Here are three solid builds that when used in tandem can make the strongest 4 man group possible in 1.2.
1. SMG/AR/MMR/LMG High dps + Tanky build - 3 Striker, 2 Sentry, Savage gloves
- High dps, super high toughness, very strong pvp build
- High dps still isn't anywhere near what it used to be, and you have no 4 pc set bounses. Low exotic damage resilience, and lowish skill power.
Note: For ALL best in slot on ALL pvp gear:
Roll Burn resistance on mask, backpack, kneepads. Shock resistance on kneepads. Bleed resist on kneepads/backpack. Pulse or first aid modifiers on all gear pieces possible, especially if you're rolling skill power on the mask/backpack.
Striker/sentry Chest with:
- 678 stat roll
- 1018 armor roll
- 678 additional armor roll 15% Exotic Damage Resilience + 1 Mod slot OR 2 Mod slots
- Striker/Sentry Mask with
- 678 Stat Roll
- 508 Armor roll
- 5098 skill power + Mod slot OR 5% Crit Chance + Mod Slot OR 2 Mod slots
Striker/Sentry Backpack
- 678 Stat roll
- 678 Armor
- 508 Armor OR 20% crit damage OR 6780 skill power
Striker/sentry holster
- 678 all three main stats
- 508 armor
- 508 armor (additional) OR mod slot
Striker/Sentry Kneepads with
- 678 main stat
- 847 Armor
- 339 Armor OR 20% crit hit damage OR Mod slot (Pick two)
Savage Gloves with 645 main stat
- 484 Armor
- 6.5% crit chance
- 38% crit damage
- 484 SMG OR 645 Assult Rifle OR 645 LMG OR 2265 Marksman Rifle damage
- LMG/AR/MMR/SMG of choices.
To armor cap with BIS would be all max armor rolls, chest with additional armor, holster with additional armor, and kneepads with additional armor. This gives a little wiggle room of ~200 armor so you don't need PERFECT rolls, and can still get skill power and crit hit damage on kneepads/backpack to boot. This maximizes your DPS at the cost of two potential mod slots. Distribute stats as you see fit, that's up to personal preference how much HP you're comfortable with and how much damage you want.
2. Shotgun/MMR + Any (4 Sentry + Reckless Chest + Savage Gloves.)
You can also substitute reckless and savage for Final Measure gloves and chest, which iam_Chappie is proving to be very strong. This fixes the cons of increased damage and makes you insanely tanky, but reduces your CHC and overall damage by a LOT so you become pretty reliant on your team and shotgun.
- VERY high dps, HUGE boost to damage for your entire team, great for pvp and pve in the dark zone. Versatile shotgun builds for team fight, pve, and pvp situations as well as ridiculous damage to clear pve camps in the dark zone very quickly. Run at least one person with this build in every group of 4.
- Reckless chest, so you're taking increased damage, and a priority on firearms so you are somewhat squishy, but still not horribly so. Certainly not as squishy as everyone was in 1.1. You need to play somewhat defensively and behind your team with this build, strafing a lot and hip firing as much as you can unless you're behind all the action.
Reckless Chest with
- 645 main stat
- 969 armor
- 645 Additional armor + 14% EDR + modslot OR + 2 Modslots
Sentry Mask with
- 678 Stat Roll
- 508 Armor roll
- 5098 skill power + Mod slot OR 5% Crit Chance + Mod Slot OR 2 Mod slots
Sentry Backpack
- 678 Stat roll
- 678 Armor
- 508 Armor OR 20% crit damage OR 6780 skill power
Sentry Kneepads with 678 main stat
- 847 Armor
- 339 Armor OR 20% crit hit damage OR Mod slot (Pick two)
- Savage Gloves with
- 645 main stat
- 484 Armor
- 6.5% crit chance
- 645 Shotgun Damage
- 38% crit damage
Sentry holster
- 678 all three main stats
- 508 armor
- 508 armor (additional) OR mod slot
To cap armor, use the same build as the first, max armor with armor on kneepads/holster/chest which will give you ~100 armor above cap wiggle room.
On the topic of which shotgun to use, it's pretty simple.
Do you have God tier aimbot status aim or do you have the jump on someone at an extraction/sewer/cqb area/are they standing still? Use an m870 with brutal responsive and weapon damage/rate of fire mag.
Are you team fighting in a group of 4 against skilled individuals who strafe a lot in the open and are using smg's/AR's/etc? Use a SASG-12 with Brutal responsive and Magazine size/rate of fire mag. Tag as many people as you can three times in the head and pop incendiary bullets so your team can melt them then swap to your secondary and unload.
Are you PvEing in DZ 05-06 201+ bracket? Don't fucking use a shotgun. Use your sniper and either swap to a SMG/AR/LMG or just leave your shotgun alone until players pop up.
3. Support Build (3 Tactician, 2 Sentry, savage gloves.) (3 Striker, 2 Final Measure, savage gloves) (4 Tactician, Robust/vigorous/reckless chest, savage gloves) (Freakin' anything, man)
- HUGE versatility in how you can gear yourself. Hundreds of different ways, so you need some creativity and big boy/girl thinking to get BIS support build.
- Still decent DPS with 2 sentry and savage gloves or 3 striker 2 final measure.
- 40k static skill power means most of your skills are maxed out and you're a huge boost to the damage and survivability of your team. Absolutely wonderful if not necessary to have in a team of 4 even more so than a sentry build. High stamina and skill power makes you VERY hard to kill.
- HUGE versatility.
- Much lower dps than either of the other two builds since most of the time you're relying on having static 40k skill power instead of using the tacticians 4 bonus which means you need to give up some stamina/firearms for electronics. Unless you're literally maxed out stat BIS on all your gear giving up a lot of space for mod slots and forgoing max armor you will not be able to proc 204 weapon damage talents like brutal, responsive, or deadly and still have a static 40,000 skill power and ~80,000 health. It's more feasable to aim for ~2100 firearms, 2000 electronics, and ~2500 stamina and use 182 weapons with God tier talent rolls which you can activate.
Tactician/Striker/Sentry/Final Measure Chest with
- 678 stat roll
- 1018 armor roll
- 678 additional armor roll 15% Exotic Damage Resilience + 1 Mod slot OR 2 Mod slots
Tactician/Sentry/Final Measure/Striker Mask with
- 678 Electronics Roll
- 508 Armor roll
- 5098 skill power + Mod slot OR 5% Crit Chance + Mod Slot OR 2 Mod slots
Striker/Sentry/Tactician/Final Measure Backpack
- 678 Stat roll
- 678 Armor
- 508 Armor OR 20% crit damage OR 6780 skill power
Striker/sentry/Final Measure/Tactician holster
- 678 all three main stats
- 508 armor
- 508 armor (additional) OR mod slot
Striker/Sentry/Final Measure/Tactician Kneepads with
- 678 main stat
- 847 Armor
- 339 Armor OR 20% crit hit damage OR Mod slot (Pick two)
Savage Gloves with
- 645 main stat
- 484 Armor
- 6.5% crit chance
- 38% crit damage
- BIS damage roll for preferred weapon.
Again, massive versatility, so crunch some numbers and figure out what you want and how to get it. All the tools are in the below google doc just waiting for you. There are WAY too many viable support builds for different play styles and different people. The only thing for sure is you want an electronics roll on your mask, since it's the only piece to my knowledge that can roll electronics on any gear set.
Best In Slot PvP skills
Support running Smart Cover and Conceal Pulse with Security Link
Sentry build running First Aid and Damage Pulse/shock turret with Security Link
1 DPS build (Preferribly ~20k skill power) running First Aid and Immunizer support station with Security Link so you can actually sit on the smart cover without being rekt by grenades
1 DPS build running First Aid and whichever skill the Sentry doesn't run (Damage pulse or shock turret.)
The idea is to be permanently concealed by the support build anf if you wanna avoid other people's pulses completely, it is more important than having a perma 10% extra chc/chd from the damage pulse, which you can just stack on another player anyways, while popping on and off smart cover, having an immunizer always surrounding the smart cover, and shock turrets/damage pulse ready for any confrontation. This makes for the perfect combination for pve and pvp at any given moment.
Note: All gear numbers were found in THIS google document.
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Credits: Special thanks to DreamTheUnimaginable for this guide