Jailbreak dev Andy Wiik posted earlier today what appears to be an image showing the Message app of having a dark thime on an iOs 10 updated iPhone.
While he is examining the headers in iOs 10, he found out a reference to CKUIThemeDark inside Chatkit. He then wrote a quick tweak to force the Chatkit to use the dark theme over CKUIThemLight. And then, magic happens! The light colored theme just turned dark!
Oh look what I found... #darkmodeconfirmedpic.twitter.com/RYcFc162I5— Andrew Wiik (@Andywiik) June 16, 2016
At the moment it appears that the them can only be implemented on the Messaging app. This does confirm that apple is working on a dark mode but at the moment, it is yet unclear on whether they'll release it with iOs 10 or possibly, it will be an iPhone 7 exclusive feature.