New guardians might benefit. Y1 players can consider it as refresher. These are not guides like how to get all 3 swords on one character, but small legal things which might improve quality of your life or simply useless but fun.
In no particular order:
- Most important thing– You can dance on your sparrow by staring dancing in a fraction of a second before you take on it.
- Sparrow beeps when reversing
- You can zoom in / zoom out while waiting for revival
- You can resume sprinting w/o delay if you switch to you special (or primary) and back. Double tap triangle/Y. Not sure if it still works though
- You can shoot projectiles in midair. Grenades, hammers, bolt-caster mini-lightning clouds, axion bolt balls, probably even rockets.
- Icebreaker is still one shot to the head even with level advantages enabled (PvP)
- In ToO and IB 20 LL difference is around 5% damage penalty. 50 LL delta is ~10% penalty.
- You can choose the direction you will face after revival (just look this way while in orb state)
- You can tell a guardian subclass by shooting them – the color of flash represent the energy type of the subclass
- If guardian level is flashing yellow, his/her Super is up
- If guardian level is “…”, he/she is browsing inventory
- Trip mine light color can tell if it’s friendly or not. White = friendly. Red = it just waits for you to pass by.
- Also you can shoot trip mines and lightning grenades when they are sticked to the surface
- Switch secondaries when dead to preserve your special ammo
- Capturing zones gives Super. Small amount but still
- You can pop out and back to low cover by pressing aim
- You can kill anything with grenade head shot (no explosion), even a guardian in PvP (does approximately 2 dmg)
- You can revive while sprinting through orb if you have CoAL or LbN equipped
- VoG and CE sparrows are the fastest (with super boost). Also they have visual scale and sound effect indicating when they are going to explode
- Small Arms/Specialist modifier not only increases dmg output of primary/secondary but also decreases that of two other weapon types
- Air Born modifier kicks in when projectile hits the target, not launched. Fire a rocket -> jump -> stay in the air until satisfied
- Hobgoblin shield protects only the hobgoblin. You can shoot through and damage mobs inside the shield
- Also destroying hobgoblin head will prevent him from putting on shield
- Also sidearm do not proc hobgoblin shield
- Any kills in radiance produces orbs, not only grenade ones
- Shadestep to cancel projectile tracking on you, including colossus missiles, taken hobgoblin void projectiles, centurion balls etc. It most likely does not work for PvP (who uses tracking in PvP, truth?), but I have not tested it
- Hunters jump higher/farther if you hold jump button
- Duck in front of minotaur or punchy guy from Shield Brothers – their melee won’t hit you
- You can change the spread of Shatter Nova Bomb by turning left or right while casting it (Does anyone do Voidwalker still?)
- Be polite while playing with others
- I still doubt if I should, but… Last Word is full auto
- Same feeling – enemy shield are colored for purpose
- Scroll through friend list pages with L1/R1 or LT/RT
- 3VF-LGC-RLX. For those who were late to the TTK launch
- Ives and Rahool sell different legendary engrams
- You can shoot shadowshot ball to free yourself from tether
- There are weapons that do not need ammo (almost) – NTTE, Bad Juju and Jade Rabit
- You can report people for being nice and helpful
- Alak-hul won’t teleport if you don’t shoot him
- Use sniper rifle + ghost with material scan perc combo to farm for planetary mats for sword (or just for planetary mats. I don’t even want to know why you farm for mats only))))
- Not only you can shut down active Supers with suppressor grenade; with it you also can make hive wizard float… just float and nothing else – no shooting or poison. Works on Omnigul. Probably works on taken wizards also
- Pulled from the comments below few more bullet points. L&G you are awesome.
- Switching to Sleeper Simulant while you have at least 1 ammo left with any other heavy (dos not work for swords in my experience) will grant you full ammo with the Simulant
- Red Death health regen will proc on trip mines, lightning grenades and (not sure) on other destructible projectiles like taken centurion balls
- You can infuse gear from other classes (e.g. titans chest into hunters chest)
- Shadestep part 2: you can avoid Golgoroth's balls and tracking grenades in PvP if timed correctly
- Shadestepping cancels burns, like thorn and pesky sunsinger grenades. Don't know for sure. Anyone can confirm?
- Full auto weapons part 2: Invective and ToM are also full auto
- ToM will burn your health faster on the last round if Small Arms modifier is active
- To the hobgoblin facts, their face will glow orange if they have a shield ready
- You can cancel reload animations in several ways: throw a grenade, sprint, melee, change weapons. Just wait till the ammo count update on HUD than do something mentioned - adds valuable time in PvP and sometimes in PvE
- Omnigul & Flayers aren't ultras so you can stun them, blind them, etc
- More on most important topic - sparrows: Press right or left on the analog stick while dismounting a sparrow to choose which side you will get off.
- Also you can use Dpad to point the direction while driving
- Also if mount while invisible and drive, enemies (does not apply for PvP)))) won't shoot you until invis is over
- Also your sparrow can KILL not just by riding over but as a projectile. Aim it. Shoot a few times so it gets on fire. It will eventually go off. Profit. You can kill teammates this way.
- More on teammates. You can push them of ledge by raze lighter uppercut (Salute to all Y1 warlocks and VoG). Or just push
- Use nightstalker to farm hadium flakes. And any other kind of farming) Keen scout for life
- You can quickly tell what burn damage your weapons do when you're looking at your inventory by pressing L2 trigger
- Sometimes when you consume items in you inventory they change order. You can delete something valuable this way. Don't rush in you inv)
- When farming planetary materials for the sword bounty, if a node near an area exit yields a rare material, leave the area immediately and come back to harvest the same node (repeating this until it either stops working or you complete the bounty). While I cannot confirm it myself but back in days of planetary mats (justs for mats Y2 people) farming it was a thing. Node will respawn if you are quick enough to other area. Also this worked for HoW PE chests untill it was patched
- Show off you sword in public space. Hold triangle/Y. Press to switch to secondary and back
- You can save your teammates from getting revived sniped by pushing their bodies while you res them (you're able to push them before they can stand up)
- Need weapon parts (sorry for asking)? You need one exotic shard and ton of glimmer. By exotic weapon -> dismantle -> get parts and shard back -> repeat until broke
- When you have your ghost out you can use the d-pad up and down to scroll through strike/mission modifiers, voice options, etc.
- Don't die if you ghost is scanning something - it cannot revive you (no I'm not serious)))
- Many perks have sound when they proc, like LitC and lucky bullets on Hawkmoon. Heard one -> reload
- When guardian level is like "!" their health is in red
- UPDATE on reloading: Canceling the reload animation early no longer allows you to start firing immediately. You still won’t be able to start shooting until the 'internal timer' on the reload has finished.
- UPDATE on sidearms: It appears that only pre TTK sidearms do not trigger hobgoblin shield
- UPDATE on farming: farming for planetary mats near an exit still works, but, you have to be the only one in the zone, or it goes away
- UPDATE on axion bolt: people say you cannot shoot it sigh
- UPDATE on SS ammo: Having 1 ammo left gives Sleeper full clip does work, on rockets only. For full sleeper ammo, you need: Total bullets must be above At least 1 bullet above exactly half a clip for LMGs For swords, you need comparable ammo. 7 sword swipes left for 7 sleeper shots
- Press the left stick once to remove HUD when inspecting a weapon. Press it twice if you want to get rid of the perk description blocking your view on the weapon stats.
- If you are level 2 with Variks – he has a package for you after every reset. Usually with some mats and synths
- Any exotic Sword can shoot a Bolt Caster projectile if used on the last ammo. R1 then R2.
- Firebolt grenades while in radiance can destroy titan’s bubble
- If you shoot the face off a minotaur, they can no longer regenerate their shield but will go berserk and aggressively chase you
- If you crouch during a Fallen Captain's melee, he will not be able to hit you
- You don’t regen health inside blight aura
- You can cancel your jumps by simply pressing the jump button again. Works only n latest (of three) jumps on Hunter
- 4th horseman is also full auto
- If you sprint, jump, turn in mid-air, and slide as soon as you land you slide in the newly facing direction with full slide speed
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Credits: Special thanks to Daniil for the list of tips.