Breeding in Dragomon Hunter is one of the most important and valuable things you can do in the game. It provides mount enhancements (speed and design), skill glyphs, achievement points and Hunter Archive material. This guide is a more advanced approach that’s going to look at how to get the most out of your materials and time breeding.
So before we start, let me define a few phrases I’ll be using:
Family: Overall groups of Dragomon, such as Aeromon, Drakemon, Beastmon, etc.
Species: The groups within the families, such as Pincerpod (Shellomon) or Rhinosker (Beastomon)
Sub-species: The mounts that are produced from breeding, which all belong to an original member of a species. For instance, Pincerpod can produce Swift Pincerpod, Moss Pincerpod, etc.
GroupID: A number attached to every Dragomon that is used for the purposes of calculating breeding success rate probability
Disposition: An attribute that each Dragomon in the ranch has attached to it (we will go into this later).
Now that we have defined a few terms, let’s talk about how breeding in Dragomon Hunter works.
So as things currently stand, there are a total of 88 species that can be put into the ranch. These 88 species can then be bred – each one making available 4 sub-species – to bring us to a total of 440 possible breedable Dragomon. This means that in theory, there are 193,600 possible combinations of Dragomon that can be inserted into the breeding tab. However, let’s not also forget that there are 5 dispositions (Ornery, Timid, Normal, Fierce and Docile) that can also be applied to any Dragomon, which means that there are 25 possible scenarios in those 193,600 pairs. This brings us to a total of 4.8 million unique combinations of breeding.
The good news is that breeding is predictable! You don’t have to guess, or just hope you get lucky: you can plan your breeding to make sure that you’ll get the best bang for your buck, and I’m going to teach you how.
Now, here are a few things to keep in mind:
1. The levels of Dragomon do not make a difference to the breeding success rate
2. All 5 members of the same species share the same breeding rates with other Dragomon
3. Dispositions affect breeding probabilities in a predictable fashion
Now let’s take a look at base success rates.
Base Success Rates
Although there are 88 Dragomon that can be bred together, the probabilities of these Dragomon successfully breeding all come from a set of 30 GroupIDs. Put simply, Dragomon are put together in various groups – typically with 3 in each group – that are then used to calculate breeding success rates. This means that if you take any Dragomon in the game and breed it with any species or sub-species in the same GroupID, you will always have the same base success rate.
So while there are 193,600 possible base pairs, there are really only 900 for the purposes of breeding success rate probability. This makes it a lot easier for us to work out what those base success rates are!
Here are the probabilities:
It may look confusing at first, but I promise you it’s easy to understand. On the X and Y axis, we have the full list of 30 GroupIDs. On the right-hand side, you’ll see the names of various Dragomon: these are put next to their GroupID. So Pincerpod and Abyssal Crab have the GroupID 1, Marsh Crocoturtle GroupID 2, and so on.
In order to see what the success rate of breeding one Dragomon with another is, find their Group IDs using the table and then search for the intersecting cell. As an example, let’s find what the success rate of breeding a Pantherus with a Spyrosaur is.
Pantherus is GroupID 30, Spyrosaur is GroupID 20, these line up to show a base success rate of 65% - not bad!
As you can see, this table can be used to find out which Dragomon are best bred with each other in order to have a high probability of success. I’m currently going through and filling out all of the data and while I appreciate there are some missing squares, the quick and dirty hack below should help you maximize your gains.
Breeding the same GroupIDs together
Because there are 88 Dragomon and 30 GroupIDs, in all cases but 1 (GroupID 24), multiple Dragomon are given the same GroupID. I encourage you to breed together Dragomon in the same GroupID as typically, they have a high success rate (80%) - it also comes with the added benefit of them eating the same foods. Update: it has come to my attention that the previous claim suggested by Pinkiss that you are required to breed Dragomon within the same family (that is, Drakemon with Drakemon, Beastmon with Beastmon, etc.) in order to get the rarest sub-species mount is most likely false. I have not been able to independently verify this, but three different people have told me that they have managed to breed Dragomon that are not from the same family and gotten the rarest mount. I'm inclined to believe them, but won't make this concrete until I have confirmed it myself.
Note that while in most cases, Dragomon in the same GroupID respond the same way to food, it is a little choppy and sometimes, certain Dragomon ignore certain food that others in their GroupID have eaten.
I have absolutely no idea why this happens and will try to mark the spreadsheet with situations where people might reasonably be affected by this.
When Dragomons are put into the Ranch, they are given a Disposition. There are five in total: Ornery, Timid, Normal, Fierce and Docile. These modify the base success rates of breeding as outlined in the spreadsheet in a predictable fashion. A simple, easy to follow multiplier is applied, ranging from 0.6 through to 1.4.
Here’s what it looks like:
As you can see, Timid and Docile are good dispositions to have whereas Ornery and Fierce aren’t.
The application of the modifier is simple. Suppose we were breeding two Timid versions of a Banebill Platypus and a Clamcrack Otter together: they have a base success rate of 35, so this would be increased to 49. As another example, if we took a Fierce Carnivine and bred it with an Ornery Rhinosker (base success rate 35%), we’d have a 0.7 multiplier, bringing our success rate down to 24.5 (or 24 as the game would display). Note that the game seems to round up with a positive disposition multiplier and down with a negative disposition multiplier, which would suggest that the rates may actually be 1.41, 1.31, etc.. It’s useless information, but I thought I’d mention it.
As mentioned earlier, all research I’ve conducted so far points toward Dragomon of the same GroupID having the exact same gains when eating certain foods, except in cases where some Dragomon of the same GroupID will ignore foods that others have eaten. Note that I am less sure of this than I am breeding, so I urge anyone with information that counters this claim let me know immediately – I’m trying to be scientific with my process and falsifying my claims is something I encourage.
The spreadsheet has another tab for food, but this requires a lot more research and I don’t think it’s all that important right now.
How to use this information
Most people breed because they want to get the rarest sub-species of a particular mount. Using this as a guideline to get there is useful, as it’ll allow you to track down what to feed to what and what Dragomon breed well together.
The Lightning Chameleoid (the rarest subspecies of the Forest Chameleoid) is a popular mount because of its glyph and using this guide, you’ll see that breeding it with Deadeye Moombas or Ironfang Jackals will yield a 60% success rate (same Group ID, same family, same food desires) with them. However, you may want to consider breeding it with Chillizards: I happen to know that both of them respond well to Braised Fish and because one of the materials in the crafting of this food is a fish, it’s a lot easier to craft than other foods. They also share a base success rate of 80%.
The Swift Sunrise Hawkagon (the rarest subspecies of the Hawkagon) is a popular mount as well as it has the best glyphs in the game. In order to breed this, I suggest you pick up Toxavian or Primal Strigida (same GroupID) / Megadactyl, Crystalline Cardinal or Hybrid Harrier. The last three are in a different GroupID that has a base 70% success rate (compared to the 80%) but they also eat Fiber Rich Veggies (87 XP compared to the other GroupID which gives 100 XP) and are really easy to craft.
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Credits: Special thanks to rickyinyer for this guide