Wondering when will be the exact release date of Dark Souls 3 in your country? Don't worry we got you covered!
Below is a list of the exact release date of Dark Souls 3 in specific countries.
Before you go to the list, here's a few reminders first:
It is a uniform release. everyone will have access to it at literally the same time. using a VPN or anything wont make you get it sooner.
By aligning their release with UTC they ensure that nobody is disadvantaged in the release by their time zone I.E. It keeps pacific players from getting it three hours after an eastern player.
If your TZ is missing let me know and i can add it. i just included the common areas.
For anyone confused about the UTC Daylight/ Standard, use the Daylight column if you are unsure.
This is just the time the game goes live. your vendors sale/release times may vary.
this is just based off of From's official launch time. the times will vary based on vendor and platform.
- Steam will 100% unlock at the displayed time- Steam is configured for this
- Unsure of XB1's protocols - if they allow preload, it should go live at the listed time.
- Unsure of PS4 Protocols - if they allow preload, it should go live at the listed time.
- Game stops will likely do a midnight release, or they may do a mid day release.
- Amazon and other shippers will have the package arrive the day before or day of the release (almost always the day before) - obviously if you have the physical media you can play right away, but you cant play online till 12:00 utc.
so in short- if you have the game in hand prior to 12:00am UTC, you can play online as soon as 12:00 AM UTC happens.