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Tera Online Guide- What To Do after Level 65

Credits: What To Do after Level 65 Guide by treesharkeme
I. Introduction to the End Game
Hitting level 65 is technically not called “end game,” as your real journey begins here. The “end game” of TERA is not just getting to max level, but gearing up and either putting a focus on PvE, PvP, or both. This guide will explain the steps of gear progression, dungeon progression, and PvP gear progression. This guide won’t tell you what to focus on, that’s something for you to decide after experiencing the different aspects of “end game.”

II. First Things To Do after Hitting Level 65
So, you just hit level 65, and you have a million things to do. What’s your first goal? Prepare your baseline gear (Idoneal) and acquire master glyphs.

Start by setting up your crystals for PvE. The welcome screen message shows the recommended crystals to use for both PvE and PvP, so it’s a good place to start. Also, complete the level 60–65 story quests to receive Idoneal gear. After you have your Idoneal and crystals ready to go, it’s time to use instance matchmaking. Currently, both Macellarius Catacombs and Sabex Armory award master glyph boxes at the end, so you can keep tackling these dungeons for the master glyph boxes. As a bonus, every time you complete one of these dungeons you will qualify to redeem a Vanguard daily quest—which is repeatable until you run out of that section of Vanguard dailies.

You now have your Idoneal set and your master glyphs—what’s next? The next steps would be to do Vanguard dailies for both Vanguard reputation and feedstock. Both of these are very important, and it’s important to complete your Vanguard dailies every day. Vanguard reputation can buy you a number of important things needed, such as green level 65 crystals , masterwork alkahest for enchanting +9 to +12, or even some avatar weapons .

III. Gear Progression
The gear progression at level 65 goes as follows for PvE:

Idoneal > Ambit > Discovery > Generation

The gear progression at level 65 goes as follows for PvP:

Idoneal > Controvert > Defiance > Renegade

A couple of notes on this, though: Skipping Controvert and Defiance is recommended when focusing on PvP gear progression, as is only going to +9 on the Ambit gear in PvE progression.

IV. Accessories
There are different accessories that give different set bonuses to benefit the class you play. There are different tiers of accessories. Tier 1 accessories are referred to as rings and hoops (in PvP) and “-trill” (in PvE); Tier 2 accessories are referred to as signets and cascades (in PvP) and “-beat” (in PvE). PvP necklaces can only be bought through the Bellicarium merchant. (Note that PvP accessories that drop are not re-rollable through semi-enigmatic scrolls while PvE accessories are rerollable.)

Perfect rolls for DPS rings: +0.04 crit damage, +4 crit rate.

Perfect rolls for healer rings: replenishes 0.4 percent of total MP every 5 seconds; increases healing skills by 2 percent.

Perfect rolls for DPS and healer earrings: decreases duration of stun effects by 10 percent; raises max HP by 4.5 percent.

Perfect rolls for DPS brooches and belts: 6 crit rate, 3 Power.

Perfect rolls for healer brooches and belts: raises max HP by 2.3 percent; increases crit resist factor by 5.

Drop list locations:

Alliance Vault (solo):

Tier 1 PvP rings

Tier 1 PvP earrings

Tier 2 PvP signets

Tier 2 PvP cascades

Controversy belt (Controvert-set belt)

Defiance belt (Defiance-set belt)

Renegade belt (Renegade-set belt)

Notes: The 5-person alliance vault drops the same accessories as above but at a higher rate. Also, the 5-person alliance vault drops simple brooches.

Ravenous Gorge and Channelworks:

Tier 1 PvE rings

Tier 1 PvE earrings

PvE necklaces

Bathysmal Rise (Normal mode)

Tier 2 PvE signets

Tier 2 PvE cascades

Gambit belt (Ambit-set belt)

Bathysmal Rise (Hard mode) and Sky Cruiser Endeavor (Normal mode)

Discovery belt (Discovery-set belt)

Cleansing brooch

Now, you might be wondering which accessories to use for your class. Here is the simplified version of the general accessories each class uses. However, there is room for mixing and matching to suit your playstyle.

Slayers, reapers, lancers, gunners, warriors, archers, berserkers, and sorcerers will generally run a three-piece set of Deathwise (one signet, one cascade, one necklace) and two pieces of Firetrill (one signet, one cascade). This build generally gives a great balance of critical rate and power for these classes that works well in both PvE and PvP.

Priests and mystics will generally run a five-piece set of Frostwise (one signet, one cascade, one earring, one ring, one necklace) for the crit resist bonus in PvP. In PvE, these healer classes will generally use a three-piece set of Frostwise (one signet, one cascade, one necklace) and two pieces of Rivertrill (one cascade, one signet).

V. Gearing for PvE: Dungeon Progression
PvE is important because it allows you to earn feedstock which you will need a lot of for enchanting, as well as getting various other things such as dyad structures (used for making blue-rarity crystals that have two stat lines) and weapon and armor designs. Now that you have your Idoneal gear, you’re ready to begin the end game progression.

After getting your Idoneal gear, getting all of your master glyphs, and making sure your crystal setup is optimal for PvE, a good place to dive in would be Bathysmal Rise (Normal mode). This dungeon is simple enough to complete in Idoneal gear and drops all pieces of Ambit gear with a small chance to drop Discovery gear at the final boss. Also, Bathysmal Rise (Normal Mode) also has a chance to drop the Tier 2 signets and cascades that every class needs. Make sure that you’re rolling for the correct accessories and gear so that people in your group can all gear up properly! Gear from Bathysmal Rise (Normal Mode) is usually bound when picked, so be sure it’s the correct one you need. You can tell which accessory goes to which set by the bonuses shown at the bottom of each accessory (6 power, 2 percent more healing, 6 percent more aggro, etc.).

After tackling Bathysmal Rise multiple times in Normal mode until you have all of your Ambit gear and accessories, it’s time to move on to the next dungeon. You don’t necessarily need to +12 masterwork Ambit gear, but enchanting it to +9 or more and getting correct rolls is ideal. ( You can see how to masterwork and reroll stats on gear in Section VII below.)

Ideal rolls for any type of PvE gear for a DPS class:

Weapon: Increased damage to enraged monsters / damage from behind / increase damage by 4.5–6 percent when attacking (Note that a 6 percent roll is only possible if the item is masterworked.)

Chest: Decreased damage from enraged monsters / decreased frontal damage / reduces damage

Gloves: Attack speed / critical rate / power

Boots: Endurance / movement speed / decreases effects of slowing skills

Ideal rolls for any type of PvE gear for a tank class:

Weapon: Increased damage to enraged monsters / increase damage by 4.5– 6 percent / attacks draw more aggro

Chest: Same as DPS

Gloves: Same as DPS

Boots: Same as DPS

Ideal rolls for any type of PvE gear for a healer class:

Weapon: Decreased cooldown of skills / restore MP when using a skill / increase healing

Chest: Same as DPS

Gloves: Replenish MP every 5 seconds / Endurance / attack speed

Boots: Movement speed / replenish MP every 5 seconds / Endurance

Once you have the correct rolls on your Ambit gear and it’s at least +9, you’re ready to do the next part of progression: Bathysmal Rise (Hard mode) and Sky Cruiser Endeavor (Normal mode). Both of these dungeons drop the best base stat brooch in the game (Cleansing Brooch) and also drop Discovery gear. Discovery gear is the second best PvE gear in the game, and your discovery weapon and chest should be masterworked and enchanted to +12 when gotten. These two pieces will last you through any other PvE content. As for the boots and gloves, it becomes a crossroad of whether or not you want to forever be doing PvE. As explained in the next section, PvP gloves and boots are good enough to last you in both PvE and PvP.

Frequently Asked Questions:

I’m having bad luck enchanting! Where can I get more feedstock / alkahest?

- Feedstock can easily be acquired by doing Vanguard dailies, as well as completing very easy-to-run-through dungeons such as Ravenous Gorge and Channelworks. Make sure to always turn in your Vanguard dailies after finishing a dungeon, too!

- Masterwork alkahest is easily obtainable by using the Vanguard credits given to you from the Vanguard dailies to purchase “masterwork alkahest boxes” from the Vanguard credit merchants located in both Highwatch and Adjumak Trading Post.

I’ve run X dungeon so many times without seeing my items drop yet!

- This is where designs come in. People can actually craft Ambit/ Discovery gear (or you can yourself) that is tradable. You might be able to buy a pre-enchanted item that you need from another player.

But I have no money for that!

- If you are buying a pre-enchanted item or planning to, then you can consider selling your feedstock and alkahest that you’ve been saving since you don’t need it if you’re buying a pre-enchanted item anyways. Feedstock and alkahest are always high in demand and sell for quite a good price.

VI. Gearing for PvP: Battlegrounds and You
Gearing for PvP takes quite a while of doing the various battlegrounds TERA has to offer, but can be accelerated by doing PvE and Vanguard dailies to simply buy some of the materials needed in making end game PvP gear. Remember, it’s recommended to skip both the Controvert and Defiance sets simply due to the fact that they aren’t needed to get better PvP gear. However, “skip” doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t be making them—Defiance gear in particular. You need Defiance gear as a material to make Renegade gear. If you so wish, you can actually make Defiance boots and gloves and enchant them to +9 for PvE and have them be almost the equal of Discovery gear. However, for the Defiance weapon and chest, Discovery is infinitely better than these pieces in PvE.

All right, that’s cool and all, but where do I start? If you look at the Killing Spree quartermasters in the cities, they will sell designs for different types of Defiance gear. The one recommended to craft is in the “Advanced Design III” tab. When buying the designs for your class, be sure the chest armor design says at the bottom “Defiance armor crafted for a .” Now that you have a Defiance design, it’s time to collect the materials needed. Strifeplate and strifespade shards are gotten from sea chests (awarded once a day for winning a Corsairs' Stronghold) and kumas toyboxes (awarded once a day for winning Kumasylum). You will then use three strifeplate or strifespade shards to combine into one strifeplate or strifespade. Check your recipe for the next material needed to craft Defiance— either pure cobala ores (gotten by gathering rocks in Northern Arun) , pure goblusilex (gotten by gathering essences in Northern Arun), fine zawaleather (gotten by crafting zawahides—zawahides drop from mostly any mob in Northern Arun), or pure pilksa silk (gotten by gathering plants in Northern Arun). The final item for Defiance armor, ostatak oils, is made by combining three Gods tears together. (Gods tears are obtained through a low chance of mining any level of rock). The final item for Defiance weapons, hijka oils, is by combining three idyllic leaves together (idyllic leaves are obtained through a low chance of gathering any level of plant). 

Now that you have Defiance gear, it’s time to buy the design for Renegade gear. There are different types of designs to make renegade gear, but the one you want (assuming you made Defiance gear the way stated above) is the Renegade design that says “Retool Crafted Defiance.” Once you get those and learn them, you’re ready to start living and dying by the battlegrounds of TERA. This is all to make the end game PvP gear, Renegade. The Renegade set is the best in slot gear for PvP and requires large amounts of both Bellicarium and Killing Spree credits. So, what’s the fastest way to earn credits? The fastest way to get Bellicarium credits is by doing your Kumasylum dailies and your Corsairs' Stronghold dailies. After winning one of these, simply hand in the quest at the Bellicarium merchant in Velika and collect your massive amount of Bellicarium credits. Be sure to note that you can only earn up to 40,000 Bellicarium credits per week, which means that you really only have to win one Kumasylum and one Corsairs' Stronghold per day. Completing these dailies for Corsairs' Stronghold and Kumasylum also award a sea chest and a kumas toybox—which have a chance to give “liquid bravery” when opened. This liquid bravery item is one of the crafting materials required to make Renegade gear. 

The rest of your time should go into generating the harder part—Killing Spree credits. Killing Spree credits are earned fastest by doing Fraywind Canyon and winning to complete the daily. The daily reward for winning Fraywind Canyon is a large sum of Killing Spree credits. After that, you can sharpen the mechanics of your class and put yourself to the ultimate PvP test. You'll find everything the TERA PvP system has to offer by queuing for the equalized solo Champions' Skyring battleground. Champions' Skyring is the purest form of teamwork, mechanics, and PvP TERA has and awards a good amount of Killing Spree credits just for participating—making it a good place to learn more about your class in PvP while collecting materials for your end game PvP gear without actually needing it. If you want to dive into the realm of PvP in TERA, your end game goal should be to become good at doing 3v3s. 

Frequently Asked Questions: 

I only get one box per day from Corsairs' Stronghold and Kumasylum? I’ll never have enough liquid braveries to make my Renegade gear! 

- This is where PvE and doing Vanguard dailies comes in. By doing these and collecting extra feedstock and Vanguard credits, you can make quick cash by selling any excess and buying the liquid braveries straight from the broker. This is how gearing for PvE progression will help in the long run for PvP. 

Can I use PvP gear in PvE? 

- Renegade gear is good enough to use for both PvP and PvE, but the Renegade weapon and chest may not be good enough to clear the end game PvE content (Sky Cruiser Endeavor Hard Mode and Dreadspire floors 15+). The Renegade boots and gloves are more than enough to clear any PvE content, however. 

What should I roll on my Renegade gear? 

- The Renegade weapon and chest are different from regular gear in the aspect that they have four stat line rolls rather than three. 

- For a DPS class, the general rolls for weapons would be: 0.3 crit damage, 4.5 percent attack speed, increased damage by 6 percent, and the last roll is situational (either 7.2 percent cooldown, 14 critical rate, or 6.9 percent damage from behind). Note that lancers cannot roll the damage from behind roll. 

- For a DPS class, the general rolls for a chest would be: 8 percent max HP increase, reduces damage by 6 percent, reduces frontal damage by 6.9 percent, and the last roll is situational (either 1.2 percent HP regeneration every 5 seconds or decreased damage while knocked down by 6.9 percent when knocked down). 

- For a Healer class, the general rolls for weapons would be: Replenish 0.6 percent MP when using a skill, decreased skill cooldowns by 7.2 percent , increase healing skills by 6 percent , and increases attack speed by 4.5 percent . 

- For a Healer class, the general rolls for a chest are the same as the DPS class rolls. 

- The rolls for the boots and gloves are the same as in the PvE section for the corresponding class. 

VII. Rerolling, Masterworking, and Awakening 

A. Masterworking 

Masterworking grants gear the ability to be enchanted to +12. Every additional enchant from 9-12 will give a bonus stat as well as higher base stats, making +12 much better than +9. Masterworking succeeds at an approximate chance of 3 percent from using “master enigmatic scrolls” (from BAM drops and loot boxes) and “intricate identification scrolls” (bought from any merchant). You simply right-click your master enigmatic scroll and use it on the item you wish to be masterworked, then right-click the intricate identification scroll on it to attempt a masterwork. You can boost your chances of success at masterworking through using “blessed enigmatic scrolls.” Alternatively, you can guarantee a masterwork by using a “noble enigmatic scroll.” 

B. Rerolling 

Rerolling gear means changing the stat lines of bonuses that your equipment gives you. For example, a PvP weapon may contain the stats of “Increased damage to enraged monsters.” This doesn’t do a PvP weapon any good, so you would want to reroll this. It’s recommended that you don’t start rerolling an item unless the item is already masterworked, or you aren’t planning on masterworking it. When planning to reroll a piece of gear that’s not masterworked, you can simply buy “common enigmatic scrolls” from a merchant in any town to wrap an item in an “enigma.” To reveal the new stats, you will need a “common identification scroll”— also bought from any merchant. If an item is not masterworked, you can freely reroll your items as many times as it takes to get the proper stats simply because of how cheap these scrolls are. If your item is masterworked already, you have to use master enigmatic scrolls (recommended) or blessed enigmatic scrolls (not recommended) and intricate identification scrolls to reroll. It’s recommended that you “free roll” an item until it has 2-3 of the stats desired—and then using an item called “spellbind” to hold the stats you want while rolling the other stats. 

C. Awakening 

Awakening is the end game goal of a Renegade (PvP) or Generation (PvE) piece of gear and requires a tremendous amount of resources to do, let alone attempt. The cost of awakening a +12 masterworked item is 2,000 tier 6 feedstock and either 1000 masterwork alkahest, or 750 extensive alkahest, or 600 premium alkahest. After awakening an item, the item now has the ability to go to +15. An item is not fully awakened until it is +15. Each attempt at enchanting from +12-15 depends on what type of piece of gear it is. For example, a weapon will take 200 tier-6 feedstock and 100 masterwork alkahest per enchanting attempt, while a glove will only take 150 tier-6 feedstock and 70 masterwork alkahest per try. An item must be brought straight from +12-+15 without fail. Any fails in between +12-15 will result in a drop back to +12, but no lower than that. It is recommended that you have all of your core pieces of gear and items with an excess in resources before attempting to awaken. 

Frequently Asked Questions: 

- Do I need +15? 

For PvE, +15 is simply there to improve clear times and margins of error. For competitive PvP, a +15 weapon and chest is almost required for DPS classes—while a +15 chest and boot or glove for healers is almost required. Having a +15 weapon in a PvP setting will greatly increase kill potential while having a +15 chest will greatly improve survivability to those with a +15 weapon. 

VIII. Final Thoughts 
The end game of TERA begins at level 65. After reaching level 65, there is a plethora of things to do and think about when progressing onwards that not even a guide can tell you. This guide is simply to give you a push in the right direction, but explain everything to do. Whether it your end goal is to clear the hardest dungeons or to PvP to the top of the leaderboards, everyone starts somewhere. 

EME: This guide is one veteran player's take on how to efficiently progress your character through the end game. It is not intended to cover all methods of obtaining and elevating your character or gear, but offer one possible roadmap.

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