2K Games has released yet another XCOM game into android devices. This time, they bring to us XCOM: Enemy Within which basically feels and looks like its predecessor, but has a different gameplay experience.
In the game players will be defending Earth from an invading alien race. You will have to be able to manage your resources well in order to accomplish this goal. These resources will be used to help build up your defensive forces whether it be researching new weaponry and commanding your forces in battles against this alien race.
Even though the update mostly be about bringing the Enemy Within expansion to XCOM, the older content from the original game is getting a bit of a massage as well. New maps, aliens (2 new types to deal with), weapons and so on are being added to it. Soldiers will also be able to get genetically modified, new cybersuits, weapons and tools to use. Finally a new resource will be added to the game called Meld which can be used to unlock new technology and weapons.
As what the developer announced, the game will be ready for purchase today for $12.99. If you want to grab a copy, then we advice that you stay vigilant and find out if it's already available on Google Play, iTunes or Amazon App Store.