Hunters can purchase Tome of the Hybrid Beast from Pan the Kind Hand for 10,000 Order Resources after completing Power Ascended, granting them the ability to tame hippogryphs, gryphons, owlcats, wolfhawks, and wyverns ...and falcosaurs became tameable too!
Wolfhawk Pets
Below is a video of three new wolfhawk pets (Kveldulfnir, Mavarnir & Varoudnir) that Hunters are able to tame in Patch 7.2.
In this video, we're taking a look at gryphons, hippogryphs, wyverns and owlcats that Hunters can tame.
Are now tameable too and classified as raptors.
Wow! Falcosaurs are also now tameable on the PTR! They're classed as raptors!— WoW Petopia (@wowpetopia) February 23, 2017
Make sure to visit Petopia, to see all pets belonging to the Feathermanes family.