How to find missing Collectibles?: In-game the Collectibles come in many different forms and shapes such as intel, helmets, weapons, flowers, necklaces, robot parts and more. They usually get marked by a white icon when you are getting really close. At which point you can pick up to collect them when you stand next to it. It can be confirmed as being Collectibles simply by walking up to it, as the on-screen text will then tell you can press the action button/key (Square on PlayStation / X on Xbox) to “Pick Up” the Collectible. After which you’ll get a “Collectible Discovered!” confirmation message at the top-right side of your screen.
Tip: You can pause the game anytime and see a little collectible tracker in the bottom-right side. This pause menu shows them in the order in which they can be picked up, making it very easy to find what’s missing in the current mission.
Note: There’s a collectible tracker in mission select. It shows how many collectibles you have found in each mission.
The Collectibles can be inspected back at your Safehouse*, and placed around your bunk for customization.
*After completing Mission 2: New World in the story campaign, you’ll be able to visit the safehouse where the game is at any time. Simply go back to the Main Menu and select the “Campaign” section again, and select “Go To Safehouse”.
Does the game save each Collectibles you collect?: Yes, the game will automatically save the Collectibles you just collected if you picked up the Collectible, so you don’t have to play to the end of the mission. After picking up each collectible you can safely quit the mission without losing collectibles progress.
Where to find all Collectibles in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3? The in-game collectibles locations for the collectible items are described in this detailed video guide.
The Collectibles are listed in the video in the order that they are found chronologically.
Timeline in minutes for the Collectibles Locations Guide:
Mission 1: Black Ops Collectible Locations
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 NRC Comms Earpiece Location in Mission 1: Black Ops
Collectible Location #1: The NRC Comms Earpiece is on the downstairs Communications Room’s computer desk with a red coffee mug, next to a corpse
The 5 Collectibles found in Mission 1 are: NRC Comms Earpiece, Dud RPG, Egyptian Army Cap, Replica Nano Drone, and VTOL Panel.
Collectible Location #1: The NRC Comms Earpiece is on the downstairs Communications Room’s computer desk with a red coffee mug, next to a corpse
Collectible Location #2: The Dud RPG is in the Security Room in a dark corner opposite the Camera Control panel
Collectible Location #3: The Egyptian Army Cap is in the breached Observation Room, on the left of the see-through glass in a storage rack
Collectible Location #4: The Replica Nano Drone is in the storage space with a roof right below the “HANGAR 04” text, in the far-side dark corner in a storage crate
Collectible Location #5: The VTOL Panel is to the right of the “MOTOR POOL 03” text, on a desk next to a jeep. Go there before taking the APC
• Collectible Location #1: NRC Comms Earpiece – [00:09]
• Collectible Location #2: Dud RPG – [00:33]
• Collectible Location #3: Egyptian Army Cap – [01:02]
• Collectible Location #4: Replica Nano Drone – [01:37]
• Collectible Location #5: VTOL Panel – [02:03]
Mission 2: New World Collectible Locations
The 5 Collectibles found in Mission 2 are: Defective Robot Hand, Bomb Detonation Cap, Model Maglav Train, Premium Liquor, and Train Pass.
Collectible Location #6: The Defective Robot Hand is in the center of “STEEL FOUNDRY 02” next to the tipped over acid vat
Collectible Location #7: The Bomb Detonator Cap is the “STATION 22” trainstation, go up the escalator where it’s next to the trashcans
Collectible Location #8: The Model Maglev Train is the downstairs contruction area, all the way in the back of the bottom storage rack
Collectible Location #9: The Premium Liquor is in the “C4” train carriage that has a bar stocked with liquor bottles
Collectible Location #10: The Train Pass is on the “C5” train carriage has a stairs up (as robots attack). It’s on the seat next to the first passenger you see up there
• Collectible Location #6: Defective Robot Hand – [02:24]
• Collectible Location #7: Bomb Detonator Cap – [03:02]
• Collectible Location #8: Model Maglev Train – [03:31]
• Collectible Location #9: Premium Liquor – [03:57]
• Collectible Location #10: Train Pass – [04:14]
Mission 3: In Darkness Collectible Locations
The 6 Collectibles found in Mission 3 are: Broken Respirator, Urn with Incense Sticks, Child’s Toy, Warlord Helmet, Fu Dog Figurine, and Therapy Session Recording.
Collectible Location #11: The Broken Respirator is in the Docks area, go inside the abandoned store with the red neon sign where it’s behind the counter
Collectible Location #12: The Urn with Incense Sticks is near the water opposite the NBS lighted sign, hop the fence to find it on the ground
Collectible Location #13: The Child’s Toy is in the flooded trainstation. From the top swim down 2 escalators, then swim straight ahead through the seaweed until you find it on a bench
Collectible Location #14: The Warlord Helmet is near the “WAITING AREA”, walk into the room with the bright studio light & enter another door to look on top of a storage box
Collectible Location #15: The Fu Dog Figurine is in a war-torn skyrise building. Before entering take two stairs up & turn around to jump over to the other skyrise’s 2nd room
Collectible Location #16: The Therapy Session Recording is found if you follow Hendricks to the Black Station Operations Center where it is on top of a desk
• Collectible Location #11: Broken Respirator – [04:40]
• Collectible Location #12: Urn with Incense Sticks – [05:10]
• Collectible Location #13: Child’s Toy – [05:44]
• Collectible Location #14: Warlord Helmet – [06:16]
• Collectible Location #15: Fu Dog Figurine – [06:43]
• Collectible Location #16: Therapy Session Recording – [07:14]
Mission 4: Provocation Collectible Locations
The 6 Collectibles found in Mission 4 are: Gangsta Bling, Supertree Souvenior, Dud Slave Collar, Antique Vase, Mineral, and Bullet Shell necklace.
Collectible Location #17: The Gangster Bling is on your way to Cloud Mountain. In town look inside the blue building’s garage on top of a red power generator
Collectible Location #18: The Supertree Souvenir is on your way to Cloud Mountain. In town look for the red & blue-outlined neon sign, on the tables behind it the item lies in the corner
Collectible Location #19: The Dud Slave Collar is on your way to Cloud Mountain. Right before reaching the town “EXIT” sign, enter the right-side building with the red panel in front, go to the 1st floor to find it
Collectible Location #20: The Antique Vase is on your way to Cloud Mountain. In the town’s colorful containers storage yard, jump on top of a set of red containers & walk towards the blue container to find it
Collectible Location #21: The Mineral is found during your trip to the 54i servers. When you climb the stairs into a cave-like builing with English ivy weed on the walls & hanging from the ceiling. Look for the lighted wall crevices
Collectible Location #22: The Bullet Shell Necklace is found during your trip to the far Super Tree. Climb to the top of the burning tree village & hook up to the Z-Trak to cross over. Climb to the tree-top again & cross the nearest bridge right, to find the item 1 step of stairs down atop grey box
• Collectible Location #17: Gangster Bling – [07:44]
• Collectible Location #18: Supertree Souvenir – [08:06]
• Collectible Location #19: Dud Slave Collar – [08:23]
• Collectible Location #20: Antique Vase – [08:52]
• Collectible Location #21: Mineral – [09:23]
• Collectible Location #22: Bullet Shell Necklace – [09:53]
Mission 5: Hypocenter Collectible Locations
• Collectible Location #23: 54i Data-Pad – [10:46]
• Collectible Location #24: Contamination Test Kit – [11:09]
• Collectible Location #25: Coalescene Marketing Material – [11:38]
• Collectible Location #26: Bio-Containment Canister – [12:03]
• Collectible Location #27: E-Ink White-Board – [12:25]
• Collectible Location #28: Prototype DNI Implant – [12:48]
Mission 6: Vengeance Collectible Locations
The 4 Collectibles found in Mission 6 are: Damaged Optical Camo Cloak, Bio-Luminescent Orchid, HCXD Bomb Sniffer Robot, and Dragon Necklace.
• Collectible Location #29: Damaged Optical Camo Cloak – [13:16]
• Collectible Location #30: Bio-Luminescent Orchid – [13:34]
• Collectible Location #31: HCXD Bomb Sniffer Robot – [13:58]
• Collectible Location #32: Dragon Necklace – [14:27]
Mission 7: Rise & Fall Collectible Locations
The 6 Collectibles found in Mission 7 are: NRC Helmet, Broken Stained Glass, NRC Propaganda Poster, Military Officers Sword, Piece of Broken Statue, and Etched glass bottle.
• Collectible Location #33: NRC Helmet – [14:50]
• Collectible Location #34: Broken Stained Glass – [15:11]
• Collectible Location #35: NRC Propaganda Poster – [15:36]
• Collectible Location #36: Military Officers Sword – [15:55]
• Collectible Location #37: Piece of Broken Statue – [16:24]
• Collectible Location #38: Etched Glass Bottle – [16:48]
Mission 8: Demon Within Collectible Locations
The 6 Collectibles found in Mission 8 are: Shell casing, WWII U.S. Field Radio, Field Binoculars, Russian Field Compass, Russian Hat, and Wagner Gramophone Record.
• Collectible Location #39: Shell Casing – [17:19]
• Collectible Location #40: WWII US Field Radio – [17:41]
• Collectible Location #41: Field Binoculars – [18:07]
• Collectible Location #42: Russian Field Compass – [18:30]
• Collectible Location #43: Russian Hat – [18:57]
• Collectible Location #44: Wagner Gramophone Record – [19:20]
Mission 9: Sand Castle Collectible Locations
The 2 Collectibles found in Mission 9 are: Postcard and Industrial Drillbit Parts.
• Collectible Location #45: Postcard – [19:45]
• Collectible Location #46: Industrial Drillbit Parts – [20:21]
Mission 10: Lotus Towers Collectible Locations
The 6 Collectibles found in Mission 10 are: Hamsa, Taylor’s Insignia, Hookah, Wall Hung Carpet, Decorative Lantern, and Melted Robot Part.
• Collectible Location #47: Hamsa – [20:42]
• Collectible Location #48: Taylor’s Insignia – [21:04]
• Collectible Location #49: Hookah – [21:24]
• Collectible Location #50: Wall Hung Carpet – [21:53]
• Collectible Location #51: Decorative Lantern – [22:24]
• Collectible Location #52: Melted Robot Part – [22:53]
Mission 11: Life Collectible Locations
The 4 Collectibles found in Mission 11 are: Promo Poster, Prototype Robot Part, Fulgurite, and Raven Feather.
• Collectible Location #53: Promo Poster – [23:09]
• Collectible Location #54: Prototype Robot Part – [23:26]
• Collectible Location #55: Fulgurite – [23:45]
• Collectible Location #56: Raven Feather – [24:21]
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Credits: Special thanks to 360GameTV for the video guides.