As we start this guide, remember that taichi panda is a game of consistency; meaning playing 1 hour everyday for 1 week will be far more beneficial and advantageous than playing 7 hours in 1day.
From level 1-6: easy dungeons and automatic guiding system until your purple weapon is refined, then you'll have more liberty around.
From level 1-30: after accessing norar's wood, you must complete each instances twice in order to claim rewards the 2 rewards relative to that instance. Meaning that after the 1st completion, you'll get the first reward which is 3 epic item shard /soulstone and some gold. Then after second completion, you will be able to get 20-30 diamonds.
Its important to finish every instance a second time right away before moving on because the reward for the second quest will keep on pending. Example: Finish Forest Path 2x, to collect 3 epic item shard,20 diamonds and gold. If you were to move on to Hunter's reach right after only completing Forest Path once , then you will only get 3 epic item shard and the quest for completing Forest Path will keep on pending until you finish it. Furthermore, you won't get the second quest for Hunter's reach nor the following instances. When you decide to go back to finish Forest Path to collect the reward, you'll see that you must complete Hunter's reach 2 more times again since the quest only activates after finishing Forest Path twice.
If you manage to complete an instance with 3 stars, you can use the autoloot system which basically does the dungeon itself and collecting its loot/gold instantly, saving you time. autoloot will not finish your quest for you and it can only be used if you have enough constitution. In every map, there's a prizes to be claimed after obtaining 9/18/27 stars. The prizes are ;green pills, star runes, epic pieces and diamonds.But I believe its more important to complete every instances 2 times first and claiming the quest prize before attempting to get 3 stars on an instance. You can always come back after unlocking other maps and finishing it with higher damage. Note that all instances give the exact same amount of experience and the Exp increases according to your level. If you fail an instances or dungeon, it will not deduct an attempt nor will it remove any constitution( just don't leave in the middle).
Diamonds: Most people will buy the 150 diamond treasure chest whenever opportunity hits, most players who doesn't charge real money should just save diamonds and only use them to gain the bonus spend reward. If you're looking to have fun and play slowly/consistently, then save up diamonds and open treasures. If you are in a hurry to level up, buy max constitution pills per day. How to spend it is really up to you, just know that getting a lvl 26 epic gear alone is rare. Also, you cannot get any lvl 26 amulet or ring from treasures and you can only get the pieces from market, pvp, stores.
In order to maximize experience gained every day, an average player( assuming free 2 play) will need to buy 1 constitution pill every 24 hours and collect 2 feasts which give 50 constitution each. Guild altars gives 10 constitution and the battlefield stores have 20 constitution available to be bought each day. You can also battle in arena, pickpocket players and do dungeons for a small amount of experience. Not to mention constitution will restore itself slowly. If you're busy one day, you can just go on TaiChi and autoloot a few instances. If you are a vip1 or higher, then you should buy the maximum amount of constitution pills as possible if you are aiming to level fast. However if you just want to enjoy the game slowly, saving up for a few treasures chests is still fine.
Now it is extremely important that you keep up with your damage and pet levels gradually as you move on. Might symbolizes the total summation of: Pet level/evolution, item levels/refinements, and runes stats bonuses. In some situation, one can complete an instant that has 10k might higher recommendation than their actual might. Due to the fact that either instance is easy, they know how to use their skill mechanics and pet skills, or that they possesses enough damage/hp to tank it through. One thing i noticed is that, hp and attack damages gives you might, whether from star runes, runes, soul nexus bonus, item refinement and level bonuses.
Another point is that gold is extremely important in this game. At first it seems that gold never runs out, even while levelling all your skills and armours( even buying treasure chests). However assuming the average player does not buy gold (5 diamond for 25k gold), it will run out around mid level 20's. As the price to level up skills and armours will increase relative to the level. My suggestion is to not level up any skills unless you really have an abundant amount of gold( actual goldmine*). Leveling up a skill will add around 3%-15% more damage to the [On Average 500% damage skill}. I know it adds up if you level it up multiple times and theres a blatant difference between 530%DMG and 600%DMG, however you must understand the gold you put in that can be used to upgrade armours, buy treasure chests and upgrading pets. In fact, upgrading a skill will not increase might at all. Tornado whip cost 35k to level up at level 14, which adds merely 4% dmg to your the skill shot. The damage is so insignificant that using it on chests or upgrading armours/pets/runes are way more advantageous.
Runes: Runes are what give a character the most damages, yet they do not represent the portion that gives the most might. Runes are similar to armour in a sense that they have different rarity and functions; some add damage, some add hp, some add freezing/fire/electric dmg, and some add both. Each rune has 3 stats available, each stats will be unlock according to the level of refinement of the armour/weapon it is placed in. Rune does not go inside your gear but rather a independent spot, changing a weapon will not remove all the runes placed in that category. A blue rune can unlock all 3 stats if the level of refine of the gear is level 4 or higher. A purple rune will unlock all 3 stats when gear is level 5 refinement. Similarly, level 3 refinement for green runes and level 6 for orange runes.
For an average player, blue runes are the best due to the fact that most gears are hard to level up after level 4. ( the cost is an 600/800 refinement stone + another copy of the gear.) Some runes can unlock more bonuses if its part of its set is complete. There are 6 different type of runes; water, fire, glyph, wind, earth and exp. Exp runes are necessary to upgrade the other 5 runes. Fire and Wind runes generally give damage while Earth and Water gives more hp. Glyphs are a special type that gives composite stats of hp/dmg and freezing/fire/electric bonus damage ( the passive skill from your orange weapon). Always put your best runes on the gear which has the most refinement levels, so it can gets more bonuses.
Pets: Pets are creatures to aid you in combat. You can use 1 pet until only for the first 16 levels, afterwards you can unlock the second slot which allows you to put in another pet to switch back to forth in combat. After you reached level 23, you can add an additional pet in each slot.( 4 PETS in total). Generally pets provides about 50% of your total might. You can level the pets with gold/soulstones/ coloured pills, their level can be upgraded to your current level. Coloured pills can be retrieved from chests, dungeon/instance loots and you can get soulstones from quests, dungeons/instances and chest. There's dozens of pet to choose from but i would probably use the one with the most hp and damage. Pet skills are also unlocked at level 25 and you must buy them the same way you buy your own skills. At level 35, both of your pets in combat can activate their skills at the same time. Word of advice ; get Borik.
Armours which usually represent the singular source of power in almost all games, they aren't as important in Tai chi panda, but they are still significant. They represent most of your might at the start and gradually decrease into merely 20-30% of your total might. Damages and Hp will increase every time you level it up, or contain another piece placed on you which gives bonus. Refinement upgrades will boost hp/damage as well and unlocking new status for your item. Example: After getting Hades Bracer to level 6 refinement, it receives 750 bonus damage in addition to the 1000 it already has. Refinement bonuses status only activate at lvl 2. Currently the highest epic gear are hades, neptune, and champion. They are all level 26 gears and provide better stats than regular gears. You can obtain all 5 few pieces of neptune gear through dungeon, you can also buy neptune chain and ring pieces everyday in the store and synthesis it after 20 pieces. Therefore, the full neptune set is rather easy to get compared to hades and champion.
The topics not touched on this guide are : Fortitude, Quests, Pickpocket, Market, Stores, PvP, Arena, Guild, and etc. I believe you guys will familiarize with their functions fast enough.
Credits: Special thanks to YIDALI for sharing this guide.