Niantic has not yet released official numbers on how far you’ll need to walk your Pokemon in order to get candy. However, there are already players who have data-mined the most current update (the one that implemented the Buddy System) and save it on Game Master file on Github that appears to show candy rewarded every 1, 2, or 3 km distances depending on the size and type of Pokemon that you walk.
Plus there are several thread on reddit that supports this claim and verify it to be true. The only question now is that it’s not clear if you would get just one candy per distance achieved or a packet of candy. But rest assured that we will update this page if we find the data.
Based on the Game Master file and the raw data from trainers, the following Pokemon will yield you candy the fastest at only 1 km traveled. They're listed in alphabetical order.
NOTE: For those of you who would like to see the full size and distance list, required for Pokemon that you are walking as Buddies, then we suggest that you take a look at the table below.
- Beedrill
- Butterfree
- Caterpie
- Clefable
- Clefairy
- Fearow
- Geodude
- Golbat
- Golem
- Graveler
- Gyarados
- Jigglypuff
- Kakuna
- Magikarp
- Metapod
- Pidgeot, Pidgeotto, Pidgey
- Pikachu, Raichu
- Raticate, Rattata
- Spearow
- Weedle
- Wigglytuff
- Zubat
Here Are the Distances According to Pokemon Type
Abra | 3 | Medium |
Aerodactyl | 5 | Big |
Alakazam | 3 | Big |
Arbok | 3 | Big |
Arcanine | 3 | Big |
Articuno | 5 | Flying |
Beedrill | 1 | Flying |
Bellsprout | 3 | Medium |
Blastoise | 3 | Big |
Bulbasaur (confirmed) | 3 | Medium |
Butterfree | 1 | Flying |
Caterpie | 1 | Shoulder |
Chansey | 5 | Big |
Charizard (confirmed) | 3 | Big |
Charmander (confirmed) | 3 | Medium |
Charmeleon | 3 | Medium |
Clefable | 1 | Big |
Clefairy | 1 | Medium |
Cloyster | 3 | Big |
Cubone | 3 | Medium |
Dewgong | 3 | Medium |
Diglett | 3 | Medium |
Ditto | 3 | Medium |
Dodrio | 3 | Big |
Doduo | 3 | Medium |
Dragonair | 5 | Big |
Dragonite | 5 | Big |
Dratini (confirmed) | 5 | Medium |
Drowzee | 3 | Big |
Dugtrio | 3 | Big |
Eevee (confirmed) | 5 | Shoulder |
Ekans | 3 | Medium |
Electabuzz | 5 | Medium |
Electrode | 3 | Big |
Exeggcute | 3 | Medium |
Exeggutor | 3 | Big |
Farfetchd | 3 | Medium |
Fearow | 1 | Flying |
Flareon | 5 | Medium |
Gastly | 3 | Flying |
Gengar | 3 | Big |
Geodude | 1 | Medium |
Gloom | 3 | Medium |
Golbat | 1 | Flying |
Goldeen | 3 | Medium |
Golduck | 3 | Big |
Golem | 1 | Big |
Graveler | 1 | Big |
Grimer | 3 | Medium |
Growlithe (confirmed) | 3 | Medium |
Gyarados | 1 | Big |
Haunter | 3 | Flying |
Hitmonchan | 5 | Big |
Hitmonlee | 5 | Big |
Horsea | 3 | Medium |
Hypno | 3 | Big |
Ivysaur | 3 | Big |
Jigglypuff | 1 | Medium |
Jolteon | 5 | Medium |
Jynx | 5 | Big |
Kabuto | 5 | Medium |
Kabutops | 5 | Big |
Kadabra | 3 | Big |
Kakuna | 1 | Medium |
Kangaskhan | 3 | Big |
Kingler | 3 | Big |
Koffing | 3 | Big |
Krabby | 3 | Medium |
Lapras (confirmed) | 5 | Big |
Lickitung | 3 | Medium |
Machamp | 3 | Big |
Machoke | 3 | Big |
Machop | 3 | Medium |
Magikarp (confirmed) | 1 | Medium |
Magmar | 5 | Big |
Magnemite | 3 | Flying |
Magneton | 3 | Big |
Mankey | 3 | Medium |
Marowak | 3 | Medium |
Meowth | 3 | Medium |
Metapod | 1 | Medium |
Mew | 5 | Medium |
Mewtwo | 5 | Big |
Moltres | 5 | Big |
MrMime | 5 | Medium |
Muk | 3 | Big |
Nidoking | 3 | Big |
Nidoqueen | 3 | Big |
NidoranFemale | 3 | Medium |
NidoranMale | 3 | Medium |
Nidorina | 3 | Medium |
Nidorino | 3 | Medium |
Ninetales | 3 | Big |
Oddish | 3 | Medium |
Omanyte | 5 | Medium |
Omastar | 5 | Big |
Onix | 5 | Big |
Paras | 3 | Medium |
Parasect | 3 | Medium |
Persian | 3 | Medium |
Pidgeot | 1 | Flying |
Pidgeotto | 1 | Flying |
Pidgey | 1 | Shoulder |
Pikachu | 1 | Shoulder |
Pinsir | 5 | Big |
Poliwag | 3 | Medium |
Poliwhirl | 3 | Big |
Poliwrath | 3 | Big |
Ponyta | 3 | Medium |
Porygon | 3 | Big |
Primeape | 3 | Big |
Psyduck | 3 | Medium |
Raichu | 1 | Medium |
Rapidash | 3 | Big |
Raticate | 1 | Medium |
Rattata | 1 | Medium |
Rhydon | 3 | Big |
Rhyhorn | 3 | Big |
Sandshrew | 3 | Medium |
Sandslash | 3 | Medium |
Scyther | 5 | Big |
Seadra | 3 | Big |
Seaking | 3 | Big |
Seel | 3 | Medium |
Shellder | 3 | Medium |
Slowbro | 3 | Big |
Slowpoke | 3 | Medium |
Snorlax | 5 | Big |
Spearow | 1 | Shoulder |
Squirtle | 3 | Medium |
Starmie | 3 | Big |
Staryu | 3 | Medium |
Tangela | 3 | Medium |
Tauros | 3 | Big |
Tentacool | 3 | Medium |
Tentacruel | 3 | Big |
Vaporeon | 5 | Medium |
Venomoth | 3 | Flying |
Venonat | 3 | Medium |
Venusaur | 3 | Big |
Victreebel | 3 | Big |
Vileplume | 3 | Big |
Voltorb | 3 | Medium |
Vulpix | 3 | Medium |
Wartortle | 3 | Medium |
Weedle | 1 | Shoulder |
Weepinbell | 3 | Big |
Weezing | 3 | Big |
Wigglytuff | 1 | Big |
Zapdos | 5 | Flying |
Zubat | 1 | Flying |
Now let's discuss about the new info about Ditto and Legendary Pokemon.
The Game Master file not only revealed the distance needed for a Pokemon to give trainers some candy, but it also contains interesting information about Ditto and the Legendary Pokemon. Let's take a look at the codes:
The Game Master file not only revealed the distance needed for a Pokemon to give trainers some candy, but it also contains interesting information about Ditto and the Legendary Pokemon. Let's take a look at the codes:
Ditto: km_buddy_distance: 3
Articuno: km_buddy_distance: 5
Zapdos: km_buddy_distance: 5
Moltres: km_buddy_distance: 5
Mewtwo: km_buddy_distance: 5
Mew: km_buddy_distance: 5
As you can see, it contains the km requirements for Ditto and Legendaries. But what's really interesting about this is the fact that Ditto is the only Pokemon to not have a buddy_size line, while all Legendaries do.
When you check out the Game Master file (link below), you can see that all "normal" sized Pokémon don't have a buddy_size! Just checked, Rattata and other Pokémon of a similar size don't have one too. This could hint at Ditto not being implemented in the near future though, but might as well have no importance at all. Well, so much for the Ditto hype!
But that's only our assumption. We'll never know what Niantic has in stored for us in the future. But one things for sure, Niantic has a lot of surprises in the future to make Pokemon GO a more fun game to play.
Source: 0.37 Update Game Master File datamined by apavlinovic
When you check out the Game Master file (link below), you can see that all "normal" sized Pokémon don't have a buddy_size! Just checked, Rattata and other Pokémon of a similar size don't have one too. This could hint at Ditto not being implemented in the near future though, but might as well have no importance at all. Well, so much for the Ditto hype!
But that's only our assumption. We'll never know what Niantic has in stored for us in the future. But one things for sure, Niantic has a lot of surprises in the future to make Pokemon GO a more fun game to play.
Source: 0.37 Update Game Master File datamined by apavlinovic