With the launch of the latest Destiny update, Rise of Iron, Guardians are hard at work raising their light level and taking on Aksis in the new Wrath of the Machine raid. While most players are struggling with Destiny’s new raid, others are not only completing it, but doing so in style.
A group of Guardians have now completed the Wrath of the Machine raid as a three-man team, without dying. The three players and The Legend Himself clan members, who go by sc slayerage, EPICOOKIEZ, and xDom, completed the raid in less than an hour, zipping through each section with masterful precision.
If those names sound familiar, it’s because two of the members of the three-man group defeated Aksis as a duo just a few days ago. So it’s really not too surprising that the group of three were able to finish the entire raid with only half of a raid fireteam. As the below video shows, the crew had some impressive communication, and each member knew their role and fulfilled it perfectly.
It’s one thing if the group can complete the raid with only three members, but doing so flawlessly, without dying, is incredible. It’s not something that just anyone can, or ever will, be able to do. Fans of Destiny’s new Rise of Iron raid should spend the 48 minutes watching the full video, as it’s impressive feat that’s exciting throughout.
As the video shows, while the team was taking on the raid’s final boss, Aksis, sc slayerage’s controller disconnected a few times, causing the group to lose a damage phase against the boss, but fortunately the team could regroup without wiping.
Given what The Legend Himself clan members have accomplished it’s safe to say these are some of the best Destiny players currently tackling the game. It’ll be fun to see what else they come up with. Now that they’ve completed the raid with a three-man team, it likely won’t be long until one of them is able to solo Aksis, or they’re able to shave off time from their three-man run and break their current record.
Meanwhile, the majority of Destiny players will continue to attempt Wrath of the Machine with six-man teams, and do their best to simply complete the raid and collect the unique loot available. Some may even be putting the raid on hold to prepare for the return of Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris.
What do you think about the three-man group Wrath of the Machine raid? Do you think you and your friends could do that? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.