Credits: Infusion Guide - How to Keep a 307 Black Spindle by Dr-Gordon_Freeman
Step 1: Infuse a crappy Special Weapon Legendary to 300 Attack with the 300 Attack Spindles you can buy from the blueprints (Legendary #1) - if you don't have one just run some Heroic/Playlist Strikes to get some or spend Legendary Marks at the Vendors
Step 2: Infuse your 310 Spindle into (Legendary #1) it to get it to 308 (Legendary #1)
Step 3: Buy more 300 Spindles and infuse a second and third crappy Special Weapon Legendary to 300 (Legendary #2 and #3) - These will be infused into the post-nerf Black Spindle to get it from 290 to 300, so make two of these just in case you get screwed with a 298 infusion on the Spindle after the first one, it will likely go to 298 with the first one and then 300 with the second one
Step 4: Wait for nerf patch
Step 5: Buy new 290 Black Spindle after the nerf patch
Step 6: Infuse your crappy 300 Special Weapon Legendaries you infused (Legendary #2 and #3) into the 290 Spindle to get it to 300
Step 7: Infuse the 308 crappy Special Weapon Legendary (#1) to bring the Black Spindle to 307