A conference for Dragon Nest KR has been held on 23rd May 2015, where Eyedentity has revealed various exciting new upcoming updates, including a new class Machina, new active skills for Level 90 cap etc. The contents revealed in the conference are summarized as follows :
Information from Presentation
1. Unification of Dragon Jade
- Various Dragon Jade type will be unified into a single type.
2. Unification of Gear
- All armors no longer has class restriction.
3. New Class : Machina
- Only the silhouette of Machina is shown.
- The silhouette seems to be very similar to a certain NPC in Lotus Marsh, with pointy ears and a long tail:
4. Remake of buff/debuff of all classes
- party buff/debuff will be reduced/removed.
- skills in base job will be enhanced.
5. Costume preview function in Auction House
6. Action combat
- 3R: Action Reverse, Stress Relieve, Content Reboot
7. Enchantment Inheritance System
- Enchantment level can be transferred to new weapons (with some losses) of similar grade regardless of level.
- The picture shows “+13″ of a Level 80 weapon is transferred to a level 90 weapon to become “+11″.
- Requires special items for inheritance process.
8. 2 new nests Reboot
- likely referring to Lv90 Reboot mode for Manticore & Archbishop Nest (based on info in client)
9. New Level 90 Active Skills : Hero Skills
- all classes can learn these Hero Skills between level 80-90
- party buff skills: attack increase, defence increase , or damage reduction etc
- these skills CD are shared (among other party members)
- all original party buffs of all classes are removed, in exchange for higher skill damage.
- party setup which consists of specific classes (except for guardian and healer perhaps) is no longer required.
- allow players to setup party based on matching hero skills; lessen class discrimination
10. Gear enchantment stats reduced
- to reduce the stress on players, the stats gained from enchantment is reduced, in comparison with the base stats of the gear.