dangerous, but can wreck a raid. Try to avoid mortars that cannot be destroyed, but still cover several buildings. In many cases there is 2 central mortars and one outer that covers collectors and such, in this case: lightning the outer mortar twice before you attack.

Most barch attacks will happen quickly so take your time luring heroes and CC (if applicable)

Lure heroes to a corner that is not covered by defenses. Always fill your CC with the troops you use to kill heroes. If you have wiz or witch in CC, deploy 4-6 barbs at heroes before deploying CC to tank.

Luring clan castle. Rarely do I lure clan castles. Typically they are more central and a barch raid can be nearly finished before it is activated.

If a clan castle covers a large portion of the buildings you need to destroy, lure it to a corner. Use a lightning spell to save troops if there is a witch or if there is 20+ archers.

When you are finally ready to deploy troops, it is critical to check for outlying Giant Bombs.

GBs insta-kill barch and can kill a raid if they kill enough. Use 5-10 test barbs on places you suspect a GB may be. Common spots are:

In front of an exposed wall, in between builder huts, in front of exposed de drills. Anywhere you see a suspicious 2x2 opening. Then it's time to deploy.

Speed is key when deploying barch. I use one hand to deploy and one to navigate the screen.

Take inventory before you deploy and divide by 4. This is how many troops you will deploy in each side.

Use two fingers to deploy a thin line of barbs (usually 15 per side) and quickly follow with a thick line of archers using 3-4 fingers. (Usually 40 per side.)
Do this on all four sides.

As you do this more, you will notice some sides need more barbs because the buildings are exposed, and some need more archers because the buildings are behind walls. Develop a feel for slight deployment variations, but don't vary too much.

Never count on your troops breaking through a wall. It may happen from time to time, but don't count on it.
If you trigger opposing CC troops while deploying, just continue. There are so many troops to kill the CC troops won't have time. If the CC kills troops on one side and you need a few buildings on that side, just wait till they run away and then deploy a few remaining troops or heroes to clean up.

Spells and heroes are for backup. Try to win raids without them because they take a long time to replenish.
If you only need one more building and all your troops are dead, deploy AQ at a low HP building and use her power. After 50% leave immediately.

If you need 10% more, you will need to deploy both heroes, and maybe a few spells. BK should be deployed at areas where buildings are close together because he is slow. Use his power to break through walls. AQ has a long range so use that to your advantage. I rarely deploy heroes into the same area.

While raiding, keep an eye out for building health. Try to mentally tag 2-3 buildings that almost died but didn't, these can be taken out by lightning.

Do everything you can to win a raid, but try to conserve spells and heroes when possible. There is a lot of nexting bases that look barchable, but only raid if you feel it's a sure thing. It takes discipline, but keeps you going up instead of down. I try to pick bases that I don't need spells or heroes. This way, when something goes wrong (this happens a lot) heroes and spells can save the day. That way when I have a heart-attack, it's because I barely won instead of losing.

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There are several skilled barchers in our clan who would love to help you reach champs. Swallow your pride, and enjoy the process of learning to perfect the art. It's frustrating when you feel like you did everything right and you still lost. Stay positive because it is a process of learning and developing that feel. Before you know it you will be barching 55% on maxed bases without heroes. Something that seemed impossible before.

This will be a walk-through for an entire raid, to show the timing of deployment.

This base is somewhat similar to the base I showed earlier in the thread in the sense that a lot of the key buildings are behind walls. However, in this base, almost all of them are still reachable AND so are a few storages (with little defense coverage). Exposed storages can be deadly, because of their high HP. These ones have very little defense coverage and will be taken down with ease. 

Base Selection. Note the time: 1m 26s

I chose to lightning the top mortar, and lure heroes to the top corner. While my CC troops were killing heroes i checked for GBs. There were none to be found. On a base like this, the most likely place GBs will be found is in front of the exposed storages. (I think there were actually double GBs located behind the exposed storages, between WTs and Cannons). 

Once the second Hero was killed I deployed my first wave of barbs, then archers behind with 43s on the clock. 

By the time I deployed all my troops (Except heroes) there was 25s left. That means I deployed all 240 troops in 18s. SPEED is key! I can't stress that enough. 

Because there was still a section behind walls that still had a lot of low-HP buildings, I deployed my AQ early so that the opposing CC troops would be busy before they go to her. 

Use AQ invisibility power when you think you can save her the most HP, that way her regeneration time is short. 

The AQ took out all the buildings in that section while invisible and secured the victory by 4%. I ended the match after that to conserve her health. 

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