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5.1 Crucible add on

Certain tips against these enemy

Little: Attempt to bring another tank, if not when he toss your tank back, opponent team will get to your mid row and kill your damage carries

Axe: If you are using vincent, his s1 can still execute you immediately!

Vincent: He doesn't charge up his power to use his s1 fast enough, make sure you kill him by round 4/5 if not he will tank for a lot longer

Leo: Watch out for his 2s, it deal insane damage with critical. Disable is good

Ragnar: To stop Ragnar from hitting you with its skill when it dies, is to kill his entire team before his death animation ends

Hydral: He will blind your team during 2nd turn, avoid activating physical skills when blinded

Lilth: She will use her skill and blink and avoid damage, make sure when you activate your skill, she is not in the midst of blinking!

Cleo: Attempt to bring another tank, if not abolish will let opponent team get to your mid row and kill your damage carries.

Certain enemy you will get damaged not matter how good you are

BoMo: Hits until your mid row hard in the 2nd - 4th turn

Jugo: Throw axe until your mid row and can damage heavily with crit

Medusa & Luna: Damage your entire team at all turns :/

Leo: Can kill your mid row easily when he revived

Ragnar: Self destruct and hits moderately hard (luckily not many uses him lol and can be stop if you can kill the entire party)

5.2 Lv 50 + Crucible tips and experience

This is where it can get insanely difficult to complete 15 stages even with a good main 5, it is not enough! 

Problems / Difficulty
1. Jugo, Bomo, Leo, Luna, Medusa and etc
Deal a truck lots of damage to you within a short time, if you activate all skill, you might not be charged for the next battle. Should you encounter them again the next battle, you will still take damage. Imaging fighting them for 5-10 consecutive battle @_@

2. Not even lv 59 and facing lv 59 opponent with purple+1 Jugo / other heroes
They hurt. Real bad. 

3. Hard to charge up the spare heroes power and have them as standby. Even at stage 1, lv 44 full blue+2 enemy will hurt u bad enough.

4. Vincent is not as OP as before. Multiple enemy heroes critical can kill him in one turn. Need for hard tanks and multiple of them arise.

5. Hard to burst down entire opponent team with mage for >consecutive< battle
Possible to blast and kill all for a battle, but not enough power for the next one to continue. Moving into 2-4th turn of a battle can damage you significantly.

Possible solution or suggestion

1. Over 5 capable heroes
You need strong spares to sustain you team for all the stages. Sub-standard spares are not enough. Good thing is at lv 40+ you should be able to have resources to level more than 5 already. Strong tank, damage disher, magic, physical ... its good to have a reserve of them.

2. Raise your healer star (start early)
Try to farm always. 3* will help a lot. 4* 5* even more :P Since its not possible to avoid all damage, healing must sustain your team.

3. Enchant your gears
They will help you. Power recovery is the most important imo as it is utmost important you can cast frequency. Also after lv 50, most dojo fragment and those extra gear you get while farming purple fragment are in surplus. Sacrificial equipment are a lot more readily available at this point. Other stats will help as well, i tend to focus on power recovery, critical hit, life steal and defensive stats more. Imo its very manageable to max green and blue gear, and purple to 2*. 

4. Upgrade important skills - a must
Make sure those abilities with accuracy that scale with level are maxed out. If you happen to not disable, lets say a Jugo/Bomo, you are gonna eat lots of damage. 

5. Start farming for SS
If you don't and others do, you will lose out a lot. If you face a 4/5* bomo while your bomo is 2*, you are gonna have a hard time. Its impossible to beat big spenders, but do you best to beat whoever in your means :P 

5.3 My Crucible team after lv 53

After playing for quite some time (played up to lv 64), I find that using Jugo as tank is very feasible. In addition, after lv purple fusion, And remember the key is to 

1. deal as much damage as possible 
2.while taking as little as possible within a short time 
3. with the least possible power used 
4. and keeping power bar high at every star of battle

Point 2 involves having enough disables / interrupt skill, which many heroes fall into this category. Point 1 and 3 indicates high DPS heroes without activating power, only a few heroes fall into this category for now and imo they are Jugo, Bomo and Lumina. 3* Eva, 3-4* bomo and 4-5* jugo are needed for this to pull off very well. In addition, due to Jugo having the need to tank more damage, I always hire a good jugo as my replacement so my team remains!

I have concluded from experience, from lv 50 - 80, the below is the best team which have served me the best 
Gabriel / Naomi

*video, lv 69 CoF last 5 stages using the above and Gabriel instead of Jade. It be so much better if I had an Eva cause Voo doesn't heal Jugo if you realized. I made an mistake earlier and I continued to do without Eva which made life tougher haha. Also kinda unlucky this day as they hit my hydral fairly lot (not normal) and my Voo ended up not healing Jugo.*
For jade (gabriel is similar, naomi cast at the start with jugo)
Turn 1
Hydral cast after hitting (self activated, activate with bomo and than jugo to shorten channeling time)
Bomo freeze after hitting (self activated)
Jugo cast after throwing axe (self activated)

Turn 2
[Opponent slowed and your team turn proceed first]
Bomo cast skill 2 (auto)
Jugo chop opponent (auto)
Jade stun arrow (auto)

Turn 3
[Opponent frozen]
Jugo chop (auto)
Bomo cast skill 3 (auto)
Hydral release channel and follow up with AoE blind (briefly interrupt non-1st skill of all opp)
Jade triple arrow skill shot (auto)

Turn 4+
If everything in turn 3 is done right, you would only gotten damage mainly from the first round. Opponent should be charged up and will cast her skill (some will cast skill 1 turn later). When you see this
1. Activate jade skill and interrupt them when needed

All these are rough stats by me but generally, Jugo as tank is a must for me, because of the DPS. The most crucial part of winning and minimizing damage taken, lies with when you cast bomo's freeze. Also it take a lot of skill, like know when to interrupt your own jugo (to stop opponent back row like hydral / jade to cast too early before you freeze), when your jugo's axe will be interrupted (cast before he gets interrupted, so he delays and throw his axe out later), when is the best time to cast bomo (after 1st turn? or 2nd? or immediately when battle), if you are able to freeze all 5 (possible to do right before bomo cast his 2s), how you stop opponents skill ( After freeze -> shoot jades arrow, or Shoot jade arrow -> freeze and cancel, both are do-able, and even shoot jade arrow + lumina beam and freeze to cancel all 5 opponent skill). 

It takes time, observation and practice but I assure you that there it is impossible to tell you when to do what as there are many possibilities.

5.4 Godlike CoF "Cheat" 

For crucible there is this reset trick where you can refight that specific battle. Right before battle end, exit the game and shut down the app. When you restart you will be able to refight the battle. For apple user, double home and close app and open it again. 

Note: the battle result is saved once ALL heroes on either side is death, so if u wanna reset do it asap. 

Good trick to
1. Not let any1 die
2. When u lose too much hp
3. Fight again, change heroes and strategy again 

Enjoy refighting till u clear 15 stages daily xD However do note that if you team is not strong enough, even with this trick, you might not be able to clear 15 stages. Also if you have the right casting skills and team, you probably don't need this at all.

5.5 How to build your CoF team

*This is solely my way of clearing it, it might not be the only way!* This is to guide you to build your own team should you don't have the standard recommended. 

A simple rule of thumb, before purple fusion, Vincent is a must use. After purple fusion use Jugo as tank and Bomo is a MUST for ease of clearing.

Best CoF team before purple fusion

Best CoF team after purple fusion
Gabriel / Naomi / Jade

For the above, Gabriel is the best from lv 60 onwards (gains good power recovery), Naomi will be somewhat on par with Jade along with level (Naomi gains good power recovery at lv 70 only) due to higher Mcrit. Hydral will have power issues till lv 65. However I can assure you, if you timing and sequence of casting is perfect, they will have no problem at all clearing 15 stages (well if they are decently leveled, enchant and trained lol). For low spender I would recommend Naomi as it is easy to farm and can be used for female dojo as well.

*Newly added, for CoF experienced from lv 73 - 80, I felt Gabriel is clearcut the best among the 3, and Jade can somewhat do better than Naomi a tiny bit. I tend to refight more if i use Jade/naomi but hardly a need to refight using gabriel*

Now to the section proper, should you not have the above heroes what to do?

Generally a CoF team must have
Healer - Eva
DPS / Disablers (DD)

For any player, it is possible to these heroes for free - Hydral Eva Bomo Jugo. 

Normally some people would be able to fit in Hydral Eva Jugo but struggled to get Bomo. Hence the line up will look like this

Role: Pre purple - After purple 
Tank: Vincent (or best possible tank) - Jugo 
Healer: Eva - Eva
DD1: Hydral - Hydral
DD2: Jugo - ?
DD3: ? - ?

Next, fill up with the following with what you have (generally just best possible DD lol)

Top choices should you not have the best recommended
1. Lumina (need to use freezing animation technique, see appendix on how)
2. Lilith (good DPS)
3. Noire (pray for silence)
4. Booster (heavy DPS)
5. Ember (for stun and quickly killing tank) 
6. Zeus (high power recovery)
7. Cleo (you are running out of choices :P)

6. Abilities Priority 

There is no right and wrong, this are purely my opinion, if in doubt feel free to ask. I will rate them in this format,

1 > 2 > 3 > 4 [Priority highest from left to right]
1 > 2 = 3 = 4 [Priority to 1, the other 3 are equally important]
1 > 2 = 3 > 4 [Upgrade 1 first and 4 last]
1 > 2 > 3 | 4 [4 can be left untouched, if you have no $. ] 
1 > 3 | 2 > 4 [2 and 4 can be left untouched, but up 2 first if you choose]

Captain: 1 > 2 | 3 = 4
Statik: 1 > 2 = 4 > 3
Marina: 1 > 3 > 4 | 2 
Lucas: 1 = 2 = 3 = 4
Sarpa: 1 > 3 = 4 | 2
Gill: 1 > 4 > 2 | 3 
Leo: 2 = 3 > 4 | 1 
Grim: 1 = 3 = 4 > 2
Sirius: 1 = 3 = 4 > 2
Oggie: 1 > 2 = 3 = 4
Brutus: 1 = 4 > 3 | 2
Little: 1 = 4 > 2 = 3
Buster: 1 = 2 = 3 = 4
Vincent: 1 = 2 = 3 > 4
Spike: 1 = 3 > 4 > 2 
Pandor: 1 = 2 = 3 > 4
Blake: 1 = 2 > 4 > 3
Barbaro: 3 > 2 > 4 > 1

Ember: 1 = 3 > 2 | 4
Kane: 4 > 1 > 3 > 2
Uldor: 1 = 4 > 2 = 3
Lilith: 1 = 3 > 2 > 4 
Booster: 1 > 2 > 3 = 4
Naomi: 1 > 2 > 3 > 4
Medusa: 1 > 2 > 4 | 3
Marven: 1 = 2 = 3 = 4
Cleo: 1 > 2 = 4 > 3 (can choose not to up 3 if u want)
Voo: 1 > 3 = 4 | 2 
Ragnar: 1 > 3 = 4 > 2
Gabriel: 1 > 2 > 3 = 4
Lumina: 1 > 3 > 2 = 4
Bomo: 1 > 2 > 3 > 4
Jugo: 1 = 2 = 3 > 4

Noire: 3 > 1 > 4 = 2
Magnum: 1 > 2 = 4 > 3
Jade: 1 > 2 > 3 > 4
Crackles: 1 = 3 = 4 > 2
Raven: 4 > 3 = 2 > 1
Gymzo: 1 > 2 = 3 > 4
Hydral: 1 > 4 > 3 | 2
Eva: 1 > 3 | 4 > 2

i. Appendix

i. Appendix - Video example of how freezing animation works

Notice the battle unfreeze at 1:21 and hydral shot at 1:20. This is the freezing animation trick that allow you to fasten your hero skill cast time WHILE opponent are frozen! Active heroes (timer running for them) will be in normal colors (not blacked/shadow out), if the gaptime is too long, for example in between hydral and eva, hydral will grey out when eva is casting. In this way the timer will NOT run for hydral and he will take a 5s channel time in unfreeze battle. Its kinda confusing to understand, but play around with it during campaign, you will get hold of it

Heroes Final stats with item build

What an awesome thread and effort by xXrHzXx. Link is below~ Ctrl+f to find your hero!


Proceed to Part 3 of this guide.

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