As part of their weekly State of the Game show, Tom Clancy’s The Division developers Massive offered players a look at the game currently and where the devs hope to see it go in the future. Some weeks the SOTG is less serious, but this week was a big one in light of all the cheating, hacking, and exploiting that is going on.
And while we already know the details of the immediate changes that have gone into effect in The Division, Massive wanted to ensure players it is looking towards the future as well. To better illustrate that, the community devs detailed some priority issues they are looking into, assuring players that these will be fixed in upcoming patches.
Daily Mission Rotation
Although daily missions have not always had this problem, recently The Division players have noticed a lack of variety in both the Daily Hard and Challenging Missions. Massive has noticed as well, and they hope to implement a better randomizer in the future. One dev event went so far as to say there will be a “guaranteed rotation” for daily missions once the update goes live.
However, there was no mention of adding new Challenging missions to the rotation, which will likely come as a disappointment to hardcore Division players. With only four missions to choose from, even having a rotation on these level 32 missions does little to sway the feeling of repetition.
Fixing Broken Talents & Abilities
It may take the dedicated minds at Reddit to find them, but Massive quickly learned that a few talents in its game are not working as intended. Luckily some of the more egregious ones – like the Protection from Elites stat– have been fixed on the server side.
On the client side, though, there are still some issues to work out. There is a bug with the One is None perk that can lock up a player’s ammo. The Reckless talent on gear has the opposite effect with incoming damage increase (not a bad thing, but a broken thing). And those are just the two major examples.
Massive also wants to implement new spam detection for the chat on PC to hopefully curb some of the excessive messages that fly in. The devs say they are being very careful with handling spam in order to ensure honest players don’t get punished, but chat spam is on their mind.
Incursion Loading Issues
This is a situation where things are apparently both working as intended and not working as intended. As some may have noticed, there is a bug with the Falcon Lost Incursion where if a player loads into an in-session version they will be unable to enter the instance. The game will keep kicking them back to the start as soon as they advance.
According to Massive, the “kicking players back” part is intended, and is meant to keep players from joining Incursion instances mid-game. At the same time, the developers acknowledge that they could better communicate that players can’t join the instance, and will do so with a future update.
The unintended bug with this system results in players being unable to join any other Incursion instances, even those from the beginning. Apparently the loading sticks with them no matter where they go, and the only workaround currently is to sign in and sign out of The Division. This problem is the one Massive plans to fix.
Auto Aim on PC
Also on Massive’s list is the auto aim on PC, which has been a bane for mouse and keyboard players for a while. On consoles, auto aim (or aim assist) is essential because of a lack of precision with controllers, but mice do not have those same problems. Nevertheless, The Division does have some auto aim and Massive intends to lower its effectiveness.
For now those are the big bug fixes on Massive Entertainment’s mind, but they are obviously just the tip of the iceberg. With a persistent online game like The Division, issues are likely to creep up regularly and as we have already seen they need fixing as soon as possible.
These future fixes are also purely on the game experience side and are not in place of punishments and deterrents for cheaters and exploiters. As we have already mentioned, Massive has plans in the works for punishing cheaters and deterrents for exploiting.
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