Credits: TTK Strike Exclusive Gear & Where to get them! Guide by Yetikin
This page is a WIP! hang in there Guardians! Last updated: Sept 21st, 6:05 PM.
^ = PlayStation Exclusive
{CN} = Confirmation Needed
~Reports are saying that you DONT need to be in the 36/Heroic strike and can run the individual strike for the gear but with a lesser percent chance it will drop, Will try to confirm in the meantime~
You can receive any class loot while playing any class: IE Playing Dust Palace on your titan, you can still get a Flayer Mantle
Does Not Bow [Auto Rifle] - Shadow Thief Strike (Possibly Fallen S.A.B.E.R as well) {CN}
Imago Loop [Hand Cannon] - Any Vex specific strike
Grasp of Marok [Pulse Rifle] - The Will of Crota Strike
Treads Upon Stars [Scout Rifle] - Any Cabal specific strike
Baron's Ambition [Machine Gun] - Fallen S.A.B.E.R Strike
Darkblade's Spite [Fusion Rifle] - The Sunless Cell Strike
Mau'ual's Maulers [Gloves] - Shield Brothers Strike
Darkblade Helm [Helm] - The Sunless Cell Strike
Mark of the Undying Mind [Class Item] - The Undying Mind Strike
^ Theosyion Vibrissae [Gloves] - Echo Chamber Strike
Devouring Maw [Helm] - Fallen S.A.B.E.R Strike
Omnigul Bond [Class Item] - Will Of Crota Strike
Helm of Krolok [Helm] - Unknown {CN}
Cloak of Taniks [Class item] - The Shadow Thief Strike
Solar Flayer Mantle [Class item] - Dust Palace Strike
Void Flayer Mantle [Class item] - Dust Palace Strike
Arc Flayer Mantle [Class item] - Dust Palace Strike