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The Importance of Super Orb Chaining, Heavy and Synths in Destiny: The Taken King (Guide)

Credits: Guardians, if you aren't using Super orb chaining, Heavy, and Synths, you aren't fighting at full power [Guide] by froobilicious

This came to mind after seeing all the frustrated posts about Black Spindle yesterday and today, and my own experiences running a few fireteams through that mission and seeing why they were struggling.

My last run, we entered his hall with 7+ on the clock and finished with minutes to spare. This was with a fresh fireteam, on our second attempt.

How? Supers. Heavy. Synths.


I can't emphasize this point enough. I've grouped with raid geared players at 290+ light who don't. These are players that beat the raid in the first week it was out. They should absolutely be the most hardcore players in the game - but even they aren't using all the tools at their disposal.

Super Chains

Chaining supers from one to another is fundamental to clearing PvE content quickly.

When you score kills with your super, or use support super setups like Defender or Nightstalker, you can generate a nice big pile of orbs. The next player in the fireteam then pops their super on the next sizable group of enemies, to generate another pile of orbs, and so on, until everything is dead and the floor looks like a carpet of light.

When you refill your super meter from another players orbs (rather than from kills or time), the next orbs that you generate are weaker (they refill less super meter for other players), but as long as every member of the fireteam is going full bore with orb generation, this just slows the orb train down, it doesn't stop it.

When another player is using their offensive super, try to avoid stealing kills from them! If each player burns their offensive super in order and gets the maximum number of kills possible, you're maximizing your fireteam's orb generation potential. If you all activate at the same time, or steal kills while another player has theirs active, you're hurting your team!

Defenders: Gift of the Void and Iron Harvest are incredibly important. Gift of Light can be used effectively, but requires very specific timing (chains of weak enemies that die in one melee, or one gunshot and one melee).

Nightstalkers: Black Hole and Light of the Pack. Predator also lets you preemptively trap known dangerous spawns of enemies, once you're familiar with how encounters operate.

Sunsingers: Most sunbros already know this, but for those that don't, every weapon kill while in Radiance counts as a super kill. Burning Heavy ammo while your super is active inbetween grenade spam is a faster way to generate orbs than grenades alone.

Most of the offensive supers are more straightforward, aim to get kills on Majors whenever possible, failing that, aim for higher tier enemies (captains, knights, minotaurs, centurions, etc). The higher the tier of enemy, the more orbs you generate.

Don't forget all the support abilities that key off Orbs! If your fireteam is wearing helmets that heal or regenerate abilities on orb pickup, carpeting the floor with orbs is actively helping your team even when they aren't using their super.

Your class artifact, some class abilities, and some weapons can all be used to generate even more orbs on top of super usage.

But the most important tip of all is simply: Use your supers. Use your supers. USE YOUR SUPERS.

Don't hold them for a rainy day, in Destiny it's always raining.


Just like supers, too many players hold Heavy ammo back 'just in case'. Don't do this.

Burn your Heavy up on Majors, burn it up on large packs.

Make sure you have Heavy ammo boots! Boots have HMG or Rocket ammo boosts, be sure you have those unlocked and equipped (this goes for Special and Fusion/Shotgun/Sniper chests too, or boots if you're using a sword). You're losing out on a huge chunk of potential damage without this perk.

Ammo is a renewable resource, and if you're leaving packs of purple (and even green!) on the ground, you're hurting your fireteam's damage output.

I'm always happier if my ammo count reads full/0/0 than I am if it reads full/full/full. The latter is damage left on the table.

And if you're really full/0/0 and a bad situation is coming?

Ammo Synths

Use them. There's relatively little content in Destiny that truly needs Synth usage to clear, but the raid and tough missions like the Black Spindle? Burn em up.

There's no need to use synths on Strike chains (even Heroics), but absolutely use them up if you're having issues with a Nightfall or a tough timed mission like the spindle!

Consider, the final room in the Black Spindle fight. With three players going in with full rocket loads, that's 21 rockets. All three reloaded with Synths, that's 42 rockets. Three hose class HMGs? 1800 rounds. That's more than enough firepower to clear that entire room out, not even counting Super chaining.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3m8nzw/guardians_if_you_arent_using_super_orb_chaining/

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