Boss Raid Tips!!
- Big Nose deals critical damage to your heroes and has an evade skill that when active, dodges a substantial amount of your attacks.
- Take a hero that reduces his attack damage. Lady June (3★), Lady Arom (4★), Talisa (4★), Nikita (5★) or Avril (6★) are great for this Boss.
- Also, a hero that removes his evade buff can also help. Lady June (3★), Lady Arom (4★), Apophis (4★), and Space Flying Apophis (6★) all have buff removing skills.
- Big Nose gets ‘Raving Mad’ after time elapses, so the point is to deal as much damage as possible on him before he unleashes his full power! Take your strongest dealers!
Good luck with the Big Nose!
* No level limit to participate! Carats are rewarded for your help in defeating the Boss!
Credits: Special thanks to HHfincon for sharing tips o how to defeat Big Nose.