There exists a unique quest only available through the The Dawning event in Destiny which enables players to unlock The Poison Apple Sparrow. It is important to note that this quest, despite being avaible only on the Dawining event, can be finished any time of the year which means that you can get the highly coveted weapon just by simply initiating the quest chain and finish them after you’ve taken your long holiday break – even after the event ends which is set at January 3rd. How awesome is that?
But like most of us, we would want to unlock the awesome new goodies as early as possible right? And so, here’s the step-by-step guide on how to unlock the new Poison Apple Sparrow in Desinty: Rise of Iron.
Destiny: Poison Apple Sparrow Quest
First, you need to pick up the “Speed Kills” quest which is given by Amanda Holliday once you hit rank 2 in Sparrow Racing League reputation. This means that if the quest isn’t available to you, you need to play some SRL in order to boost your reps.
Eliminate Splicers
Once you’ve picked up the quest, you’ll then go to the Plaguelands and kill about 100 Splicers. The best area to grind these mobs is in Archon’s Forge as there’s a high concentration of spawns points.
Challenge of Elders
Once you’re done with the Splicers, head to Challenge of the Elders and the defeat the three bosses via Solo or with your friends. This run is very doable in solo nowadays especially now that Light level has been increased to 400.
Speed Run on Specific Missions
Finally, you’ll have to finish certain Story Missions specifically Fear’s Embrace and Outbound Signal within a time limit which is very much like SRL quest last year which gave out Nightsteed Sparrow. In this year, however, once you completed the specific Story Missions, you’ll be rewarded with the Poison Apple Sparrow. Take note that these specific quests will be highlighted in purple. Select these missions and clear them within the indicated time limit and you’re good to go!
Unlock Poison Apple Sparrow
After finishing all of the quests mentioned above, return to Amanda Holliday to finish the quest and obtain the Poison Apple Sparrow. The weapon in itself isn’t legendary when it comes to stats but it’s highly coveted due to its rarity.