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ArcheAge Mounts & Battle Pets Guide

ArcheAge is huge world and in this world we can find all kind of pets and they are not only looking different but also different skills. Also there is special equipment for mounts, which you can buy or they just can drop from mobs in dungeons. If your mount will die you can resurrect him with 1 hp and -30 % speed debuff, but you can heal him in Stables.


Moving speed - 9 m/s (with trading goods 1,8 m/s)

Nuians can get horse with help of the quest in Solzreed Peninsula. Other races can buy it for 10 silver coins.
- Increasing speed by 50 % on 5 sec. Cd 30 sec. Opens at level 5.
- Makes two strikes along the sides of the horse. Each strike is equal to 350 % of melee physical dmg. Instant use Cd 2 sec. Opens at level 10.
- Horse hits enemies behind with hooves. Dmg depends from horse level (82-514) and knock down enemy. Skill using time 0,3 seconds. Cd 18 sec. Opens at level 15.
- Horse and character become immune to stun and ranged attack for 5 sec. Instant use. Cd 16 sec. Opens at level 20.
- Horse increase her moving speed by 50 % on 5 sec and knocking down encountered enemies on your way. You can't control your horse movement speed those 5 sec. Instant use. Cd 30 sec. Opens at level 25.

Moving speed - 8,5 m/s (with trading goods 1,7 m/s)

Elves can get deer with help of the quest in Gwenoid Forest. Other races can buy it for 10 silver coins.
- Increasing speed by 50 % on 5 sec. Cd 30 sec. Opens at level 5.
- Makes ranged shoot which is equal to 80 % ranged physical dmg. Instant use. Using distance 30 meters. Opens at level 10.
Fire arrow - Makes ranged shoot which is equal to 500 % of ranged physical dmg and periodically hits enemy with 200 % of ranged physical dmg on 5 sec. Gives debuff "Burning". Instant use . Cd 12 sec. Using distance 30 meters. Opens at level 15.
Aimed shot - Makes ranged shoot which is equal to 700 % of ranged physical dmg. Combo: If enemy is burned, damage increases by 50 %. Cd 24 sec. Using distance 35 meters. Opens at level 20.
- Allows you to jump on 25 m ahead. Instant use. Cd 15 sec. Opens at level 25.


Moving speed - 8,8 m/s (with trading goods 1,8 m/s)

Firrans can get Lion with help of the quest in Falcorth Plains. Other races can buy it for 10 silver coins.
- Increasing speed by 50 % on 5 sec. Cd 30 sec. Opens at level 5.
- Makes ranged shoot which is equal to 80 % ranged physical dmg. Instant use. Using distance 30 meters. Opens at level 10.
- Allows you to jump on enemy and stun him for 2 sec. Instant use. Using distance 15 meters. Cd 24 sec. Opens at level 15.
- All dmg output from Lion and rider is increased by 30 % on 30 sec. If dismount Lion effect disappears. Cd 60 sec. Opens at level 20.
- Increasing movement speed by 100 % and gives immune status on 3 sec. Instant use. Cd 30 sec. Opens at level 25.


Moving speed - 8,3 m/s (with trading goods 1,7 m/s)

Haranis can get tara with help of the quest in Arcum Iris. Other races can buy it for 10 silver coins.
- Increasing speed by 50 % on 5 sec. Cd 30 sec. Opens at level 5.
- Makes strike which is equal to 300 % melee physical dmg. Can knock down enemy. Instant use. Cd 2 sec. Opens at level 10.
- Allows tara to jump back on 12 m. Cd 18 sec. Opens at level 15.
- Teleport owner on 18 meters ahead. Instant use. Cd 30 sec. Opens at level 20.
- Tara and owner become invisible on 30 sec, but movement speed is reduced by 30 %. Effect disappear after receiving dmg.
Instant use. Cd 180 sec. Opens at level 25.


Moving speed - 9,9 m/s (with trading goods 2,5 m/s)

Yatta you can buy in any location from stable merchant for 5 gold.

- Yata is making giant jump forward. Cd 2 sec. Opens at level 20.

Moving speed - 9,9 m/s (with trading goods 2 m/s)

Bloodstock you can buy on Mirage island for 10 g.
- Increasing speed by 50 % on 5 sec. Cd 30 sec. Opens at level 5.
- Makes strike which is equal to 300 % melee physical dmg. Can knock down enemy. Instant use. Cd 2 sec. Opens at level 10.
- Horse hits enemies behind with hooves. Dmg depends from horse level (82-514) and knock down enemy. Skill using time 0,3 seconds. Cd 18 sec. Opens at level 15.
- Increase evasion coefficient by 50 % on 10 sec and gives immunity on stuns. Instant use. Cd 30 sec. Opens at level 20.
- Bloodstock increase her moving speed by 50 % on 5 sec and knocking down encountered enemies on your way. You can't control your horse movement speed those 5 sec. Instant use. Cd 30 sec. Opens at level 25.

Moving speed - 7,2 m/s (with trading goods 4 m/s)

Donkey you can get when making quests for Big Scarecrow or buy on Mirage isle for 5 g.
- Boost your donkey speed by 30 % on 60 sec. To use this spell you need 1 carrot and carry trading goods. Instant use. Cd 60 sec. Opens at level 20.
- Your donkey charging forward and cant turn to left or right for 6 sec. Cd 60 sec. Opens at level 20.

Moving speed - 7 m/s (with trading goods 1,4 m/s)

Cow you can buy on Mirage isle for 5 g.
- Cow defecate, after that you can pick her "product", in other words feces and make from it ecologically clean fuel which you'll need for Tractor. Cd 30 sec. Opens at level 5.

Roar of the Earth
Moving speed - 10,1 m/s

Roar of the earth you can get in Hasla.
By killing raid boss
There is 3 kinds of them. This one is one of them:

- Increasing speed by 50 % on 5 sec. Cd 30 sec. Opens at level 5.
- Roar of the Earth bite enemy, making dmg which depends on mount level and also imposes debuff bleeding on 15 sec. Cd 18 sec.
Opens at level 10.
- Allows you to jump on enemy and stun him for 2 sec. Instant use. Using distance 15 meters. Casting Cd 24 sec. Opens at level 15.
- Roar of the Earth heals himself, depends on mount level (at level 5 it's 600). Cd 15 sec. Opens at level 20.
- Increasing movement speed by 100 % and gives immune status on 3 sec. Instant use. Cd 30 sec. Opens at level 25.

Roar of the Thunder
Moving speed - 11,44 m/s

Roar of the Thunder you can change on 20 k honor in any location from Seller of good for Honor Points.

- Increasing speed by 50 % on 5 sec. Cd 30 sec. Opens at level 5.
- Roar of the Thunder bite enemy, making dmg which depends on mount level and also imposes debuff bleeding on 15 sec. Cd 18 sec.
Opens at level 10.
- Allows you to jump on enemy and stun him for 2 sec. Instant use. Using distance 15 meters. Casting Cd 24 sec. Opens at level 15.
- Increase basic stats of melee, ranged and magic dmg by 30 % on sec. Cd 60 sec. Opens at level 20.
- Increasing movement speed by 20 % on 15 sec. Instant use. Cd 30 sec. Opens at level 25.

Black Arrow
Moving speed - 10,5 m/s.

Quest for "Black Arrow" you can take on Mirage isle.
- Increasing speed by 50 % on 5 sec. Cd 30 sec.
- Horse increase her moving speed by 50 % on 3 sec and knocking down encountered enemies on your way and damage them. Instant use Cd 30 sec. To use this skill you need to craft "Knight lance".
- Heals his hp. Instant use. Cd 18 sec.
- Become immune to stuns on 5 sec. Instant use. Cd 60 sec.
- Horse increase her moving speed by 50 % on 5 sec and knocking down encountered enemies on yor way. You can't control your horse movement speed those 5 sec.Instant use. Cd 30 sec.

THE MAX SPEED WITH "BLACK ARROW" IS 28,2 m/s. To achieve this speed you need to use all 3 skills.

Battle pets

Battle cat

Firrans and Haranis can get battle cat with help of the quest in Villanele. Other races can buy it for 10 silver coins in special trays. Also you need to be level 20 to use them.
- Deals 67 dmg (+1 for each level) witch change for stunning enemy on 2 sec. Instant use. Using distance 2 meters. Cd 18 sec.
Opens at level 20.
- Cat heals himself (500 + 70 for each next level). Instant use. Cd 18 sec. Opens at level 25.
- Increase cats critical change and evasion rate by 30 % on 10 sec. Instant use. Cd 30 sec. Opens at level 30.
- Increase cats damage by 40 % on 10 sec. Instant use. Cd 20 sec. Opens at level 35.
- Deals 130 dmg (+1,5 for each level) and additionally deals 701 damage (+1,5 for each level) with chance of 50 % on 14 sec.
Gives debuff Bleeding. Instant use. Using distance 2 meters. Cd 15 sec. Opens at level 40.

Nuians and elves can get wolf with help of the quest in Marianople. Other races can buy it for 10 silver coins in special trays. Also you need to be level 20 to use them.
- Deals dmg depends from wolf level (180 at level 47). Instant use. Using distance 2 meters. Cd 6 sec. Opens at level 20.
- Cat heals himself (500 + 70 for each next level). Instant use. Cd 18 sec. Opens at level 25.
- Increase wolf attacks speed by 100 % on 7 sec. Instant use. Cd 30 sec. Opens at level 30.
- Wolf jumps on enemy and deals dmg which depends from level (120 at level 47), also knock enemy down on 2 sec. Instant use.
Using distance 15 meters. Cd 18 sec. Opens at level 35.
- Wolf force enemy to attack him. Instant use. Using distance 10 meters. Cd 30 sec. Opens at level 40.

credits: guide created by Legion

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