Fans were a little confused when the latest Pokémon GO spawn nest migration didn’t arrive “on schedule,” but now a change has been made, and it’s like nothing the game has ever seen before.
Previously, when Niantic changed around spawning nests in Pokémon GO, there was a set list of Pokémon that would change to a different set list of Pokémon. For example, when I started Pokémon GO, I had a Dratini nest by my house, and after the first update, it changed to an Eevee nest, as did all other Dratini nests worldwide. Then after the next update, those Eevee nests, mine included, all changed to Kabuto nests, and so on.
This time, however, things are different. Rather than being able to go to a list and check which Pokémon is now spawning instead of an older one, Niantic has totally randomized the spawn system. While rarity hasn’t changed, you don’t really have a way of predicting what nests have changed into, other than going out and looking for yourself.
Reports are coming in from around the world that there really is no other correlation other than relative rarity. What used to be a Charmander nest now spawns Abras, Digletts, Ponytas, Squirtles or others, depending on where you are. An Electabuzz nest can now spawn Nidoran, Onix, Pinsir, Polywag, Cubone, etc.
While “staples” of your area will always stay the same, Pidgeys, Rattatas, Zubats, Spearows and in my case, Drowzees, the “rare” Pokémon above that base tier are now totally randomized with these new spawns. They can still be cataloged and people can use third-party sites to update what nest is spawning where, but it’s harder to keep track of, given all these individual reports coming in. It used to be that you could just say, “All Eevee nests are now Kabuto nests,” and that would be true in 95% of cases, but that’s out the window now.
As for why Niantic chose to do this, I’m not precisely sure. I’m not sure it’s necessarily good or bad for players. It was nice to look online and immediately know what my “rare” nest had changed into, but this new update will make me walk around more and discover what’s now spawning here. There’s really no definite way to discover what’s around me otherwise, and I suppose exploration is the point of the game. I would expect this to be how things work going forward, and in the end, it might increase diversity in terms of what you’re capturing better than the old system.
I’ve also heard reports that new spawn nests are popping up after this update, ones that didn’t exist at all before. It’s hard to confirm this, but if true, it might be the case that Niantic is trying to expand coverage to under-served areas that weren’t getting enough Pokémon nearby. As the game grows, hopefully more spawn points can make things better for rural players.
I’m off to go look around and see what’s spawned now, and so far I’m seeing Jigglypuffs, Squirtles and Machops that certainly weren’t there before.