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Vainglory Ringo Ultimate Ganker Build Guide

If you want your Ringo in Vainglory to be great in ganking, then you have come to the right page!

Here's a Ringo Build guide which focuses on making your hero the ultimate ganker in Vainglory.

Who is Ringo?

Ringo is a speedy, deadly and ranged character who packs a punch! Deadly during mid-to-late game, his critical blasts deal massive damage and bend his enemies to his knees. His drawback though is primarily his health and defence. Similar to the transition from cocoon to butterfly, he is extremely weak early game, and is pretty much susceptible against most characters. But once he gains enough gold, he becomes a terrifying foe for his opponents. Overall, he is an easy character to use, but is no doubt hard to master.

  • Ringo is a ranged character.
  • His basic attack and skills are used for last hitting.
  • Boots + 2nd Skill = Fastest character in the game.
  • Ringo has one of the highest damage outputs.
  • Strong ambushing and ganking skills.
  • For single target abilities, his ultimate has the longest range of activation.
  • Extremely tough in 1v1 fights or chases.
  • PlayOffBeard is amazing!

  • Ringo is susceptible against all characters early game.
  • Ringo is weak against characters who either stun, silence or generally dish out higher damage.
  • Ringo can only lane. He won't survive in the jungle.
  • Ringo's ultimate is slow to cast, giving an enemy a chance to stun, silence or harm you.
  • Ringo has no "Area-of-effect" skills, making farming hell for Ringo.
  • Ringo's natural low health and defence makes him an easy meal for enemy players.

Hero Abilities

Double Down 
HERO PERK: After killing an enemy unit, Ringo's next basic attack will be critical.

Achilles Shot
SLOT A: Ringo fires a deadly bullet at his target's ankle, slowing the target & dealing high damage.

Twirling Silver
SLOT B: Ringo slings bullets at his target in a mad flurry, dramatically increasing his attack speed & move speed for 7 seconds. Both attack and movement speed is increased the more you devote points towards this ability.

Hellfire Brew
SLOT C: Ringo takes a swig from his gourd and breathes out a scorching fireball at his target, dealing massive damage and ignoring all armour and shield. The fireball deals splash damage on impact and sets the target on a blaze, burning it & nearby enemies for 7 seconds.

Skill Distribution per Level
Level 1- Twirling Silver
Level 2- Achilles Shot
Level 3- Achilles Shot
Level 4- Achilles Shot
Level 5- Twirling Silver
Level 6- Helfire Brew
Level 7- Achilles Shot
Level 8- Achilles Shot
Level 9- Hellfire Brew
Level 10- Twirling Silver
Level 11- Twirling Silver
Level 12- Hellfire Brew

Item Build


Energy Battery

Halcyon Potion 2x


Energy Battery

Halcyon Potion 2x

Sprint Boots

Piercing Spear

Six Sins


Energy Battery

Travel Boots

Tension Bow




Journey Boots

Tension Bow



Alternating Current





Atlas Pauldron

Original Build
Journey Boots Useful for pursuing and running away from enemies you can't deal with. Helps with kiting.

Tension Bow Passive allows a basic attack to occasionally deal bonus damage and armour pierce.

Sorrowblade Increases weapon damage; works in conjunction with Tension Bow.

Aftershock Upon using a skill, your next basic attack deals slice damage (capped at 300) and life-steal.

Alternating Current Basic attacks deal 50 + 75% of crystal damage. Works well with Shatterglass.

Shatterglass Increases crystal damage- increased damage of Achilles Shot and Hellfire Brew.

Defence Modifications
If you ever want to equip a defence item with the build, replace Sorrowblade with one of the following items.

Aegis Blocks all incoming skills, debuffs and some damage for a short period of time.

Crucible Activates Reflex Block for yourself & teammates. Reflex Block weakens incoming damage & debuffs.

Atlas Pauldron Slows the attack speed of enemy units by 65% for a short period of time.

How to Play a Ganker Ringo (Tips)

Ringo's position is always the lane! Never in the jungle. Why? Because his skills are too weak during early game, and his true potential is wasted there. He could be ganking and last hitting units on the battlefield. Use second skill to kite and gain minion kills with ease. Try to avoid using the first skill- save it for ganks.

Because Ringo has health and low defence, he has a natural tendency to attract enemy heroes- which while laning, is bad. VERY bad. The enemy can gank you and stop you from last hitting, meaning you are less likely to gain gold as you have a poorer chance of getting the minion kills. To combat this, after killing a troop and gaining the 'Double Down' effect, immediately hit your enemy to reduce their health down. Then simply use your first skill to further intimidate them- show who's boss. If they are teleporting back with around 50% health, let them flee and waste their precious farming time. During this period, you are free to push.

Skill Rotation
The order of skill deployment or activation depends on what scenario you are in.

If you're ambushing, use your skills from this order: Hellfire Brew Achilles ShotTwirling Silver . By using this method, the enemy has no chance of using Reflex Block to deflect against your ultimate. By the time the fireball makes contact, the enemy is probably trying to escape. The two following abilities are perfect for pursuing- use them, and the enemy is most likely to die.

In an exposed battle, with very little hiding terrain, try to avoid usingHellfire Brew as much as possible. Use your basic attack,Twirling Silver , then Achilles Shot consecutively for a rapid succession of bullets. Use this method against an enemy Carry or a Skill-reliant hero.

Team-fights are the toughest- They usually take place in the Jungle, particularly at the Goldmine/ Kraken's spawn area. Try avoid attacking tanky characters like Catherine, but instead, aim for squishy, but deadly characters. Use exact same method above, but use Hellfire Brew if an enemy tries to escape the fight.

Bonus Tips

  • Never use your ultimate, Hellfire Brew , midway through a fight.
  • Always wait for your team. You are a Carry, as well as an Assassin, here to get kills by sneaky means.
  • If you don't have the benefit of having a friend to check bushes for you, use flares and scout traps.
  • When chasing, tap on the ground near the enemy you are chasing. When close enough, shoot. Repeat.
Hero Threat Level for Ringo


Deadly during early game- his stacks and harvest are a pain when he gets up close. Ringo's mobility and Achilles Shot make it quite easy to avoid Krul's ultimate. Try to avoid bushes that seem too suspicious to be Krul-free. Kite him to death...


Her range is longer than yours, meaning she can't be kited. If she is experienced, she will go for the gank whenever she gets the chance. Her defence is naturally low, and can only rely on her skills to defeat you. Don't attack her 1v1 unless you're either ambushing or her ultimate is used already.

Threat of enemy Ringo depends on skill. Usually an experienced Ringo lanes, ambushes and ganks once in a while. If you got Catherine on your team, you should have no problem dealing with him.

Adagio acts more of an annoyance than a threat. His Gift of Fire heals as well as slows- making life a pain for Ringo to escape ganks. His defence is quite low, which makes him susceptible to Ringo's high damage output. To rid him easily, hide in a bush and use Achilles Shot to slow. It shouldn't take any longer than 5 seconds to kill him. Blast him with your ultimate if he manages to avoid your basic attack range.

Like Adagio, not much of a threat. Joules' ultimate can easily be juked with Ringo's natural high mobility. Most tend to hide in bushes and wait for an unsuspecting Ringo to pass by- to counteract this, team-up with a friendly Glaive or Catherine to check for you. If you do not have such teammates, use flares instead. Ringo can easily dodge all of Joule's abilities in a 1v1. If such a scenario occurs, turn around the fight and chase her to death.

If SAW misfires his Suppressing Fire, then he's toast. There's no point kiting him- trying to do this will only result you getting damaged more than him. In addition he gains more free stacks. Roadie Run is difficult to avoid- Achilles Shot him and make a run for it. Do not engage if SAW has full stacks and ultimate activated. His weaknesses is primarily his mobility, so chasing won't be a problem at all.

The deadly Taka shows no mercy against Ringo. His speed and gap-closing skills could possibly outmatch your reputed mobility. With the introduction of this character, scout-traps and flares have become more necessary for Ringo. To counteract him use Achilles Shot, run and then damage him with your ultimate. Get a teammate, preferably Catherine, to finish Taka off as he is left vulnerable and unable to become invisible due to the damage of your recent Hellfire Brew.

High health, tanky and means real business. Most of them jungle, and sometimes come up to lane and ambush unsuspecting Ringos. Afterburn allows for easy bruises and ganks. Be wary that he can also knock you to the enemy turret when pushing too far. Target last in a team fight.


Perhaps one of the strongest damage dealers and fastest characters. Be wary when up against Koshka, a 2v3 fight might actually be a 3v3 with cat-ass waiting for an ambush. Fight her when you're prepared. Her stun, speed and ambush skills make her deadly against Ringo- which also provides her teammates an opportunity to catch up to you. Avoid her early game at all costs.

Catherine eats Ringo for breakfast. High health, defence and equipped with a silence and stun makes her Ringo's worst nightmare. Her first skill 'Merciless pursuit' is too difficult to be stopped, and brings your health down to just above half. Her Stormguard allows her to reflect more damage on yourself than what you deal to her (It's almost suicide). Luckily you have speed on your side- use quick hand manoeuvres to slow her and make an escape run if she engages. Make sure to wait for her Stormguard to disappear, then deliver the final blow. In a full-on fight, target her last or don't target her at all.

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