Here's a list of talent bonuses in Tom Clancy's: The Division that are hidden or obscure in agents eye.
- Most talent bonuses that have "for x second" type bonuses (critical save, on the move, etc) cannot be refreshed once the talent is procced. It can only be re-procced once the effect runs out. This rule also applies for DoT effects, so don't waste 4 incendiary nades thinking it'll refresh the burning effect.
- Damage resistance in the Division is additive, not multiplicative. You can stack damage resistance to and beyond 100%, albeit temporarily.
- Note that medkits count as a skill, and will be affected by skills/effects that decrease skill cooldowns. Medkits also start a special health regen effect when used, which will be able to heal the user past a health "square" and will stay active until damage is taken.
- Adrenaline appears to occasionally give the user significantly more healing. More testing required to see what makes it heal twice in certain conditions.
- The 15% reduction will proc every time a friendly player moves into first aid master mod radius, even if the player had already received the healing effect.
- It is believed that health regen effects are capable of proccing Triage on yourself, but not instant health effects. Confirmed true with healthkits, need more testing with recharger, support station, health on kill, and gear/weapon talents. First aid will not proc triage if used on yourself, as it counts as instant healing.
Shock and Awe
- It has to be the agent with the talent equipped specifically that suppresses an enemy - can lead to a hostile being suppressed without the talent being procced if two or more agents are firing at the same enemy.
- Other players cannot be used to proc this effect, as only AI can be suppressed.
- Shock and Awe will not refresh when suppressing another hostile, and will not reproc if maintaining suppression on an already suppressed enemy. It will only proc when suppressing an enemy that was unsuppressed.
- Nonrelated, but threat affects how quickly enemies become suppressed.
Battle Buddy
- Needs more testing - check if it works with defib first aid/support station revives, check if it works with self-revives, check if its duration can be refreshed.
Critical Save
- Flat 40% damage resistance, works against everything except environmental (fall) damage
- A medkit is not required to proc critical save. Healing skills that regenerate health, such as smart cover recharger mod, support station, and the healing gear/weapon talents, are all capable of proccing critical save. As you might imagine, this makes the "Enduring" talent synergize extremely well with critical save.
- Critical save's damage resistance cannot be refreshed, but can be reprocced as soon as the effect wears off.
- Needs more testing - for all "chance to apply effect in radius" effects, check if the 30% chance refers to the initial status infliction or each tick of damage from the DoT
Combat Medic
- Combat medic will give you the 40% heal on top of the normal healing effect. The way this works is that the medkit heals you as normal, but also creates an AoE effect centered around you that heals every ally in the radius (yourself included) by 40%.
- Combat medic will make medkit activations destroy smart cover projector nodes that're close by. You may want to stay at the edge of the smart cover effect radius if you plan on using this talent.
- Combat medic will heal skill objects such as support stations, turrets, seeker mines, ballistic shields and mobile cover. The heal will be 40% of the skill object's max hp.
- Not really "hidden", but a 20m radius of effect is actually fairly massive. When used with triage, this can easily reduce up to 75% of your skill cooldowns (30% from 2 health squares self healed + 45% from 3 teammates), which will also affect the cooldown on medkit usage.
Strike Back
- "Low health" counts as being in the last health square. You do not have to have the red screen effect to proc the effect.
- It will instantly refill 20% of your cooldowns rather than "speeding it up". There seems to be a short cooldown on the effect (~1 second?) but it appears to be possible to rapidly re-proc the effect by repeatedly going from the second health square to the last health square.
Tactical Advance
- Tactical advance will take the distance of the FIRST cover-to-cover move and will scale the damage boost based on that distance for 10 seconds, after which it will repeat the process.
Demolition Expert
- Affects frags, incendiaries, sticky bomb, seeker mine, mobile turret master mod, explosive rounds and mobile cover blast shield mod. May affect damage inflicted from explosive barrels, enemy grenade bags, cleaner tanks, and also may increase combat medic heal amount. Confirmation required.
Police Up
- Kill must be directly due to skill - kills through DoT from skill usage (bleed from BFB, shock/burn from turret/seekers) will be unable to proc the effect. Confirmation required.
Fear Tactics
- Needs more testing - for all "chance to apply effect in radius" effects, check if the 30% chance refers to the initial status infliction or each tick of damage from the DoT
Evasive Action
- No special notes to be made. Will give player a flat 30% damage resistance when moving between cover by pressing and holding the cover key (spacebar by default). Does not apply when rolling.
Tech Support
- Will increase the duration of: support station, sticky bomb, turret, seeker mine, and smart cover. Does not seem to affect signature skills, and is bugged for pulse.
- May increase duration by more than 10% when procced more than once during the lifetime of a single deployed skill. More testing required to confirm.
- Does not affect the duration of timed bonuses given by skills or talents, such as first aid booster shot mod's damage boost/resistance, mobile cover master mod's damage resistance or on the move.
- Needs more testing - for all "chance to apply effect in radius" effects, check if the 30% chance refers to the initial status infliction or each tick of damage from the DoT
Death by Proxy
- Had a bug where the skill power bonus would become permanent, seems to have been patched in the last patch
- Rioter destroyable skills: None
- Cleaner destroyable skills: Engineer turrets
- Riker destroyable skills: None
- LMB destroyable skills: Engineer turrets, Shade Agent seeker mines, Shade Agent turrets, Sniper shock mines, Medic support stations
- Agent destroyable skills: Support stations, turrets, seeker mines, ballistic shields, mobile covers
- Needs more testing to see if the talent works when destroying hacked turrets, and when destroying smart cover with disruption.
- Not sure if anyone noticed, but 20% is HUGE. While the lack of destroyable skills make it useless for most of the earlier content, this talent really shines on missions involving elite LMB enemies (especially the snipers, who spam out an unending stream of shock mines that can be destroyed in one shot) or large groups of cleaners. Underused, imo.
Steady Hands
- More testing required to see the method by which recoil is reduced - probably a temporary stability buff
- As with other talents, can be reprocced but not refreshed
On the Move
- Flat 30% damage resistance, works against everything except environmental (fall) damage.
- Does not have to be out of cover to proc - strafing in cover will proc on the move if you score a kill. Player must be actually moving to proc, however; repeatedly turning from side to side from the same spot will not proc on the move.
- As with other talents, can be reprocced but not refreshed.
- Appears to give ~15% crit damage increase and ~10% crit chance against enemies pulsed by precision, seems to be unaffected by skill power. Need full confirmation.
- Unaffected by gear stats that affect pulse.
- Is not refreshed, but can be reprocced.
Chain Reaction
- Affects frags, incendiaries, sticky bomb, seeker mine, mobile turret master mod, explosive rounds and mobile cover blast shield mod. May affect damage inflicted from explosive barrels, enemy grenade bags, and cleaner tanks. Confirmation required.
Desperate Times
- Seems to reduce reticle size and the speed at which it "blooms" and recovers.
- The effectiveness of the accuracy buff depends a LOT on the individual handing characteristics of the weapon itself. Recommended that you try this out by lowering your hp with frags in the firing range, since it will make a noticeable difference for some weapons and be useless for others.
- Will proc when health is lowered into the last health square, and will reproc as long as your health stays in the last health square.
Stopping Power
- Needs more testing. It's not hard to test its properties, it's just that I never really got around to using it.
- I believe it increases headshot damage against any enemy for 10 seconds once you suppress an enemy.
Repo Reaper
- Does not seem to work with the sawn-off, as of current.
- Repo Reaper may proc on kills with the base and pulse turret. Unconfirmed.
One is None
- Will never proc on the first headshot against a target. If you headshot an enemy, reload, and then headshot the same enemy again, then it may proc.
- Procs seperately for each shotgun pellet. With 8 pellets per shell, scoring a perfect headshot with a shotgun will more or less guarantee that you will get your shell back.
- Ammo will be expended from the magazine, and then returned if the talent procs, rather than keeping the round in the magazine on a proc. This is why the infamous "stutter" at the end of a magazine when using this talent will happen.
- Talent may proc through status effects, as they count as headshot damage. Untested, unconfirmed, will test soon.
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Credits: Special thanks to MashpitSquared for this guide.