We've already seen a Warlock solo Mythic CoS, but now we're upgrading to actual Mythic+! Oldschool solo artist Mionelol is back after some Karazhan solo kills (including Shade of Medivh and Viz'aduun) and is taking aim at Mythic Keystones, getting a lore-appropriate start with Vengeance Demon Hunter vs. Vault of the Wardens +3. There was "only" one chest at the end, so clearly more class tuning is required!
Here's Mione's armory, featuring a 896/893 equipped item level, in case you were wondering.
n/c, enjoy it for what it is i guess. still looking for higher keys, i can probably do +4 in time too, maybe even +5 if i get the right keys :)
when it comes to doing it outside of the timer, limit's nowhere in sight yet :)