Here's a guide which aims to cover where to find and how to obtain Unqiue Weapons and Armor within Fallout 4.
Note: It will be almost impossible to find all Unqiues within the game in one playthrough (without spawning them in via console) as some of them are obtained through faction quest.
Unique Weapons: Part 1
Name: 2076 World Series Baseball Bat
Weapon Type: Baseball Bat (Cannot be modified)
Bonus Effect: Small chance to send targets flying.
How to Obtain: In the basement of Jamacia Plain City Hall. Not sure if Lockpicking or Hacking can be used to gain access to it, but you can get a set of keys and password to access the room with the baseball bat.
Name: Ashmaker
Weapon Type: Minigun
Bonus Effect: Chance to light targets on fire.
How to Obtain: During the Big Dig Sidequest, side with Fahrenheit at the end of the quest to recieve the weapon as a reward.
Name: Automatic Laser Musket
Weapon Type: Laser Musket
Bonus Effect: Capable of Automatic fire.
How to Obtain: Given to you at the start of the final assault during the Minutemen Quest: The Nuclear Option
Name: AX90 Fury
Weapon Type: Plasma Gun
Bonus Effect: 50% more damage vs Super Mutants
How to Obtain: Sold by Proctor Teagan (Trader on the Prydwen)
Name: Big Boy
Weapon Type: Fatman
Bonus Effect: Shoots an additional projectile.
How to Obtain: Sold by Arturo (Trader in Diamond City)
Name: Big Jim
Weapon Type: Wrench
Bonus Effect: 20% Chance to cripple targets legs.
How to Obtain: Found at Walden Pond (Can't remember exactly where though)
Name: Broadsider
Weapon Type: Broadsider
Bonus Effect: ---
How to Obtain: Reward at the end of the Sidequest: Last Voyage of the U.S.S Consitution
Name: Death from Above
Weapon Type: Missle Launcher
Bonus Effect: 75% faster movement speed while aiming
How to Obtain: Sold by Proctor Teagan after reaching the rank of Paladin (Trader on the Prydwen)
Name: Deathclaw Gauntlet
Weapon Type: Deathclaw Gauntlet
Bonus Effect: ---
How to Obtain: During the Quest: The Devil's Due take the egg back to the deathclaws nest, and before placing it in, there will be the gauntlet on the ground near the nest. (After grabbing the gauntlet you can take the egg to get caps if you choose to).
Note: This weapon has been seen in shops and random drops from enemies but pretty rare. This quest is a guarenteed spawn.
Name: Deliverer
Weapon Type: Deliverer
Bonus Effect: ---
How to Obtain: Reward during the Railroad Quest: Tradecraft
Name: Eddie's Piece
Weapon Type: .44
Bonus Effect: Deal extra limb damage.
How to Obtain: Found during the Sidequest: Detective Case Files: A long time coming.
Name: Experiment 18-A
Weapon Type: Plasma Gun
Bonus Effect: 25% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload.
How to Obtain: Sold by the Institute Requisitions (Trader in the Institute)
Name: Final Judgement
Weapon Type: Laser Gatling Gun
Bonus Effect: 25% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload
How to Obtain: This Weapon is carried by Elder Maxson. You can obtain it off him during the Institute Quest: Airship down or the Railroad Quest: Precipice of War
(Note: I haven't tested this myself but it maybe possible to steal the weapon off him with level 3 pickpocket.)
Name: Furious Power Fist
Weapon Type: Power Fist
Bonus Effect: Increased damage after each consecutive hit on the same target.
How to Obtain: At the location Swan's Pond, kill the unique Super Mutant Behemoth Swan and loot it off his corpse.
(Sorry if its hard to see the location on the map. Its a real cluster around Swan's Pond, but hopefully it gives you a general idea where it is.)
Name: General Chao's Revenge
Weapon Type: Chinese Officer Sword
Bonus Effect: Does 50% more damage against robots.
How to Obtain: Sold by Trudy (Trader at Drumlin Diner)
Name: Good intentions
Weapon Type: Laser Gun
Bonus Effect: Critical hits cause target to frenzy.
How to Obtain: Carried by gunner leader Clint at the elevated freeway encampment at the Quincy Ruins.
Name: Grognak's Axe
Weapon Type: Grognak's Axe
Bonus Effect: Hits cause more stagger and cause targets to bleed.
How to Obtain: Found in a display case at Hubris Comics
Name: Junk Jet
Weapon Type: Junk Jet
Bonus Effect: ---
How to Obtain: Found at Arcjet Systems. This weapon can be picked up during or after the Brotherhood Quest: Call to Arms
Name: Justice
Weapon Type: Combat Shotgun
Bonus Effect: Chance to stagger enemies on hit.
How to Obtain: Sold by Penny (Trader at Covenant)
Name: Kellogg's Pistol
Weapon Type: .44
Bonus Effect: Refills your action points on a critical hit.
How to Obtain: Loot this weapon from his corpse during the Main Quest: Reunions
Name: Les Fusil Teribles
Weapon Type: Combat Shotgun
Bonus Effect: 25% Damage and limb damage, but has more recoil.
How to Obtain: Found in the captains cabin in Libertalia.
Name: Lorenzo's Artifact
Weapon Type: Gamma Gun
Bonus Effect: Uses telekinesis to push targets away.
How to Obtain: Obtained after killing Lorenzo during the Side Quest: The Secret of Cabot House. After finishing the quest, you have to wait 7-8 days and you'll recieve a quest to go pick up the gun form Jack Cabot.
Name: Old Faithful
Weapon Type: Laser Gun
Bonus Effect: Deals double damage if the target is at full health.
How to Obtain: Sold by Arturo (Trader at Diamond City)
Name: Partystarter
Weapon Type: Missle Launcher
Bonus Effect: Does 50% more damage to humans.
How to Obtain: Sold by K-L-E-O (Trader at Goodneighbor)
Name: Pickman's Blade
Weapon Type: Knife
Bonus Effect: Increased damage form sneak attacks. Targets bleed. Exceptional damage.
How to Obtain: A reward for siding with Pickman during the exploration of his house (Pickman Gallery).
Name: Prototype PA77
Weapon Type: Laser Gun
Bonus Effect: Unlimited ammo capacity.
How to Obtain: Inside a locked safe (Requires Master lockpicking) inside the University Credit Union.
Unique Weapons: Part 2
Name: Railway Rifle
Weapon Type: Railway Rifle
Bonus Effect: ---
How to Obtain: Reward for Completing the Railroad Quest: Underground Undercover. It can also be collected during the Brotherhood of Steel Quest: Tactical Thinking and maybe the Insitute Quest: End of the Line (Not 100% sure on this as I've only done it with the Brotherhood so far.)
Name: Reba II
Weapon Type: Hunting Rifle
Bonus Effect: Does 50% more damage to Mirelurks and bugs.
How to Obtain: Reward for helping Barney during the Miscellaneous Quest: Barney Rook who is found in Salem.
Name: Reckoning
Weapon Type: Ripper
Bonus Effect: Take 15% less damage while standing still.
How to Obtain: Sold by a level 4 workshop merchant.
Name: Righteous Authority
Weapon Type: Laser Gun
Bonus Effect: Critical shots do double damage and the crticial meter fills 15% faster.
How to Obtain: A reward for completeing the Brotherhood of Steel Quest: Call to Arms
Name: Rockvillie Slugger
Weapon Type: Baseball Bat
Bonus Effect: 40% Less action point cost.
How to Obtain: Sold by Moe (Trader at Diamond City)
Name: Sentinels Plasmacaster
Weapon Type: Plasma Gun
Bonus Effect: Does double damage if the target is at full health.
How to Obtain: Sold by Proctor Teagan after reaching the rank of Sentinel (Trader on the Prydwen)
Name: Shem Drowne's Sword
Weapon Type: Revoluntionary Sword
Bonus Effect: Deals radiation damage.
How to Obtain: Found during the Side Quest: Detective Case Files: The Guilded Grasshopper
Name: Shishkebab
Weapon Type: Shishkebab
Bonus Effect: ---
How to Obtain: Found in the Blast Furnace, carried by Slag.
Name: Spray 'n' Pray
Weapon Type: Submachine Gun
Bonus Effect: Bullets explode on impact dealing 15 points of area damage.
How to Obtain: Sold by Cricket (Caravan Trader)
Name: Survivors Special
Weapon Type: Laser Gun
Bonus Effect: Does more damage the lower your health is.
How to Obtain: Kill Paladin Brandis, steal it from him, or recieve it from him as a reward if you convince him to rejoin the Brotherhood as part of the Brotherhood of Steel Quest: The Lost Patrol.
Name: The Gainer
Weapon Type: .44
Bonus Effect: Set target on fire.
How to Obtain: Solve the Vitale Pumphouse number puzzle and this weapon is in the room with the steamer trunk.
Name: The Last Minute
Weapon Type: Gauss Rifle
Bonus Effect: 50% more limb damage.
How to Obtain: Sold by a level 4 workshop merchant.
Also Sold by Ronnie Shaw (Trader at The Castle after the completion of the Minutemen Quest: Old Guns)
Name: Tinker Tom Special
Weapon Type: Hunting Rifle
Bonus Effect: If you are not in comabt yet, increases VATS accuracy, but cost more AP.
How to Obtain: Sold by Tinker Tom (Trader at Railway HQ)
Name: Virgils Rifle
Weapon Type: Institute Laser Rifle
Bonus Effect: Deal 50% more damage vs Super Mutants
How to Obtain: Kill Virgil or steal it from him.
Name: Wastelander's Friend
Weapon Type: 10mm
Bonus Effect: 50% more limb damage.
How to Obtain: Sold by Deb (Trader at Bunker Hill)
Name: Wazer Rifle
Weapon Type: Laser Gun
Bonus Effect: Unlimited ammo capacity
How to Obtain: Complete all 3 of Shaun's (Synth Shaun that is) quest once the Main and Faction Quest are finished.
Unique Armor: Part 1
Name: Agatha's Dress
Item Type: Outfit
Bonus Effect: + 3 Charisma
How to Obtain: Complete the Side Quest: Curtain Call
Name: Apocalypse Chestplate
Item Type: Metal Chest Piece
Bonus Effect: Temporarily slows time during combat when you are at 20% health or lower.
How to Obtain: Sold by a level 4 workshop merchant.
Name: Apocalypse Left Greave
Item Type: Metal Left Leg
Bonus Effect: Grants increasing energy and damage resistence the lower your health (Up to +35)
How to Obtain: Sold by a level 4 workshop merchant.
Name: Black Ops Chestplate
Item Type: Combat Armor Chest Piece
Bonus Effect: Strength +1 Endurence +1
How to Obtain: Sold by Deb (Trader at Bunker Hill)
Name: Black Ops Right Shinguard
Item Type: Combat Armor Right Leg
Bonus Effect: Increases the wearers movement speed by 10%.
How to Obtain: Sold by Deb (Trader at Bunker Hill)
Name: Captian Ironside's Hat
Item Type: Headgear
Bonus Effect: Perception +1 Charisma +1
How to Obtain: Complete the Side Quest: The Last Voyage of the U.S.S Constitution (After the ship has set off and parked itself once again, go speak to Ironside to recieve the hat)
Name: Champion Chest Piece
Item Type: Metal Chest Piece
Bonus Effect: Reduces damage form Robots by 15%
How to Obtain: Sold by Myrna (Trader at Diamond City)
Name: Champions Left Arm
Item Type: Metal Left Arm
Bonus Effect: Strength +1 Endurence +1
How to Obtain: Sold by Lucas Miller (Caravan Trader)
Name: Champions Right Arm
Item Type: Metal Right Arm
Bonus Effect: Agility +1 Perception +1
How to Obtain: Sold by Becky Fallon (Trader at Diamond City, inside Fallon's Basement)
Name: Commando Chest Piece
Item Type: Combat Armor Chest Piece
Bonus Effect: Increases Action Point refesh speed.
How to Obtain: Sold by Proctor Teagan (Trader onboard the Prydwen)
Name: Commando Helmet
Item Type: Combat Helmet
Bonus Effect: 10% Reduction in Action Points in VATS.
How to Obtain: Sold by Proctor Teagan (Trader onboard the Prydwen)
Name: DB Tech Varsity Uniform
Item Type: Outfit
Bonus Effect: ---
How to Obtain: Located at DB tech Highschool.
Name: Destroyer's Chest Piece
Item Type: Combat Armor Chest Piece
Bonus Effect: Reduce's Damage from humans by 15%
How to Obtain: Sold by Daisy (Trader at Goodneighbor)
Name: Destoryer's Helmet
Item Type: Combat Helmet
Bonus Effect: Charisma +1 Intelligence +1
How to Obtain: Sold by Penny (Trader at Covenant)
Name: Destroyer's Left Arm
Item Type: Combat Armor Left Arm
Bonus Effect: Reduce Damage while blocking or sprinting by 15%
How to Obtain: Sold by Deb (Trader at Bunker Hill)
Name: Destroyer's Left Leg
Item Type: Combat Armor Left Leg
Bonus Effect: Increases wearers movement speed by 10%
How to Obtain: Sold by Daisy (Trader at Goodneighbor)
Name: Destroyer's Right Leg
Item Type: Combat Armor Right Leg
Bonus Effect: Increases wearers movement speed by 10%
How to Obtain: Sold by Alexis Combes (Trader at Vault 81)
Name: Devastator's Chestpiece
Item Type: Metal Chest Piece
Bonus Effect: Reflects 10% of melee damage back on the attacker.
How to Obtain: Sold by K-L-E-O (Trader in Goodneighbor)
Name: Devastator's Right Greave
Item Type: Metal Right Leg
Bonus Effect: Temporarily slows time during combat when you are at 20% health or lower.
How to Obtain: Sold by K-L-E-O (Trader in Goodneighbor)
Name: Exempler's T-60c Torso
Item Type: T-60c Torso
Bonus Effect: 10% Reduction in Action Points costs in VATS.
How to Obtain: Complete the Brotherhood of Steel Quest: Duty or Dishonor by persuading Clarke to turn himself in.
Name: Freefall Armor Left Leg
Item Type: Combat Armor Left Leg
Bonus Effect: When both Freefall legs are worn, prevents fall damage
How to Obtain: Located in Mass Fusion (Inside Jack Rockford's Safe on the 28th Floor)
Name: Freefall Armor Right Leg
Item Type: Combat Armor Right Leg
Bonus Effect: When both Freefall legs are worn, prevents fall damage
How to Obtain: Located in Mass Fusion (Inside Jack Rockford's Safe on the 28th Floor)
Name: Grognok Costume
Item Type: Outfit
Bonus Effect: Increased Strength and Melee Damage.
How to Obtain: Located within a locker on the 4th floor in Hubris Comics.
Name: Honor
Item Type: T-60 Left Leg
Bonus Effect: Increases Action Point refresh speed.
How to Obtain:
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Credits: Special thanks to Rayquaza for this guide