Every guide about calcified fragments only list 1 boss combination for each Court of Oryx T2 fragment (39, 40, 41 & 42).
In fact, each fragment can be obtained by 1 out of 2 possible boss combinations. now this has been confirmed but many guardians but few tell this very helpful tip to the public.
Hopefully by knowing the 2 combinations per fragment, you can minimise on re-starts and avoid wasting Runes.
Here are the combinations:
XXXIX (39):
a) 1 Wizard + 2 Knights (Lokaar + Cra'adug and Mengoor)
b) 1 Wizard + 1 Knight (Lokaar + Vorlog)
XL (40):
a) Cabal + 3 Wizards (Bracus Horu'usk + Alzok Dal, Gornuk Dal and Zyrok Dal)
b) Cabal + 2 Knights (Bracus Horu'usk + Cra'adug and Mengoor)
XLI (41):
a) 2 Knights + Ogre (Cra'adug and Mengoor + Krughor)
b) Cabal + 1 Knight (Bracus Horu'usk + Vorlog)
XLII (42):
a) Ogre + 3 Wizards (Krughor + Alzok Dal, Gornuk Dal and Zyrok Dal)
b) Ogre + 1 Knight (Krughor + Vorlog)
Hope this helps!
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