The Sims 4 Money Cheat
Here’s an easy way to get a lot of money very fast in The Sims 4. Using this money cheat you’ll be able to get unlimited cash, as explained below…
Money Cheat Location: How to get an unlimited cash bonus? It can all be done in seconds using the sim game’s built-in cheats menu.
While playing the game, press on the CTRL + SHIFT + C keyboard buttons on PC* at the same time to display the cheat console window. In that text box (which comes up in the corner at the top of your screen), type the below listed money cheat codes in and hit the ENTER key to get the money.
*If you’re playing on Mac instead, there the CTRL key is the CMND key.
Money Cheat Method: How to make thousands of Simoleons in The Sims 4 easily. In the cheat console window, go type the following money cheats over and over again to get free money!
• motherlode— Get 50,000 more Simoleons added to your household funds.
• kaching— Get 1,000 more Simoleons added to your household funds.
• rosebud— Get 1,000 more Simoleons added to your household funds.
Have fun!
This video shows you how to do The Sims 4 infinite money cheat:
Closing the cheat console window tip: How to exit the cheat box once you’re done entering cheats? Exit by pressing the CTRL + SHIFT + C keyboard buttons again. This lets you continue playing the game.
Credits: EA Games, Gary R. & Jon R.