has some valuable information regarding on the future of Dragon Nest. The information was taken from the patch note 20151014 of DN KR and, it reveals that at 90 update, we might also see a new chapter named "Siblings of Tragedy", new ice weapons and other 90 and a new Nest called the Ice Dragon Nest (still a rumor though).
In addition, the data on the patch revealed that the upcoming Silver Hunter class will be a holy class and lastly, my favorite, we will be having tons of new costumes/skins at 90 cap.
You can check out the full details of the info below:
- Extra Chapter 5 (Siblings of the Tragedy)
<message mid=“1250058”><![CDATA[챕터 외전5. 비극의 남매]]></message>
- Ice Weapons (icons) (recolor of dark2/fire weapons)
Included Rubinart weapon icons as bonus
- Ice Dragon Nest (confirming for skeptical people)
<message mid=“1000099786”><![CDATA[아이스드래곤 네스트]]></message>
- (Confirming too) Silver Hunter is a Holy class
<message mid=“1000099218”><![CDATA[[신성] 델루즈 볼트]]></message>
<message mid=“1000099219”><![CDATA[[신성] 에리얼 와일드 샷]]></message>
<message mid=“1000099220”><![CDATA[[신성] 애로우 스톰]]></message>
<message mid=“1000099221”><![CDATA[[신성] 스파이럴 볼트]]></message>
<message mid=“1000099222”><![CDATA[[신성] 레이징 윈드]]></message>
<message mid=“1000099223”><![CDATA[[신성] 디스트럭션 에리아]]></message>
[Divine] Deluge Bolt
[Divine] Aerial Wild Shot
[Divine] Arrow Storm
[Divine] Spiral Bolt
[Divine] Raging Wind
[Divine] Destruction Area
- Some Icons for upcoming costumes
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