GWF- DPS build by saviorgun
Keeping this simple. Use it or not, just be respectful of me and most importantly others who are here to learn.
This is all my point of view and what I have found to work the best. Do not think this is law or final word. In fact I want others to improve it and maybe even teach me some.
Any really, I personally took Tiefling cause the extra damage on mobs
Ability Scores
Again personal choice but I took 18/13/13/10/10/8. Making sure to take the +2 in cha and the 8 in int.
After allocation in ends up like this.
Same as above this is what works for me.
Test it out and enjoy.
Sorry for the crappy pictures and for the hard to read points but I can cover them if needed.
Also shows what powers and such I use.
I gear power > crit > recovery.
As far as enchanting goes. In offensive slots put power, it works well with the bleed and Slam daily. Defensive either defense or hp. Utility run speed only.
I try to use my encounters as often as possible till i get my t2 4 piece at which point I will update this. Slam is the daily of choice for sure, adds a lot of damage and power for us. As far as Unstoppable(tab) is concerned I use it religiously, anytime I can. Even at half meter, the damage increase is to big to wait for it to be full.
I will post a good video of AOE and single target so you can get a good feel for how it works.
This is a simple video of Karrundax, my job is off tanking adds and well some damage.
Also a few things to note from the video. 1- I sound like I am 14. 2- I may give in and sing on stream. 3- Ellen > Leno 4- My name is obviously Matt.
Always enjoy the game and what you do. Good damage does not just happen you must make it happen with solid play and a more solid mindset.