If you are wondering why the heck did we bother creating a page on how to play Revelation Online, then the videos below will tell you why:
So now that you're excited on Revelation Online, let us then proceed to learning on how can we play it. Let's check out the guide on how can we get an account on the CN server of Revelation Online.
Revelation Online Ticket Guide for CN server
2. Click the 登录 to login
3.The login box will appear, if you already have account you can proceed step 6 onward, if not click the orange Chinese word to register new account.
4.You will be direct to the page to register and fill in according.
5.After complete the form ,go to your mail and verify it. Most of the time the mail will be in your junk mail.
6.Once you have been successfully login, click the earn point tab at left side of the webpage and you will be direct a page that look like the image show below
7.Click the orange button below the mobile phone icon and pop up box will be show.
8.Click the orange word and it will have option that allow you to choose other country number code for mobile number
9.Enter your mobile number and verify it, it may take up to 10min for the verify code to been sent.
10. Congratulation! you have earns your first 50 points. Next move to the task that allow you to earn 200 point and a chance to get 1 cdkey
11.You will be direct to a page that look like this, click the big orange button to proceed.
12.You will see your phone number, click the orange button to proceed.
13.Answer all the question and click the orange button to go next page of question.
14.Click the blue button and it will prompt you install something, allow it and it will get your computer information and submit it.
15.Once submit your phone will receive message from 易网 netcase , you will be inform when you win a cdkey when the close beta is nearby. Go back to earn some more point http://hd.tianyu.163.com/points/cdkey
16.You will notice 2 of the 100 pint have been clear and you have earn 200 point and you will unlock lot of new quest to do.
17.click the 实名认证 orange button and you will be direct to a page look like this. Fill in the form this time round you need some trick to do it, for the name you can just use google translate to get any 3 chinese character word, for the IC you need china identify number. example (110101199209031234) The "1101011" is area code, "19920903" is your birth of date and the last 4 number can be random.
18.click the below button to submit. This may take very long to pass the test. you can go to this forum thread to complain http://ty.netease.com/thread-96552-1-1.html with formal of:
姓名: name
身份信息: china identify number
联系电话: your mobile
异常简单描述: problem about the verify (我的反成谜怎么这么久了还没过?) copy paste the chinese word insde the blanket will do.
19. It good to update your account information in this page https://reg.163.com/chg/ShowBaomiInfo.jsp , so that if you forget your password or get hack, you still able to recover back. If you can't remember you can write all the information somewhere that you feel safe enough.
20. Now go back to http://hd.tianyu.163.com/points/task to do all the remain task to earn point. For weibo you can use yout qq to login in and don't forget to login everyday to get 5 point
Here is quick video make by Setsuko Ohara,please do subscribe his video.