Here's a guide on the famous iOs and soon on android game Taichi Panda which teach you how Runes works in the game and how to deal with it.
First, we can start by pressing the "Rune Inset" tab.
It looks like this.
How to use Runes
Each equipment can be inset with five kinds of runes: Water, Wind, Earth, Fire, and Core Runes.
After insetting the rune, the equipment will take on powerful attributes.
Runes can be replaced by better ones as you collect them.
When changing equipments, your runes will automatically be transferred to your new set.
If there is no equipment in a certain equipment slot, the corresponding runes do not take effect.
Runes can be fortified and upgraded by absorbing other runes.
Some runes have Fortification and Refinement requirements.
Now to break it down if some do not understand.
Note: This guide is only going to use core runes as an example to show you how it all works out. This lesson will be applied to all runes that are in the same color though.
The rune itself when you equip it will have the attribute in increasing "Flame, Freeze, and Lightning Damage."
Note: (Only in this example) (Other runes will have "Damage" or "HP")
Now if you look at the other attributes:
"Damage +40 (Item Fortification will be available at Level 50)"
"Health +800(Item Upgrading will be available at level 3)"
To unlock "Damage +40 (Item Fortification will be available at Level 50)" look at your equip that you want to focus on, press it and it will look something familiar like this except some will have "HP" instead of "Damage" depending on the equipment you're looking at.
In order to achieve this attribute, you will need to level up your weapon to a certain level (in this case it is level 50) by pressing "Upgrade" and then pressing "Add automatically" and then press "Fortify."
Note: In order to level equipments, the system will automatically grab any green and blue equipment in your inventory to fuse or if you don't have any, it will automatically choose Slderite.
(Can be gained in Survival Instances daily, Pickpocket, and Market/Smelt Shop)
Next, to unlock "Health +800(Item Upgrading will be available at level 3)" we have to have or get that refine level (in this case it is level 3) in order to receive it. Go to your equips, press whatever equipment is needed to be refined, press "Upgrade", then press on the toggle tab on your right that says "Refine."
Note: Refining equipments will require "Refinement Stones" and "Gold."
Also, keep in mind when you are refining from level 4 to level 5 and above, it will require the same replica of the equipment you are using. So.. make sure you don't smelt that you would have thought that would be junk because why would you need two or more of the same equipment right..?
There are runes that are made as a set, and if two or more are in the same page, they will activate a bonus attribute on top of the overall added up stats.
In this example: Sky Wind Rune, Sky Fire Rune, Sky Earth Rune, and Sky Water Rune (Core is not needed) (Not in any particular order)
Most of the rune sets tend to have the same first names, and if they don't it will show you a bar synergy tree like this except with corresponding runes.
Another Example: Field Rune, Tornado Rune, Flood Rune, and Rock Rune. (Again not in any particular order)
These are the best in leveling up your runes to increase the attributes. (Purple is the best EXP Rune in here)
You can also use other runes lying around, or known as "Junk Runes" to slowly help you earn EXP to level, but it is not the same amount of EXP compared to the previous.
Can be obtained through Pickpocketing, Warrior Store(Team Instance), Daily Upgrade Rune Quest, and Instances that drop components of the recipe.
Some runes can be bought through the "Arena Exchange Section" and "PvP Store." Check those out, if you're interested.
Note: This guide only showed a green core rune as a tutorial, use common logic and sense applying to blue, purple, and orange runes at your own will.
Quick tips you should keep in mind.
- Look at the quality level in comparison, as you progress through the game, there will be instances that will drop runes but make sure you equip the better quality one!
- Keep your orange runes, they will be good in the long run.
- Inseting your runes will make it automatically choose the runes to put it all into place, it is better to put in manually based on what you like or is best for you.
- You have a total of seven equipments to deal with when all is unlocked.
- Sometimes blue, purple and/or orange runes are not always the best! This means you need to put comparison with the stats you unlocked based on your equipment's refining level and the level itself.
If you can do the math and calculate whichever one is better, then do so and equip the better one.
- Some like to focus on a certain item with refining because of the stats, just make sure you put the "GOOD" runes that unlock most of the attributes onto that page of the equip.
- When blue rune stats is all unlocked you can equip the blue rune replacing the green rune, and then "Upgrade" the blue rune with the green rune to level it up to a similar level with better stats. This can be applied with the orange rune absorbing the purple rune, etc.
- Rune sets are good to have in the Blue and Purple quality.
- A chunk of your might comes from here.
-Quality 30 is the best rune so far in the game.
This guide is a work in progress and be sure to check this guide weekly!
In the future, this guide will show you what runes are farmable and given at each scene. Check out some below:
- Green runes (Quality 2) are farmable in Scene 2 (The Jaraken Barrens)
- Blue runes (Quality 4) are farmable in Scene 3 (Zor Tundra)
Note: At Lvl 25 you will unlock more scenes and will be needed to go to the next town, so don't think you are just finished yet! Go to south-west of the first town and enter the portal to begin, but I think you need to finish all the instances in the first town in order to do so.
- Blue runes (First two instances are Quality 4, after first two are Quality 6) are farmable in Scene 4 (Panda Town)
- Purple runes (Quality 12, located at the bosses) are farmable in Scene 4 (Panda Town)
- Blue runes (Quality 6, except last two instances are Quality 8) are farmable in Scene 5 (Mount Garja)
- An okay Purple rune that is farmable, best if you want to farm Phoenix's Soul while at the same time getting a nice rune. Is farmable in Scene 5, the first boss. (Mount Garja)
- Purple runes (Quality 14, located at the bosses) are farmable in Scene 5 (Mount Garja)
- Blue runes (Quality 8) are also farmable in Scene 6 (Place of the Dead)
- Purple runes (Quality 14 on first two bosses, last boss is Quality 16) farmable at Scene 6 (Place of the Dead)
- Blue runes (Quality 10(Rune Set)) are farmable in Scene 7 (Land of Chaos)
- Purple runes (Quality 16, located at the bosses) in Scene 7 (Land of Chaos)
- Blue runes (Quality 10(Rune Set)) are farmable in Scene 8 (Norar's Woods)
- Purple runes (Quality 18(Rune Set) located at bosses) are farmable in Scene 8 (Norar's Woods)
Credits: Special thanks to Requite for making this guide.