Now that the 1.4 update is live across all platforms, The Division team is looking to tweak the game further with more updates and future features. Although the servers did not come down this morning for maintenance, developers still gathered to deliver the weekly state of the game address on Twitch. The next piece of paid downloadable content was not detailed during the stream. However, the team touched on expanding the stash, weapon balancing, and PvP in the address.
With the 1.4 update in the hands of PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One players across the world, the changes and additions are certainly being encountered by a much larger number of people compared to when the content was available on the public test server. Now that the altered enemies and World Tier system are being experienced by a larger population of players, The Division team plans on collecting data and feedback on how the game progressed with these new changes.
Patch 1.4 changed the game in many ways, but named weapons did not really receive a pass for the update. Developers of the game plan to look closely at weapons, shotguns included, in the 1.4 environment before making changes. Changes like those and any that may come to the PvP side of the game are definitely imminent, but they will occur after data is collected on the rebalanced gameplay.
The team also mentioned that a stash size increase is often requested and will likely be improved in a later update. Although a stash increase for 1.5 is improbable, a bigger stash is coming. The current stash in The Division cannot properly be upgraded, though, which is why the team will need to change the way items are stored before giving players a larger stash.
It was indicated that the public test server will return before future updates. A few moments were taken to note that a console public test server is something developers of The Division are working hard to open up to players. However, first party concerns and other issues make a console public test server difficult to operate. The team wants continued feedback from console players, of course. All players can offer feedback on the current update by visiting the “Suggestions and Feedback” section of the official forums.
As many players of The Division know, the 1.4 update went live earlier this week. The game-changing update went live on Tuesday with the finalized patch notes posted on Monday. The 1.4 update adds the new World Tier feature, adjusts enemy scaling, and introduces leveling past the level cap. In fact, players can earn and purchase caches filled with relevant gear in several different ways. Leveling Field Proficiency and Underground past the cap rewards players with sealed caches, and caches can be purchased with credits, Phoenix Credits, and Dark Zone currency. The Ubisoft Blog briefly notes those changes and much more in the 1.4 overview.
“The new patch – tested extensively on The Division’s Public Test Server – includes numerous fixes across nearly every facet of the core Division experience, including UI, various stats (weapons and gear), loot drops, and activities like High Value Targets. 1.4 also introduces the concept of World Tiers, which allows you to select the level of enemy AI and the corresponding loot they drop.”
Agents experiencing issues with the latest update can check out the list of 1.4 known issues on The Division forums. An upcoming patch will fix gear score 163 named weapons dropping from Incursions in all World Tiers. The higher tiers will soon drop the appropriate level named weapons. Three other issues are currently being investigated by The Division team including Dark Zone stuttering on Xbox One, a major sound issue on PC, and the drop in framerates when using the player stash.