First things first: Take note that I AM NOT the one who discovered the formula on how to calculate the max CP and max HP of each Pokemon in Pokemon:Go. It's CpMultiplier that should get all the credit for discovering the CP/HP formula for Pokemon: Go.
How did they discovered this formula you ask?
I don't know if they are also responsible in data-mining the application but whoever it is, then I give my thanks to him/her. So yeah, someone had datamined Pokemon: Go and found out some interesting info about the game. You can check out the datamine here later.
Note: This is not the only info that was revealed in the data. There are lots of information available on it and the most notable ones are:
- Attack cooldowns and crit chance for every move in the game
- Movesets for every Pokémon
- Capture rate and flee rate for every Pokémon
- Max trainer level appears to be 40
- Power ups upgrade half of a "level"
- Moving with incense greatly increases spawn rate
- Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, and Mew don't have a capture rate (but Ditto does)
- Abra has the highest flee rate
- Venasaur, Charizard, Blastoise, and Dragonite have the lowest capture rates
- Additional berries may be present in the game
So what will you be seeing here?
My job is just to use the formula, calculate the max CP/HP of each Pokemon, and bring it in a readable table form which you can see below.
Note: Also, I will be making a readable version of the moves per Pokemon in the game and the capture/flee rate. So be sure to check it out soon.
The formula:
CP = (BaseAtk + IndAtk) * (BaseDef + IndDef)^0.5 * (BaseSta + IndSta)^0.5 * (ECpM)^2 / 10
Minimum is 10, and it's rounded down, just like the HP calculation. ECpM is CpM + ACpM - see here for some more, out-dated info.
This also means you know the CP per power-up:
01-10: (BaseAtk + IndAtk) * (BaseDef + IndDef)^0.5 * (BaseSta + IndSta)^0.5 * 0.009426125469 / 10
11-20: (BaseAtk + IndAtk) * (BaseDef + IndDef)^0.5 * (BaseSta + IndSta)^0.5 * 0.008919025675 / 10
21-30: (BaseAtk + IndAtk) * (BaseDef + IndDef)^0.5 * (BaseSta + IndSta)^0.5 * 0.008924905903 / 10
31-40: (BaseAtk + IndAtk) * (BaseDef + IndDef)^0.5 * (BaseSta + IndSta)^0.5 * 0.00445946079 / 10
Based on this data, the max level right now is 40. So, the maximum CP a pokemon can have is:
(BaseAtk + IndAtk) * (BaseDef + IndDef)^0.5 * (BaseSta + IndSta)^0.5 * (0.790300)^2 / 10
0.790300 is the CpM at level 40.
HP Calculation
The new data means the HP/MaxStamina calculation could be updated to be:
HP = ECpM * (BaseSta + IndSta)
The Result:
ID | Pokemon | Max CP | Max HP |
1 | Bulbasaur | 951 | 77 |
2 | Ivysaur | 1483 | 100 |
3 | Venusaur | 2392 | 132 |
4 | Charmander | 841 | 67 |
5 | Charmeleon | 1411 | 97 |
6 | Charizard | 2413 | 129 |
7 | Squirtle | 891 | 75 |
8 | Wartortle | 1435 | 99 |
9 | Blastoise | 2355 | 130 |
10 | Caterpie | 367 | 77 |
11 | Metapod | 397 | 84 |
12 | Butterfree | 1315 | 100 |
13 | Weedle | 372 | 69 |
14 | Kakuna | 405 | 77 |
15 | Beedrill | 1301 | 108 |
16 | Pidgey | 585 | 69 |
17 | Pidgeotto | 1096 | 105 |
18 | Pidgeot | 1923 | 137 |
19 | Rattata | 493 | 53 |
20 | Raticate | 1304 | 92 |
21 | Spearow | 591 | 69 |
22 | Fearow | 1592 | 108 |
23 | Ekans | 718 | 61 |
24 | Arbok | 1611 | 100 |
25 | Pikachu | 777 | 61 |
26 | Raichu | 1859 | 100 |
27 | Sandshrew | 695 | 84 |
28 | Sandslash | 1654 | 124 |
29 | Nidoran♀ | 768 | 92 |
30 | Nidorina | 1267 | 116 |
31 | Nidoqueen | 2301 | 148 |
32 | Nidoran♂ | 737 | 78 |
33 | Nidorino | 1236 | 102 |
34 | Nidoking | 2291 | 133 |
35 | Clefairy | 1074 | 116 |
36 | Clefable | 2217 | 156 |
37 | Vulpix | 725 | 65 |
38 | Ninetales | 2015 | 121 |
39 | Jigglypuff | 796 | 187 |
40 | Wigglytuff | 1997 | 227 |
41 | Zubat | 550 | 69 |
42 | Golbat | 1760 | 124 |
43 | Oddish | 1023 | 77 |
44 | Gloom | 1537 | 100 |
45 | Vileplume | 2307 | 124 |
46 | Paras | 804 | 61 |
47 | Parasect | 1592 | 100 |
48 | Venonat | 912 | 100 |
49 | Venomoth | 1730 | 116 |
50 | Diglett | 365 | 21 |
51 | Dugtrio | 1038 | 61 |
52 | Meowth | 656 | 69 |
53 | Persian | 1483 | 108 |
54 | Psyduck | 987 | 84 |
55 | Golduck | 2206 | 132 |
56 | Mankey | 769 | 69 |
57 | Primeape | 1704 | 108 |
58 | Growlithe | 1199 | 92 |
59 | Arcanine | 2781 | 148 |
60 | Poliwag | 693 | 69 |
61 | Poliwhirl | 1206 | 108 |
62 | Poliwrath | 2321 | 148 |
63 | Abra | 508 | 45 |
64 | Kadabra | 1005 | 69 |
65 | Alakazam | 1654 | 92 |
66 | Machop | 968 | 116 |
67 | Machoke | 1606 | 132 |
68 | Machamp | 2406 | 148 |
69 | Bellsprout | 990 | 84 |
70 | Weepinbell | 1567 | 108 |
71 | Victreebel | 2342 | 132 |
72 | Tentacool | 794 | 69 |
73 | Tentacruel | 2046 | 132 |
74 | Geodude | 742 | 69 |
75 | Graveler | 1294 | 92 |
76 | Golem | 2126 | 132 |
77 | Ponyta | 1370 | 84 |
78 | Rapidash | 2024 | 108 |
79 | Slowpoke | 1089 | 148 |
80 | Slowbro | 2409 | 156 |
81 | Magnemite | 774 | 45 |
82 | Magneton | 1715 | 84 |
83 | Farfetch'd | 1133 | 88 |
84 | Doduo | 746 | 61 |
85 | Dodrio | 1677 | 100 |
86 | Seel | 985 | 108 |
87 | Dewgong | 1975 | 148 |
88 | Grimer | 1152 | 132 |
89 | Muk | 2414 | 171 |
90 | Shellder | 715 | 53 |
91 | Cloyster | 1879 | 84 |
92 | Gastly | 696 | 53 |
93 | Haunter | 1240 | 77 |
94 | Gengar | 1907 | 100 |
95 | Onix | 745 | 61 |
96 | Drowzee | 955 | 100 |
97 | Hypno | 2012 | 140 |
98 | Krabby | 686 | 53 |
99 | Kingler | 1663 | 92 |
100 | Voltorb | 733 | 69 |
101 | Electrode | 1496 | 100 |
102 | Exeggcute | 978 | 100 |
103 | Exeggutor | 2752 | 156 |
104 | Cubone | 889 | 84 |
105 | Marowak | 1505 | 100 |
106 | Hitmonlee | 1349 | 84 |
107 | Hitmonchan | 1370 | 84 |
108 | Lickitung | 1477 | 148 |
109 | Koffing | 1025 | 69 |
110 | Weezing | 2073 | 108 |
111 | Rhyhorn | 1055 | 132 |
112 | Rhydon | 2068 | 171 |
113 | Chansey | 549 | 401 |
114 | Tangela | 1586 | 108 |
115 | Kangaskhan | 1875 | 171 |
116 | Horsea | 688 | 53 |
117 | Seadra | 1559 | 92 |
118 | Goldeen | 851 | 77 |
119 | Seaking | 1877 | 132 |
120 | Staryu | 821 | 53 |
121 | Starmie | 2007 | 100 |
122 | Mr. Mime | 1345 | 69 |
123 | Scyther | 1905 | 116 |
124 | Jynx | 1563 | 108 |
125 | Electabuzz | 1947 | 108 |
126 | Magmar | 2086 | 108 |
127 | Pinsir | 1950 | 108 |
128 | Tauros | 1686 | 124 |
129 | Magikarp | 203 | 37 |
130 | Gyarados | 2498 | 156 |
131 | Lapras | 2777 | 211 |
132 | Ditto | 809 | 81 |
133 | Eevee | 957 | 92 |
134 | Vaporeon | 2618 | 211 |
135 | Jolteon | 1968 | 108 |
136 | Flareon | 2448 | 108 |
137 | Porygon | 1540 | 108 |
138 | Omanyte | 992 | 61 |
139 | Omastar | 2058 | 116 |
140 | Kabuto | 975 | 53 |
141 | Kabutops | 1957 | 100 |
142 | Aerodactyl | 1994 | 132 |
143 | Snorlax | 2901 | 258 |
144 | Articuno | 2776 | 148 |
145 | Zapdos | 2907 | 148 |
146 | Moltres | 3028 | 148 |
147 | Dratini | 867 | 70 |
148 | Dragonair | 1593 | 102 |
149 | Dragonite | 3280 | 149 |
150 | Mewtwo | 3904 | 173 |
151 | Mew | 3087 | 163 |