This page will compile the structure for each raid into a single post to help eliminate confusion to those guardians who are asking about how raid loot works.
In General:
- One roll per difficulty per character per week.
- Running HM first means you can't get drops in NM during that week.
- Checkpoint after each boss by character.
- Checkpoints reset with the weekly reset.
- It is generally to your benefit to run only HM each week.
- The "nothing" you can get in King's Fall is equivalent to getting only shards/energy in earlier raids. No unique materials for KF, so their spot is empty.
Vault of Glass:
- Running HM only rolls the HM loot table twice at each drop.
- HM table includes the NM loot table along with HM loot. You can receive two HM-only items.
- Chests roll both tables when running HM only; locked out for the week.
- Vex Mythoclast has its own slot in the HM table; it does not replace the chance for an exotic at Atheon.
- Guaranteed loot from each boss and chest; may be only shards or energy (excepting guaranteed drops i.e. shader, emblem, etc.).
Crota's End:
- Running only HM rolls the NM and HM table (excepting weapons; see below)
- Regarding weapons: HM table has only primary weapons; NM table has only special and heavy weapons.
- Armor is included in the NM table.
- Chests drop once and are locked out for the week; contain shards and energy
- Crux of Crota has its own slot in the HM table; it does not replace the chance for an exotic at Crota.
- Guaranteed loot from each boss and chest; may be only shards or energy (excepting guaranteed drops i.e. shader, emblem, etc.).
King's Fall:
- Running only HM rolls the NM table once and the HM table once.
- HM table drops 310-320 gear; NM table drops 300-310 gear and Moldering Shards.
- NM guarantees an extra roll only at Oryx and only if you have 20 Moldering Shards in your inventory. Shards appear to be consumed when running HM only, as well. The extra roll is in the NM table.
- HM guarantees an additional drop only at Oryx and does not consume your Moldering Shards. This drop is in addition to the HM roll (which may or may not yield loot).
- The extra drop at Oryx pulls from the table of the entire raid; it is possible that this will be Moldering Shards.
- It is possible, though unfortunate, that at each boss prior to Oryx you will receive nothing from from the HM table and only Moldering Shards from the NM table when running only HM.
Check out the table below which gives you an idea about Oryx drops:
Note: Bold is guaranteed. HM+NM is running HM only.
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Credits: Special thanks to cacarpenter89 for this guide.