In this page you will see different viable builds for Glaive in Vainglory.
Glaive The Melee Disruptor
If you need a mercenary to siege a Halcyon Well, you look in the Undersprawl. And if you're particularly fortunate, you'll find a hulking Grangor brute towering over a card table, dominating (as in all things) based on pure feel, smell and instinct, despite being blind. This is Glaive, a terrifying presence in a cantina, much less a battleground. He's a rarity in these parts, as Grangors keep to frozen climates. Even more rare still is the size and force of Glaive's latest trophy: a crystal-powered axe with a jet engine strapped to it. Such an epic trophy elevates Glaive to alpha male among his race; it also makes him an infamously vicious and frightening foe in the Halcyon Fold.Glaive has one of the most feared abilities in the game: a jet-powered Afterburn strike that will slice through you and blast you back into a tactically fatal position. In team-fights, Glaive's area-of-effect cleave and Bloodsong lifesteal makes him incredibly hard to bring down. Try Glaive first as a jungler, but roam into the lane to rocket enemies toward your allies and turrets.
Hunt the Weak
Slot: Heroic Perk
Glaive's critical strikes cleave in a cone in front of him.
Slot: A
Glaive rockets in the target direction, damaging all enemies along the way. His next basic attack is replaced by a frightening blast that knocks his target back several meters.
Twisted Stroke
Slot: B
Passive: Increase critical strike chance and AOE cleave damage of basic attacks.
Activate: Instantly execute a critical strike. This deals weapon damage and is treated like a basic attack, but can deal bonus crystal damage if you have any crystal power.
Slot: C
Passive: Glaive will generate Bloodsong stacks from basic attacking or receiving basic attacks. Each stack grants him bonus lifesteal.
Activate to swing Glaive's axe in a wide circle, dealing massive area damage based on number of Bloodsong stacks used, but removes all stacks.
Skill Distribution per level
Level 1- Twisted Stroke
Level 2- Afterburn
Level 3- Twisted Stroke
Level 4- Twisted Stroke
Level 5- Afterburn
Level 6- Bloodsong
Level 7- Twisted Stroke
Level 8- Twisted Stroke
Level 9- Bloodsong
Level 10- Afterburn
Level 11- Afterburn
Level 12- Bloodsong
Recommended Items for Glaive
Note: Underlined items are Glaive's core items which means that you need to prioritize having them first.
Sorrow Blade
Tyrant's Monocle
Tornado Trigger
Journey Boots
Recommended Builds for Glaive
The Ganker Glaive
High AOE burst damage. Awesome at ganks, Aftershock effects, low cooldowns.
You'll have a hard time farming, easily countered with Aegis and Crucible , low damage sustain, no defense.
If you want to deal massive burst damage, choose this build. All of Glaive's skills are AOE, so, if perfectly timed it can kill the whole enemy team.
In my opinion this is one of the hardest item build to do, and Glaive has really high mana usage, so jungling is quite difficult. But if finished the results are awesome.
Build Breakdown:
Early Game: GetWeapon Blade /Swift Shooter /Ironguard Contract and Halcyon Potion or Scout Trap . For your first skill get Twisted Stroke to increase critical strike chance and damage, when farming go quickly to the jungle shop and kill the 2 creeps at the enemy's side then go back to your side. Using this build, avoid PvP early, finishing one tier 3 is crucial try to finish Alternating Current first for the attack speed. Just keep your first WP item/Ironguard Contract to earn gold faster, when you have enough start buildingShatterglass for higher burst damage and for AC to amplify.
For defense: ReplaceClockwork with Crucible , Aegis ,Metal Jacket .
Mid Game: Get boots, tier II is okay, in this part start try to buildClockwork or Aftershock , personally I'd get Aftershock because of its effects, but if you're low on gold Clockwork is good enough. If you see enemies building defense, replace one of the two mentioned with Broken Myth. Sell the first WP item/Ironguard Contract.
Late Game: Finish the last Shatterglass . Using this build hiding in the bush and bursting unsuspecting enemies is the best strategy.
The Lifesteal-Tank Glaive Build
Balanced build, high Hp, tanky, decent damage plus life steal and synergies very well with Bloodsong able to slow down enemies with basic attacks cause of Shiversteel . Highly recommended when facing hard enemies.
Lesser damage.
Recommended for prolonged team fights, Glaive's natural life steal component synergies very well with this.
If using this finish few offensive items first, then continue with defensive items.
Build Breakdown:
Early Game: As always start off with Weapon Blade and Halcyon Potion with Twisted Stroke as first skill. Invade enemy jungle to get more exp and gold, to starve them as well. Spam tier 1-2 items. Finish Tornado Trigger first for faster Bloodsong stacking. Then continue building the next item.
Mid Game: Go forSerpent Mask to compliment with Bloodsong and Tornado Trigger. Then go for boots, or preferablyShiversteel to stick with targets plus its extra HP and it's cheap! Start building a defense item, getReflex Block . (If there's a Krul better build Metal Jacket to counter him.)
Late Game: FinishSorrowblade and Aegis to deal better damage. After you get all these, you're like Krul with AOE abilities!
The Jungler Glaive
Ultra fast jungler, core items are enough to solo the Kraken, best at taking objectives, able bring down turrets in seconds!
Not recommended for PvP.
Lol for casual games, or you want to annoy enemy team by stealing their miners or make quick love with Kraken.
Build Breakdown:
Early Game: Start off with Weapon Blade or Ironguard Contract and HP and S.Trap withTwisted Stroke as first skill. Invade enemy jungle and place as many mines as you can to scare them away. Second item isSwift Shooter , then build to Stormguard Banner for faster jungle clear time. Next finish Swift Shooter to Bonesaw , effective for chopping down turrets. Buy a few S.Traps and drop in the jungle for vision and to scare them away.
For defense: Replace any speed item withCrucible , Aegis ,Metal Jacket .
Mid Game: Get boots. Finish toWarhorn for complete jungle superiority, 1-3 hits and a large jungle creep is dead. Start buildingSorrowblade , for PvP damage. Watch the scoreboard if enemy team is building burst builds (Ringo ,SAW ), then skipTyrant's Monocle and buyReflex Block .
Late Game: Finish remaining items Tornado Trigger ,  Sorrowblade , Aegis or Crucible .
The Ultimate Carry Glaive
Destroys everything in its path, synergies very well with your heroic perk. BIG RED NUMBERS EVERYWHERE! Capable of slashing multiple enemies in front because of heroic perk. Awesome heavy damage sustain.
Can be countered with Metal Jacket .
This build is for players who likes an IN-YOUR-FACE gamestyle, what's good about WP builds that it's power can be applied to everything from PvE to PvP, the only downside to WP melee heroes is you have to stick to your enemies to deal sustained damage.
One of the easiest build to build.
Build Breakdown:
Early Game:Weapon Blade and 2 Halcyon Potions, for your first skill get Twisted Stroke to increase critical strike chance and damage, when farming, go quickly to the jungle shop and kill the 2 creeps at the enemy's side then go back to your side. As you get Afterburn visit the lane to knock enemies to turrets and allies. When you get enough gold, spam tier 1 items, Glaive can still be effective withWeapon Blade and Swift Shooter items till reaching early-mid game.
For defense: Replace oneSorrowblade with Crucible ,Aegis , Metal Jacket .
Mid Game: In this part ganks will occur more often and you should have upgraded your tier 1 items, have boots and have at least completed one or more core item. Check if the enemies are building Metal Jacket replaceTornado Trigger orTyrant's Monocle withBonesaw . Continue jungling. When on the move as much as possible hide in the bush for a few seconds then move on.
Late Game: In here you get to see your enemies builds, if you see all BLUE replace oneTyrant's Monocle with Aegis , if all RED get Metal Jacket . Just replace one Tyrant's Monocle .
Teamplay with Heroes
An awesome combo with Glaive, Adagio skills synergies very well with Glaive, his heals has a slow (when self casted) which gives you more time to chop down an enemy, he has buffs to give you an extra punch, his ultimate has a wide AOE that can also stun.
She has stuns that can help you secure kills, also an ultimate with silence giving you a few seconds of burst without getting yourself bursted.
Every Koshka will haveFrostburn that'll help slow enemies for a moment of time, she also has an ultimate with stun.
Scary as enemies, awesome as friends, Krul has passive slow with his basic attacks, so you both could chow down a target!
This little gremlin can sprout seeds that heals and gives you armor.
He has a skill that will slow down an enemy.
He has a skill that deals huge chunks of damage that also slows enemies.
She's as versatile and flexible as you. Wait for her stun to keep enemies grounded then Afterburn through them for a sure hit.
With both of you combied, you'll be able to take down any HP tank. With Taka's ultimate that can reduce healing in big percentage. You'll have no problem taking down Krul and Catherine.
How to deal with enemy heroes
Avoid Adagio with full buffs, always expect a nuke after his slow, buy a crucible to protect you and your team. Do not prolong games with him, as he gets more powerful the longer the game goes.
Do not attempt to attack or burst her while the bubble shield is on. Watch out for ganks in the jungle, she will use stun+silence as an initiator thus making escape nearly impossible.
Koshka will haveFrostburn that'll help slow you for a moment of time, she also has an ultimate with stun. She is fragile but quick, use Afterburn to close the distance and burst her.
The hero designed to counter Glaive. Try to avoid going 1 vs 1 with him, watch out for Lifesteal items.
She has the longest range in game, try to close in with Afterburn or escape as soon as you see her munions about to explode.
Close the distance or ambush and burst. Be prepared for CP builds, always getReflex Block incase of a fireball.
If CP build, flanking him while he's using SF is the best strategy, if WP builds be careful of spin up passive.
She's as versatile and flexible as you. Flank her, avoid going face to face if you don't want to eat Kamehameha.
You can't kill what you can't see. Use your bursts to your advantage. Time your skills as he goes invisible to prevent escape.
Bonus Tips:
- Afterburn can let you pass through thin walls. For a better explanation see PartyGod's Glaive: Fight or Flight guide.
- Initiate with Bloodsong and Twisted Stroke then Afterburn escaping enemies. (Not recommended when facing Catherine)
- Plant aScout Trap in front of you when trying to ambush for extra damage. (Good at early games)
- Save upAfterburn before roaming around the jungle, and prepare for escape routes incase of an ambush.
- Target the squishiest first and toughest last.
- The bush is a melee hero's best friend. Use it to your advantage.
- Avoid being kited.
- Krul is a hero designed to counter Glaive. [Try to avoid early game]
- Try to fire Afterburn in different angles, for a head spinning kill.
- When escaping at the center jungle/goldmine/kraken area, hit the Kraken at the last second, you might get hit once, but when you get out of range the enemy will take the agro Kraken and for sure will get hit twice, after that, Afterburn back to the fight and knock em' back once more for another Kraken strikes.
- Glaive is the almost perfect lure in game, since you can just Afterburn back to a safer position, but pro players will notice that, so sometimes they won't bother.
- Always stack more than 15 Bloodsongs, you may have the lowest ultimate cooldown, but you still have to stack to be effective.
- Do not Afterburn enemies in max range! You need to have that little gap to be sure to knock enemies back rather in front.
- Always face-check bushes, jungle shop, crystal and goldmines for scout traps.
- Kite. Yes, kite. Kite jungle creeps, Glaive's axe range enable you to walk a little distance while still hitting your target. Use this trick for a quick and efficient jungling experience.
- Do not hover in the enemy's attack range, especially if they are ranged heroes, e.g. Petal. If you are in their range, make sure you can exchange blows as well. Use Afterburn to escape huge bursts e.g. Spontaneous Combustion .
- Versus Catherine's ultimate, Afterburn sideways and through her rather than backwards, you might still get clipped while at mid-dash.
- Use Afterburn to catch Krul's Hellrazor and to save teammates.
- Dance around Joule to make her miss her thunder strikes.
- Use Petal's Bramblethorn seeds for your advantage and extra stacks. Be careful pro Petal users use the seeds for extra mini-map vision.
- Immediately retreat if you get stacked by Krul, Bloodsong is no match for Spectral Smite.