Here's a walkthrough guide on the latest game on Xbox One, PC and later on Xbox 360, Ori and the Blind Forest. This guide will give you a play-by-play tips on how to finish each levels of the game.
Ori and the Blind Forest Walkthrough
The forest of Nibel is dying. After a powerful storm sets a series of devastating events in motion, an unlikely hero must journey to find his courage and confront a dark nemesis to save his home.
Ori and the Blind Forest tells the tale of a young orphan destined for heroics, through a visually stunning action-platformer crafted by Moon Studios for Xbox and PC.
Featuring hand-painted artwork, meticulously animated character performance, and a fully orchestrated score, Ori and the Blind Forest explores a deeply emotional story about love and sacrifice, and the hope that exists in us all.
Level 1: Prologue
Welcome to the Ori and the Blind Forest walkthrough!
The game creators will be your voice-over commentators and guides that show you around the game’s early levels.
Let’s begin with Ori and The Blind Forest’s Prologue, which introduces the first 10 minutes the game in “Swallows Nest”.
Game Saves Tip: You have the ability to set a save checkpoint nearly anywhere in the level using a Soul Flame, by holding down the B button on your controller.
There are still save points throughout the level that automatically serve as checkpoints, but they’re few and far between. The Soul Flame system allows you to celebrate the accomplishment of conquering a particularly challenging puzzle or battle, while ensuring you won’t have to go back and do it all over again the next time you die.
Skill Tree Upgrading Note: After you’ve created a Soul Link, stand near its light and tap the B button to access the Ability Tree to spend any Ability Points you’ve collected in the level(s).
You have three routes to choose between with the Ability Tree: The bottom route gives you Offensive Skills, then there’s the top route that gives you Defensive Skills, and the middle route provides you with Facilitative Skills like a super handy double jump.
Level 2: Sunken Glades
After a Soul Link revival, Ori continues his adventure in the Sunken Glades level, starting out in the “Lower Sunken Glades” area.
Level 3: Forlorn Ruins This level showcases Ori’s gravity mechanic in the frozen Forlorn Ruins: Let us explore the “Sunken Glades” area.
In the Forlorn Ruins, the titular Ori finds a Light Vessel, which he must transport through the level. Carrying this glowing orb weighs him down, preventing him from double-jumping.
Then the game throws in a twist: The Forlorn Ruins are very vertical, but your jumping and wall-climbing are out of the question. You quickly find that while carrying the Light Vessel, you can walk up certain walls, shifting your gravity to wherever your feet are placed. The trick is, you can only walk on the ruin’s orange walls while holding the orb… otherwise, they kill you.
Level 4: Ginso Tree
In the Ginso Tree level we’ll be taking a ‘scenic tour’ of the “Moon Grotto” area.
Game director Thomas Mahler & company will be showing us around the fourth level. This includes the new redirect projectiles move (called the Bash Attack) for which you have to hold the Y button near a projectile and aim it away to reflect the shot at your target.
Part 2 of Level 4 shows the Ginso Tree level’s ending sequence.
Level 5 & 6 will be added shortly.
credits: Special thanks to Moon Game Studios, Outside Xbox, Mashable Gaming and PS360HD for the walkthrough videos.