Like any other RPG, Dragon Blaze has several different stats that your characters have naturally and can obtain through equipment. In this guide, we will go over these character stats and labels to help you understand more about the game mechanics. With these better knowledge, you will know how to better spec and equip your characters.
We will list out the major base stats here and comment about how you should spec your classes accordingly.
Understanding Actual Stats Effect
Your character’s stats when added and stacked, will be limited by softcaps with diminishing returns, will add to “actual” values when stacked high. For example, when you stack critical rate above 30%.
This applies to Crit Rate, Immunity, EVA. DEF has similar effects but they are translated into “DEF Rate”. Below is a quick estimation of these stats and how they add up.
1%~30%: 1 Stat = 1%
30%~60%: 1 Stat = 0.5%
60%+: 1 Stat = 0.3%
It should be noted that this effect does not apply to Critical Damage. And it means that you should not stack your needed stats as high as possible. It just means that it gets harder to get high stats as you advance.
Thus it may be worthwhile to try to get ~40% with DEF, EVA instead of trying to get 60% with one stat and end up with 0% on another.
Basic Stats
INT (Intelligence)
Main Stats for Mage and Priest +2 Atk and 16 mana for each point.
Because Int does not do anything for any other classes, you should generally trash any equipment if you are not a a Priest or Mage, and you are not equipping gears for your priest / mage allies. On the other hand, you should always have INT on the gears as a Mage.
STA (Stamina)
Each STA point gives 32 HP for all classes.
STA is more of a secondary stats that all classes can benefit somewhat. You need to have a decent enough of HP to sustain damage in later games, so that you do not get 1~2 shot kills. If you are a tank class, you should treat STA as one of the most important stats directly comparable to DEF.
DEX (Dexterity)
Each DEX gives Rogue and Archer 2 Attack. 0.03% EVA for all classes.
You NEED to have DEX on all equipment as Rogue and Archers. They are more or less useless for all other classes. In terms of EVA amount, getting an actual EVA stat on a gear will typically grant higher EVA value compared to DEX itself. However, if you are going for max EVA build, getting DEX and EVA together can get you a long way.
STR (Strength)
Each STR will give your Warrior 2 ATK. 1.5 DEF for all the classes.
As a warrior you should generally have ATK for your gears. However you may make a judgement call between being a better tank with higher HP / EVA or a little bit higher damage as a warrior. STR is worthless for other classes.
Character Stats
ATK (Attack)
ATK is the base value derived from your character class’s main stat (ie. Archer – DEX) plus ATK value from main and off hand weapons. All the skills are based upon this value.
DEF (Defense)
Defense is the value derived from gears and STR. They lower the amount of damage that you take from enemies. The DEF directly affects the DEF Rate as well.
ATK SPD (Attack Speed)
Attack speed determines the speed at which you execute normal attacks. The ATK SPD is usually pretty fixed based on class and weapon used. It is generally much better to stack ATK as the majority of your DPS comes from skill uses.
However, ATK SPD is offered as a stat very rarely on certain equipments. By stacking full ATK SPD plus skills that boost attack speed such as Priest’s Magnify may work for you. But this route can take much more effort for little effect compared to ATK + Active Skills. Rogues can also benefit from higher ATK SPD value stemming from skills.
HP (Health Point)
Your HP determines how much damage you can take before you die. You generally want to keep a healthy amount of HP to sustain several hits from bosses.
MP (Mana)
The MP stat is applicable for priest and mage only. Mana is needed for the active skills or spells to be casted.
One derived stat worth noting from MP count is the Mana Regeneration or Recover Rate. The MP recover rate determines how much MP that you can recover while in battle. The MP is recovered over time and the rate amount is determined by your max MP pool.
Some gears do have MP recover stat attached to them but they are generally less useful compared to having actual +MP on the gear.
ATK Stats
CRIT DMG (Critical Attack Damage)
Critical damage acts as a damage multiplier based on your critical rate. This is the best way to achieve high DPS with your attacking classes. Combine it with a high critical rate to deal massive amount of damage.
CRIT Rate (Critical Attack Rate)
The percentage of your landed hits that result in a critical attack. You should generally stack this stat as a DPS on top of the main ATK for your class.
ACC (Accuracy)
Accuracy offsets or counters Evasion value. It is generally only needed for high level arena fights against players who have EVA spec builds.
Additional Damage (Random)
This stat does not usually appear on your character screen, but it does appear on the various gears. What it means is that it will add a final “random” elemental value to the attack. For example, if your attack does 1000 damage + 100 random damage, the final value may be 1100 with 100 of it being a random elemental attack type damage.
DEF Pen (Defense Penetration)
The defense penetration counters the defense rating.
DEF Stats
DEF Rate (Defense Rate)
Defense rate is dependent on your defense value. It reduces the damage taken on a percentage basis. It can be countered by DEF Penetration.
EVA (Evasion)
Evasion as a stat is a percentage of attacks that you can dodge. After reducing any focus or accuracy stats from your attacker. High level tanks in late game will typically opt for stronger EVA over DEF.
Immunity (Immunity)
The Immunity stats lowers your chance at receiving debuff. The percentage reduces counters the percentage of the debuffs. For example, if an enemy skill has 10% chance of landing a debuff on you, having a 10% immunity makes you completely immune to the debuff.
In addition, higher immunity results in shorter debuffed time when you do get hit.
Resist Stat
Fire, Cold, Lightning, Arcane, Holy Resists
These resists stats lower the amount of damage that you receive from specific elemental attacks. However, as it stands, the amount of elemental damage done in the game is pretty limited. This makes elemental resist more or less a worthless stat.
Other Stats
These stats affect the skill casting and sometimes damage for the following classes.
Focus = Archer
Vigor = Rogue
Rage = Warrior
It should be noted that ring gears may allow you to start the battles with some of these values filled up.