Since those exploit on Bullet King, Hutch, Hornet and Finch are pretty boring and it's not far long gone, I've decided to share to you a fun way of getting High-End gears on Dark Zone and not just fun, but really rewarding!
You can run either solo or with randoms for DZ05-06 runs and with this method, you can get an average of 5~7 High-End division tech along with 1~3 High-End items every 3 loops (27 items) following the farm route below. The secret? Farm DivisionTech off mobs instead of from chests.
Here's how to do it:
It should take you about 3~5 minutes to clear the western contaminated zone (watch out for the heavies), 3~5 minutes to clear Mid Town Music (takes longer if it's the heavy boss instead of the shade agent boss), 1~2 minutes to clear the DZ05 subway (you only need to kill the elites to reset the spawn, and there's very few of them), 5~8 minutes to clear the Pit (hardest spawn by far, watch out for the nades and just stay in the subway if you don't want to use a survivor link to climb up the dumpster on the left after exiting the subway - cleaners may come in from the south), 3~5 minutes to clear the Q building (easy enemies but there's a lot of them), 2~3 minutes to deal with the LMB spawns on 6th avenue if you accidentally aggro them (try not to, the snipers are annoying and can drag out the encounter), 3 minutes to clear the extraction + extract (only 5 elite grunts, and no spawns during extraction), 1 minute to clear the DZ06 subway (only 3 elites), and then repeat, with about 6 minutes' worth of travel time. With a group of randoms, it should take around 30~35 minutes per loop. With a well geared, coordinated team of friends, it should only take around 20~25 minutes.
Restock every 2 loops at the safehouse if farming for div tech and HE items, restock when you go to clear your stash if farming for mats (picking up purples). Restock once every loop if solo, death will slow down your farm more than restocking and you don't want to die because you ran out of ammo on your main gun. Don't bother breaking your pattern to extract when you see a good HE item, just stop by the DZ06 safehouse to fully restock medkits + log off/on to get your signature back if you feel that it's needed and then extract as usual, using survivor link/mobile cover master mod if you really, really want to ensure that you get the item. Signatures will refresh after clearing a spawn or two anyways, if there are no rogues around then there's no reason not to use it to speed up your run.
If you're over the time boundaries that I've outlined, then you should skip the DZ05 subway and approach the Pit from the north as it's easier to clear when you have the height advantage and you don't need to burn time in order to ensure that it actually respawns by the time you get there. If you find yourself waiting for the Pit to respawn, then add the DZ05 subway back into your route. Note that 1~3 LMB grunts/rushers/grenadiers can spawn in the underground mall (?) that connects to the Pit, keep your eyes open and don't walk blindly into a shotgun blast.
If you're solo, then it's definitely going to take more time to clear each spawn. A good test to see if you're ready to start running solo in DZ05~06 is when you can beat a challenge mode mission by yourself with decent time. Around 30 minutes for Lexington and Lincoln Tunnel and ~1 hour for Russian Consulate can be considered decent. If you somehow beat the timer and also fended off the 3 named riker heavies on Warrengate, please write a guide. Consider getting enough electronics to unlock the coolheaded talent and running smart cover. You must have the ability to heal yourself through gear/weapon talents when running solo as you can't depend on medkits 24/7 and you will need your skills to boost your damage (and thus improve your clear time for each spawn). Best options are: rehabilitated mask, self-sustained SMG (along with pulse) and recharger smart cover. Health on kill can work, but is less reliable than the other methods. It can actually be beneficial to have a bugged Mid Town Music spawn when going solo if you opted to sacrifice damage for survivability or utility, as you can rotate between the Pit, Q building, DZ06 subway and the western contaminated zone and generally have them respawned already.
If you are farming for mats alongside the occasional HE, only kill what you have to. The less ammo you spend, the less you have to slow down your run for restock. Optimally, you'll be able to do 3 loops without restocking (carry a police bag from the agent origins pack for a ammo boost when restocking, and then switch back to your normal bag). Besides, you'll often end up getting too many purples per loop - I've stopped picking up gear (anything that deconstructs into fabric) in the DZ and I still manage a full bag most of the time before extracting. Make sure you actually clear the landmarks (turns grey in map) before leaving, as spawns will not reset if it's not cleared.
If you are farming for HE DTech, kill everything. Even veteran enemies have a chance of dropping HE DTech, and there's a helluva lot more of those chumps than unopened crates. There are the cleaners southeast of the contaminated zone, south of Mid Town Music (take the subway entrance on the 49th street instead of the 52nd street to engage them), above the DZ05 subway, south of the Pit (can be pretty far away), north of the Q building (will often join the fight in the Q building anyways and will be in front of the safehouse if they don't) and above the DZ06 subway. Also go after the LMB squad on the northern end of 6th avenue (east of the DZ06 safehouse) and on the northwestern edge of the DZ (take the northwestern subway exit instead of the southwestern exit to sneak right behind one of their sniper towers and get a free sniper kill + a vantage point). There are some more spawns to the south, and a cleaner patrol south of the Q building, but I've listed all the ones that don't require you to go out of your way to get the kills. Of course, there are crates along your farm route, so do check and open them if you get the chance. It can be worth checking the first floor of the DZ06 extraction instead of using the northern rappel line every 3 loops or so, as there are 3 DTech crates there + a fourth on the rooftop.
If there is a larger/stronger/more efficient group that's also farming DZ06, you can either move to another server or just tag along and get free drops/exp as long as they're tolerant of your group. Make sure to check whether they're using the DZ05 extraction (south of the Pit) or the DZ06 extraction, and always use the one they're not using. I do not recommend tagging along with people outside your group if you're solo, since not many people will venture to DZ06 to aid you and you'll be extremely outmatched if they decide to turn on you.
While you should get slightly more HE DTech per hour by hopping server instances and going only after the DTech chests, farming bosses give you exp (for bragging rights), DZ credits (for buying HE performance mods to craft into electronics), a decent amount of bird bucks and level 31 drops that are on par with or better than the stuff you're using right now. Mob spawns are also guaranteed, so you'll always have some success at something rather than getting 5 servers in a row where all the chests have been looted already. The speed at which you can repeatedly kill level 32 bosses with this route also makes it the best level 31 HE drop farm after the Hornet/Finch patch. Last but not least, it's way more fun than looting chests. See you in the Dark Zone, agents!
So that's all about it guys! Happy farming!
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Credits: Special thanks to MashpitSquared for creating and sharing this guide.