The mogs are arranged on race on the character creation screen and class in alphabetical order, and each of the class specs are represented equally. A suggestion for a matching pet is included in case you're like me and need your pets to match your color scheme and theme!
Human Death Knight
Matching pet: Blazing Firehawk
Human Hunter
Matching pet: Frostwolf Pup
Human Mage
Matching pet: Lofty Libram
Human Monk
Matching pet: Zao, Calfling of Niuzao
Human Paladin
Matching pet: Yellow Moth
Human Priest
Matching pet: Spawn of Onyxia
Human Rogue
Matching pet: Giant Sewer Rat
Human Warlock
Matching pet: Black Lamb
Human Warrior
Matching pet: Tol'vir Scarab
Orc Death Knight: Bolvar theme
Matching pet: Iron Starlette
Orc Hunter
Matching pet: Fjord Worg Pup
Orc Mage
Matching pet: Tickbird Hatchling
Orc Monk
Matching pet: Yu'la, Broodling of Yu'lon
Orc Rogue
Matching pet: Chuck
Orc Shaman
Matching pet: Mongoose Pup
Orc Warlock: Shadow Council theme
Matching pet: Minfernal
Orc Warrior
Matching pet: Dragonbone Hatchling
Dwarf Death Knight
Matching pet: Tiny Bog Beast
Dwarf Hunter
Matching pet: Alterac Brew-Pup
Dwarf Mage
Matching pet: Empowered Manafiend
Dwarf Monk
Matching pet: Soul of the Aspects
Dwarf Paladin: Dark Iron theme
Matching pet: Blackfuse Bombling
Dwarf Priest
Matching pet: Wildhammer Gryphon Hatchling
Dwarf Rogue
Matching pet: Grumpling
Dwarf Shaman
Matching pet: Tiny Red Carp
Dwarf Warlock
Matching pet: Nibbles
Dwarf Warrior
Matching pet: Clockwork Rocket Bot
Undead Death Knight
Matching pet: Lost of Lordaeron
Undead Hunter
Matching pet: Felspider
Undead Mage
Matching pet: Tainted Waveling
Undead Monk
Matching pet: Bone Wasp
Undead Priest
Matching pet: Grassland Hopper, brown skin
Undead Rogue
Matching pet: Crawling Claw
Undead Warlock
Matching pet: Lesser Voidcaller
Undead Warrior
Matching pet: Elder Python, black with red eyes
Night Elf Death Knight
Matching pet: Blighthawk
Night Elf Demon Hunter
Matching pet: Ghostly Skull
Night Elf Druid
Matching pet: Royal Peachick
Night Elf Hunter: Demon Hunter theme
Matching pet: Eye of the Legion
Night Elf Mage
Matching pet: Feline Familiar
Night Elf Monk
Matching pet: Bandicoon
Night Elf Priest
Matching pet: Dark Phoenix Hatchling
Night Elf Rogue
Matching pet: Sentinel's Companion
Night Elf Warrior: Sentinel theme
Matching pet: Hyjal Wisp
Tauren Death Knight
Matching pet: Tundra Penguin, blue eyes
Tauren Druid
Matching pet: Darkmoon Cub
Tauren Hunter
Matching pet: Rescued Fawn
Tauren Monk
Matching pet: Armadillo Pup
Tauren Paladin
Matching pet: Mr. Chilly
Tauren Priest
Matching pet: Gazelle Fawn
Tauren Shaman
Matching pet: Mud Jumper
Tauren Warrior
Matching pet: Giraffe Calf
Gnome Death Knight
Matching pet: Crystal Spider
Gnome Hunter
Matching pet: Darkmoon Glowfly
Gnome Mage
Matching pet: Sprite Darter Hatchling
Gnome Monk
Matching pet: Black-Footed Fox Kit
Gnome Priest
Matching pet: Lil' Tarecgosa
Gnome Rogue
Matching pet: Fluxfire Feline
Gnome Warlock
Matching pet: Bat
Gnome Warrior
Matching pet: Anodized Robo Cub
Troll Death Knight
Matching pet: Stripe-Tailed Scorpid, light blue markings
Troll Druid
Matching pet: Ruby Sapling
Troll Hunter
Matching pet: Eye of Observation
Troll Mage
Matching pet: Deviate Hatchling
Troll Monk
Matching pet: Jade Tiger
Troll Priest
Matching pet: Bone Serpent
Troll Rogue
Matching pet: Sen'jin Fetish
Troll Shaman
Matching pet: Voodoo Figurine
Troll Warlock
Matching pet: Fossilized Hatchling
Troll Warrior
Matching pet: Scalded Basilisk Hatchling
Draenei Death Knight
Matching pet: Ethereal Soul-Trader
Draenei Hunter
Matching pet: Peanut
Draenei Mage
Matching pet: Nether Ray Fry
Draenei Monk: Kurenai theme
Matching pet: Leatherhide Runt
Draenei Paladin
Matching pet: K'ute
Draenei Priest
Matching pet: Argi
Draenei Shaman
Matching pet: Dust Bunny
Draenei Warrior
Matching pet: Dread Hatchling
Blood Elf Death Knight
Matching pet: Coral Adder
Blood Elf Demon Hunter
Matching pet: Vicious Broodling
Blood Elf Hunter
Matching pet: Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling
Blood Elf Mage
Matching pet: Cinder Kitten
Blood Elf Monk
Matching pet: Coastal Sandpiper
Blood Elf Paladin
Matching pet: Dark Whelpling
Blood Elf Priest
Matching pet: Proto-Drake Whelp
Blood Elf Rogue
Matching pet: Enchanted Broom
Blood Elf Warlock
Matching pet: Giant Bone Spider
Blood Elf Warrior
Matching pet: Sunblade Micro-Defender
Worgen Death Knight
Matching pet: Lizard Hatchling, teal with purple stripes
Worgen Druid
Matching pet: Nuts
Worgen Hunter
Matching pet: Enchanted Lantern
Worgen Mage
Matching pet: Nethaera's Light
Worgen Priest: White Witch theme
Matching pet: Celestial Dragon
Worgen Rogue
Matching pet: Curious Wolvar Pup
Worgen Warlock
Matching pet: Gilnean Raven
Worgen Warrior
Matching pet: Perky Pug
Goblin Death Knight
Matching pet: Curious Oracle Hatchling
Goblin Hunter
Matching pet: Fen Crab
Goblin Mage
Matching pet: Sea Gull
Goblin Priest
Matching pet: Bloodbeak
Goblin Rogue: Pimp hat theme!
Matching pet: Darkmoon Monkey
Goblin Shaman
Matching pet: Cogblade Raptor
Goblin Warlock
Matching pet: Sea Pony
Goblin Warrior
Matching pet: Pocket Reaver
Pandaren Hunter
Matching pet: Azure Crane Chick
Pandaren Mage
Matching pet: Turquoise Turtle
Pandaren Monk
Matching pet: Jadefire Spirit
Pandaren Priest
Matching pet: Spiny Terrapin
Pandaren Rogue
Matching pet: Red Panda
Pandaren Shaman
Matching pet: Stout Alemental
Pandaren Warrior
Matching pet: Ashleaf Spriteling