Riddler's Mind-Worm solved!
Use this script to track your progress:
/run local a={47207,47208,47209,47210,47211,47212,47213,47214,47215}for i,q in ipairs(a)do print(format("Page #%s: %s",i, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(q) and "\124cFF00FF00Done\124r" or "\124cFFFF0000Not Done\124r")) end
The first page (Page 9) cannot be tracked so make sure you click it and finish the cast.
You have to click the pages in order else you can't see the next one.
PS: After the weekly maintenance you have to click all pages again!
Start Page - "Page 9" is found inside Legerdemain Lounge ground floor on the bookshelf
Page 1 - "Page 78" is found on table near the moonwell in Twilight Grove - Duskwood
/way Duskwood 49 33 on the table near the moonwell
On the table near the moonwell.
Page 2 - "Page 161" is found in Firelands near Ragnaros
Page 3 - "Page 655" is found east of the Lost City of the Tol'vir
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 70 78 between the two small trees
Between the two small trees.
Page 4 - "Page 845" is found in the north-west corner of the Sha of Pride room from Siege of Orgrimmmar
Page 5 - "Page 1127" is found in the Well of Eternity from Caverns of Time
Page 6 - "Page 2351" is found near Shado-Pan Monastery in Kun-Lai Summit
/way Kun-Lai Summit 34.6 50.9 in front of the statue
Page 7 - "Page 5555" is found in Uldum
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 76.4 53.6 at the base of the statue
Riddle solved!
/way Westfall 30.5 28 Gift of the Mind-Seekers