In case you need an inspiration why you should spend some time on the Iron Banner this week, here the items included in the Rank 5 Package Loot-Table (not final):
Iron Shell Ghost Shell (320 highest confirmed drop)
Iron Companion Helm Titan Helmet (313 highest confirmed drop)
Iron Companion Hood Warlock Helmet (320 highest confirmed drop)
Iron Companion Legs Warlock Leg Armor (317 highest confirmed drop)
Wolfswood Bond Warlock Bond (320 highest confirmed drop)
Haakon's Hatchet Auto Rifle (313 highest confirmed drop)
Nirwen's Mercy Pulse Rifle (315 highest confirmed drop)
Colovance's Duty Scout Rifle (313 highest confirmed drop)
Ashraven's Flight Fusion Rifle (315 highest confirmed drop)
Deidris's Retort Shotgun (317 highest confirmed drop)
Weyloran's March Sniper Rifle (313 highest confirmed drop)
Tormod's Bellows Rocket Launcher (318 highest confirmed drop)
Ghost Shells can actually also drop as a post-match reward after hitting Rank 4! It seems all drops so far range from 310-320 light. Not bad. A good option for everybody, who can't find a raid group and is too afraid of ToO.
IMPORTANT: Reward Qualification As soon as you are hitting a specific Rank on one of your Toons, the PGR1 are adjusted for all your Alts. E.g. your Main is Rank 3 and your Alt is Rank 0, your Alt is qualified to drop an armor piece or weapon as a PGR1.
IB drops work as the following:
- PGR1 Rank 2 and above: armor sold by Saladin (280-310)
- PGR1 Rank 3 and above: armor & weapons sold by Saladin (280-310)
- PGR1 Rank 4 and above: armor & weapons sold by Saladin (280-310) & Iron Shell (310-320 light)
- Rank 3 PKG2: 4 motes, 4 coins and a random rare artifact with 310 light (infusion fuel)
- Rank 5 PKG2: Iron Shell (310-320) and a random item from the IB set (weapon/armor; 310-320)
Work-in-progress. More details will be added soon.
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