A new in-development video previews Valeera's abilities, several new skins and three mounts!
Blizzard has released a new in-development video on the Heroes of the Storm YouTube channel. Earlier today, they teased with Thistle TeaThistle Tea on Twitter. Maybe Valeera will use Energy as a resource and Sinister StrikeSinister Strike will generate combo points. EviscerateEviscerate would deal damage based on the number of combo points she has.
Valeera Abilities
She seems to be a faithful copy of WoW's assassination rogue. Here are her abilities based on WoW tooltips to give you a better idea of her kit.
[D] - Vanish (Trait)- Allows you to vanish from sight, entering stealth while in combat. For the first 3 sec after vanishing, damage and harmful effects received will not break stealth. Also breaks movement impairing effects.
[Q] - Sinister Strike- An instant strike that causes (360% of weapon damage) Physical damage.
[W] - Blade Flurry- While active, your melee attacks also strike all nearby enemies for 30% of normal damage, but your Energy regeneration is reduced by 20%. Lasts until cancelled.
Aura: Attacking additional enemies. Energy regeneration reduced by 20%.
[E] - Eviscerate- Normal:
Finishing move that disembowels the target, causing damage per combo point.
1 point : [ 98.1% of Attack Power ] damage
2 points: [ 196.3% of Attack Power ] damage
3 points: [ 294.4% of Attack Power ] damage
4 points: [ 392.5% of Attack Power ] damage
5 points: [ 490.7% of Attack Power ] damage
Deeper Stratagem:
Finishing move that disembowels the target, causing damage per combo point.
1 point : [ 98.1% of Attack Power ] damage
2 points: [ 196.3% of Attack Power ] damage
3 points: [ 294.4% of Attack Power ] damage
4 points: [ 392.5% of Attack Power ] damage
5 points: [ 490.7% of Attack Power ] damage
6 points: [ 588.8% of Attack Power ] damage
[R1] - Smoke Bomb- Creates a cloud of thick smoke in an 8 yard radius around the Rogue for 5 sec. Enemies are unable to target into or out of the smoke cloud. Allies take 10% less damage while within the cloud.
Aura: A smoke cloud interferes with targeting. Allies take less damage. 5 seconds remaining.
R2 - Cloak of Shadows- Provides a moment of magic immunity, instantly removing all harmful spell effects. The cloak lingers, causing you to resist harmful spells for 5 sec.
Aura: Cloak of Shadows. Resisting all harmful spells. 5 seconds remaining
Valeera also comes with a "Demon Hunter" skin that will be part of a bundle. The skin has themed abilities.
New Skins
- Master Valeera
- Demon Hunter Valeera
- Lunar Li-Ming
- Monkey King Samuro
New Mounts
Nimbus Cloud
Lunar Rooster
Screenshots were taken from the in-development video below: