The Korean server of Dragon Nest has been updated. It includes some tinkering on the skill of Dark Avenger, Saints and Saleana. You can see the full details of the update below:
Holy Shield
(PVE/PVP) Skill AOE is increased
(PVE/PVP) The effect of skill AOE is added.
Lightning Relic EX
(PVE) HP of relic is increased significantly; damage received is reduced.
Healing Relic EX
(PVE) HP of relic is increased significantly; damage received is reduced.
(PVE) CD is reduced.
Cure Relic EX
(PVE) HP of relic is increased significantly; damage received is reduced.
(PVE) Additional effect: increase surrouding party members’ moving speed for a certain duration
Relic of Hold EX
(PVE) HP of relic is increased significantly; damage received is reduced.
(PVE) Increase the effect of damage debuff.
Bless of Rebirth
(PVE) Enhance the effect of Striking (Attack) Buff
Mini Relic
After summoning Lightning Relic EX, if you cast Striking (Attack) Buff around it, and press normal attack, “Mini Relic” can be summoned
Up to 3 Mini Relics can be summoned around a Lightning Relic EX. The damage of the summoned relic is a certain percentage of the Lightning Relic nearby. A damage debuff with a certain duration is applied to the target attacked by the Mini Relic
The Mini Relic duration is very short. Similar to other relics, Shock of Relic can be applied to these Mini Relics as well and deal damage to enemies.
Healing Relic
(PVE) Healing effect is reduced
Bless of Light
(PVE) Additional effect: fire and ice elemental attack buff.
Healing Hand
(PVE) CD is reduced
(PVE) Buff duration is reduced
Elemental Lord
Flame Road
(PVE/PVP) Blink can be used during casting.
Flame Road EX
(PVE/PVP) Blink can be used during casting.
Dark Avenger
Soul Cutter
(PVE/PVP) Reduce phy & mag defence and Fire elemental resist of target.
Dark Crash
(PVE/PVP) Reduce damage received while casting; superarmor is increased.
Dark Crash EX
(PVE/PVP) Reduce damage received while casting; superarmor is increased.
Trans Dark Avenger
(PVE) CD is reduced.
Trans Dark Avenger EX (B)
(PVE) Additional critical increase effect.