Below shows you step-by-step how to get easy money by multiplying the Studs you collect!
Lego Batman 3 Money Cheats
Essentially it’s an unlimited money method. Here we show you how to easily farm money in Lego Batman 3. Need a little spare change to buy characters and vehicles? Check out these Lego Batman 3 tips that help you multiply your Studs quickly.
REQUIREMENTS: You’ll need to find, buy and activate at least 1 out of the 5 “Studs Score Multiplier Red Bricks” to get the needed extra Studs. — The 5 Red Bricks that increase your money (named the “Studs Score Multiplier” Red Bricks) can be found in the first 5 levels of the game. All you have to do is go to either of the two Red Brick Stations and buy each Red Brick for 1 to 5 million Studs, or use the cheat we’re about to give you to get the 1st of the 5 Red Bricks for free.
Red Brick Station Locations: By playing through the first five levels of the game as Plastic Man, you’ll be able to activate his special Plastic Man pad to grab each level’s Red Brick. The cheat to unlock Plastic Man as a playable character is “H2VB8Z“.
Once you grabbed the Red Bricks, you’ll need to buy them for 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 million Studs (per Red Brick respectively) in the Batcave’s right-side Trophy Room at the Red Brick Station OR in the Watchtower at the Red Brick Station. Then activate the Red Brick cheat(s) in the pause menu’s cheat section.
Cheat Code Unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game. You can enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: 5MZ73E. Whether you buy the “Studs Score Multiplier x2″ Red Brick or use the cheat, either way it will unlock new in-game money cheats, that you can then activate via the game’s pause menu.
STEP 1: Use our Lego Batman 3 Red Bricks Locations Guide to find all 5 “Studs Score Multiplier” Red Bricks.
STEP 2: After you’ve bought the first score multiplier Red Brick, they will become increasingly expensive (they cost 1, 2, 3, 4 to 5 million Studs). So after you buy the first “Studs x2″ Red Brick (or get it for free using the cheat mentioned above) you should activate it right away as you play through the Story Levels, and the following Bonus Level & open world hub areas that contain the Red Brick locations you need to find (to then unlock the money cheats)… And if you have enough money at this point (after finishing the game) you should be able to buy all 5 of these “Studs Score Multiplier” Red Bricks and activate each cheat after you buy it (as described above).
STEP 3: Turn on all 5 “Studs Score Multiplier” Red Bricks to multiply every single Stud you collect times 3,840!! Wow!!
STEP 4: You can increase your Studs total in the open world hub areas by smashing stuff (like boxes) into Studs as you walk through the environments. This is like farming Studs, because if you keep traveling back and forth between the Batcave, Watchtower, Moon Base and Lantern Planets, then the boxes and other Studs-filled items will re-appear in each area! So you can keep smashing them for more Studs! You can of course also replay levels in Free Play, since once all 5 these Red Bricks are turned on you’ll always speed up your Stud collecting to 3,840 times as fast.
STEP 5: Now repeat the previous step over and over (or play the game as you normally would) to get lots of money! Then you can use that money to buy all the vehicles and characters you want.
That’s it. Good luck!